Kojima to do Castlevania?

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i got no problems with it. lets see what he can do with this genre. seriously, he needs to get slapped senseless and told he has to do snatcher 2.
The Castlevania series is awesome with SO MUCH potential in the next-gen systems. IGA and his development team just haven't been able to tap into it like they could.

This is amazing news if Kojima is involved as well as his production team.

But I say start from the beginning if they're onto something good. Let's go all the way back to Simon Belmont vs. Dracula! Make it really RPGish with upgrades like the 2-D series has gone and different armor and looks. But also have Belmont travel the land in an almost "non-linear" fashion.
That would be awesome. I'm assuming the game will be in 3D... though I wish they would do a side-scrolling exploration game like SOTN with high-res HD graphics.
He will do Castlevania right, and flesh it out into a better franchise. I won't mind a little MGS influence, but he needs to remember what makes CV, CV.
Personally, I would love to see a re-envisioning of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. It felt like a very epic game and could be an amazing next-gen RPG!!
... kojima doing Castlevania..... All i can imgine is david Hayter doing the voice of simon belmont


And I'd buy two copies. :lol
Again, this is frickin' fantastic news, but I still wonder what Iga is up to. I mean, that guy *is* Castlevania. I loved his run and hope he stays on for the 2D stuff.

btw, I tried changing the thread title "Castlevania: Lord of Shadows" since the game is confirmed now but it didn't work. Maybe a mod could help me out?
Trailer looks fantastic, and the voice cast is superb. Patrick Stewart, Robert Carlyle, Jason Isaacs, and Natasha McElhone...can't wait for this.