LOTR : Boromir 12 inch figure (Exclu Fana)

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Yeah, I would place Boromir in the 64.99 price range, maybe even 69.99. After all, he does come with a honkin' big shield (or I hope he does), and has about as many other goodies and intricate costume work as Aragorn. I have just grown to accept the fact that LOTR and SW will cost out as more expensive than other lines just for the licenses alone...:monkey2
I think the exclusives will be three "arrows" to attach to Boromir. They could work like the T-1000 bullet holes (which still hasn't been explained).
Good idea Buttmunch.

I think the exclusive will be the Horn of Gondor or his shield.

We'll see. I am getting this one regardless.
Beruthiel said:
Ya gotta wonder why SS makes these things publicly accessible before they are supposed to be. It's their own fault for making them acessible. I thought they learned something after toy fair when every single exclusive was found and made public. Oh well SS, another big announcement gone bad for ya. Too bad

Don't feel too strongly for us Beru, it's not so bad. You know what they say - there's no such thing as bad publicity! And for the record, we do hide the URLs, but they are made live by a manual process, so it kinda revolves around the schedule of the manpower available - therefore it was made live a couple of hours before Newsletter time to fit with everyone's schedule (the Web Team is still a really small operation, with only a few people!).

In fact, in a way it's really flattering - that people take the time out of their days/nights to find all the hidden secrets of Sideshow. Isn't it like 3 AM in France??? Now THAT'S dedication! :duff
Up for Pre-Order on Tuesday, May 30.

I'm passing on the Luke and Yoda Dagobah, P.F. But, the Boromir will be mine, for sure.

I think he looks excellent so far.

Great job SS.

Agent23 said:
Up for Pre-Order on Tuesday, May 30.

I'm passing on the Luke and Yoda Dagobah, P.F. But, the Boromir will be mine, for sure.

I think he looks excellent so far.

Great job SS.


This is gonna be good.
I am really happy with the Lord of the Rings 12" line so far. Sideshow is doing a nice job on them. And, they are spacing them out pretty good as well.

I have both Aragorn and Legolas Exclusives coming, and hopefully Boromir as well.

I am really looking forward to this line.

Very impressed with what I've seen from not only Boromir but this whole line so far. Please don't wait 3 months for the next announcement though.
Very happy with Boromir!! He really looks very very good. :) I can't wait to order him and get this coming in to the collection!!
Now that we've had a SW and a LOTR announcement, when will we hear about the next T2 figure?
Can't say I'm surprised but I'm no less excited. Since they show him with the Elven cloak I bet his exclusive will be a tad harder to guess. He even has a strap over his shoulder, which means he either has the shield or the horn, and I think both are absolutely musts for the regular addition release.
Perhaps the Shards of Narsil?
swiftlikessharpthings said:
Can't say I'm surprised but I'm no less excited. Since they show him with the Elven cloak I bet his exclusive will be a tad harder to guess. He even has a strap over his shoulder, which means he either has the shield or the horn, and I think both are absolutely musts for the regular addition release.
Perhaps the Shards of Narsil?

Nah. Me guesses his cloven horn and three arrows with velcro tips to stick to his chest. Maybe also his black Gondorian cloak?

I hope :gandalf is next. Followed by :saruman
jlcmsu said:
I'm really excited about this!! I think the detail on this is gonna rock!!!

I agree--this is going to be a good one! I hope the exclusive lasts until 1 PM, since Tuesday is the one morning I can't be at the computer to order...