Paramount and Comedy Central LOVE South Park...and so do I, that show gets better and better and isn't afraid to comment on all the popular issues and say what needs to said THEIR way.
Paramount and CC love it because it draws this kind of attention and thus they get more popularity and more excitement over the show which increases viewers. Of course once it gets into fines and such that is another story, but something like this goes back to saying "any publicity is GOOD publicity".
The Jewish Defamation League or whatever they're called are attracting more attention to it by CALLING out the fact that Spielberg is Jewish. That thought NEVER crossed my mind when I saw the clips.I laughed and saw it more like what it was meant to be seen as: Spielberg/Lucas had tarnished Indy and his saga with a lackluster sequel...Spielberg being jewish had NOTHING to do with it in my mind.
Paramount and CC love it because it draws this kind of attention and thus they get more popularity and more excitement over the show which increases viewers. Of course once it gets into fines and such that is another story, but something like this goes back to saying "any publicity is GOOD publicity".
The Jewish Defamation League or whatever they're called are attracting more attention to it by CALLING out the fact that Spielberg is Jewish. That thought NEVER crossed my mind when I saw the clips.I laughed and saw it more like what it was meant to be seen as: Spielberg/Lucas had tarnished Indy and his saga with a lackluster sequel...Spielberg being jewish had NOTHING to do with it in my mind.