Lord Starkiller....Rise!

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awesoem work bro!!,then again all your work is!,your wife amazing! what a awesome suit!,!! can't wait to see this fin!
wow this is really coming along nicely mate! the sith suit and zipper look great!

this is making me want to sculpt an accurate star killer head. I may get started on it in the weekend actually :)
thanks for the motivation :lol

Glad you like it, cant wait to see what you come up with.:yess:

awesoem work bro!!,then again all your work is!,your wife amazing! what a awesome suit!,!! can't wait to see this fin!

Thanks for the compliments!
wow this is really coming along nicely mate! the sith suit and zipper look great!

this is making me want to sculpt an accurate star killer head. I may get started on it in the weekend actually :)
thanks for the motivation :lol

I was thinking the same thing! ;)
Do it! You both are talented sculptors!

I gathered reference material for it a few weeks ago, but he is third on my list at the moment. Finishing up the Maul heads is first, and I have already started an EII Anakin sculpt. So, once Maul orders are being painted (hopefully next weekend) I'll likely work on Starkiller and Anakin at the same time.
@katkuru Oh man that would be AWESOME!!! I would love to have a Starkiller in Sith Stalker armor of my own!! As I have said one of the coolest EU characters in my opinion anyway. @unsung & Gipetto0812 Cant wait to see what you guys come up with most exciting indeed!
I've been wanting to flex my scultping muscle for a while and attempt a Starkiller sculpt, but I haven't had the time. I'm slowly working my up to making semi-decent sculpts I think, but I doubt I'd be able to tackle Starkiller with any good results.

I'd like to see how Unsung's and Gipetto's HS's compare, should be cool to see!

Anyway Katkuru, today I had a busy day of post-work-week relaxing... :lol

So I will try to put the finishing touches on the helmet model tomorrow, continuing into Sunday if necessary.

Also, about a "damaged" face underneath, I have played through both TFU and TFUII, and neither shows a face underneath the armor.

The game says somewhere that the armor is "painfully grafter onto the wearer's skin," so I think a reveal face wasn't an option for poor Galen Marek (Starkiller's "real" name) :lol

I had planned on trying to make a scarred/damaged starkiller face for mine anyway though. Thought it'd look really cool.

Anyway I can't wait to see how awesome he is when he's done!
frick mann!! someone please sculpt a starkiller head!! im beggin u i tryd and it looks more like richard o brian in rocky horror picture show!, the costumes are fairly easy for me,jus the head!!!! arrrgghh,id love to work ona colabo with some one who can nail starkiller,i'll put up pics of my terrible verson,lol
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awesome man! that looks sooo sweet!, this is my number 1 figure iv wanted for a looong time! glad to see someone is doing it!
also just thought id say the outfit your doing isnt the one you normally get for beating the game, its the hoth DLC one but still it looks great! i think its gunna come out really nice! also if you offer pieces for it, im in!
edit: after doing some research the one i was thinking of is sith stalker but this costume is actualy called lord starkiller so... my bad haha.
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Cool project, best luck :)

Thanks man!

frick mann!! someone please sculpt a starkiller head!! im beggin u i tryd and it looks more like richard o brian in rocky horror picture show!, the costumes are fairly easy for me,jus the head!!!! arrrgghh,id love to work ona colabo with some one who can nail starkiller,i'll put up pics of my terrible verson,lol

Would love to see your version, post away!

awesome man! that looks sooo sweet!, this is my number 1 figure iv wanted for a looong time! glad to see someone is doing it!
also just thought id say the outfit your doing isnt the one you normally get for beating the game, its the hoth DLC one but still it looks great! i think its gunna come out really nice! also if you offer pieces for it, im in!
edit: after doing some research the one i was thinking of is sith stalker but this costume is actualy called lord starkiller so... my bad haha.

Thanks, if the armor and helmet come out great I will cast a few up and put you on the list.

Oh Bwoy....I need to follow this thread...THIS is going to a GREAT figure once its done!!!

Boba, I hope it turns out well....:pray:

man that figure is going to be sick when you get it done good luck on it man.

Sithbornrunner9988, Thanks a lot!

Not much done this weekend, been very busy. Any way nothing too exciting but I managed to do the saber buckles, which was done out of a paper clip and attached the cod piece to the belt:



Most of the skirt is done, I used an old Hasbro Darth Vader cape. Just needs that weathered touch:



Also decided to go with the SS Anakin gauntlets instead of making them out of fabric, just needed to widen them to fit over the suit:


Here is the WIP so far:

Thts fricking amazing! :panic: So sorry I couldn't finish the helmet model this weekend, I'm still working on it! Should be ready for you soon though.