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Hate the idea of Nolan's involvement . Love "Begins" and "Dark Knight" , but "DKR" left me cold . Nolan showed his true colours , this being to stamp his mark on the Batman universe , not actually make a film that was true to the characters and their history . I was looking forward to a new take on the Batman . Very disappointed .
*bomb explodes*
Superman hears it, instantly flies over. Finds Batman higher in the sky in a rocket propelled ejection seat.

Superman: "Need a lift?"


Maybe Superman should have taken care of Bane and the Bomb well before then.

Superman does not exist in Nolans Batman Word.
It wasn't really a "wild" rumour though. Sort of a given since it was from Latino-review, considering their track record.

It makes sense. They need something to combat Disney's extravaganza.
Hate the idea of Nolan's involvement . Love "Begins" and "Dark Knight" , but "DKR" left me cold . Nolan showed his true colours , this being to stamp his mark on the Batman universe , not actually make a film that was true to the characters and their history . I was looking forward to a new take on the Batman . Very disappointed .

Well, in fairness, since you were looking for a new take that is what you got. Making a film that was true to the characters and their history wouldn't have been 'new'. It might have been preferable but you wouldn't call that a new take. What Nolan did give was a 'new' take in that yes, his Batman does retire and go off into the sunset. He leaves the name Batman as a legacy to be continued by others.

I'm not a huge fan of TDKR myself mind you.

Forbes reporting it too. This has gone beyond simple wild rumour methinks

A Justice League movie is a dream come true for me (if it happens); the idea of Nolan and Bale being a part of that makes it that much greater for me. If a day comes when we see a trailer for this, the heavens will quake at the sound of my excitement.:lecture

It wasn't really a "wild" rumour though. Sort of a given since it was from Latino-review, considering their track record.

It makes sense. They need something to combat Disney's extravaganza.

The El mayimbe guy did a really good job of explaining it in the video blog.
Nolan's trilogy is a difficult trilogy to embrace and show off in a collection sense.

I absolutely love the first 2 but the 3rd left me cold.

It's sad showing off items from the first 2 and having no interest for the 3rd.

I can't get myself to remove the TDKR poster from my wall though, it would leave a hole. :lol
Batman's not a superhero; he doesn't have any supernatural abilities, and the world crafted through-out Nolan's trilogy is designed around the notion of Batman in the real world. Sure, the technology and situations in Nolan's films are insanely unrealistic (mostly), but they're still grounded in the context of our actual reality. Superman literally can't be since he has literal superpowers. The two universes as established in Nolan's films are incompatible without sucker punching (no pun intended) the audience. I don't see why this concept is going over peoples heads; disliking the idea of Bale's Batman being on screen with Superman is insanely reasonable.
Nolan's trilogy is grounded in reality, but that trilogy has ended. Who's to say that, in the time following, a brave new world didn't emerge? A world of wonder; when the fantastical became reality, and gods walked among men? An era of Supermen, Aquamen, and Wonder Women. An age of a Justice League. Dun-dun-dun-Boom-Boom!
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TDK Tril = Grounded, "Real"

JL = Farthest possible thing from that

The existence of super powers sort of changes everything and collides with the tone of Nolan's Batman. I understand why people might like the idea of seeing this happen, but I'll have none of it. I really hope this rumor is not true.

EDIT: @a-dev You know what I mean ;)
TDK Tril = Grounded, "Real"

JL = Farthest possible thing from that

The existence of super powers sort of changes everything and collides with the tone of Nolan's Batman. I understand why people might like the idea of seeing this happen, but I'll have none of it. I really hope this rumor is not true.

EDIT: @a-dev You know what I mean ;)

:lol I knew. I did but jest. I think you're probably right in the things you've said the more I think of it.
The writer said he's heard the same thing independently from his own sources.

TDK Tril = Grounded, "Real"

JL = Farthest possible thing from that

The existence of super powers sort of changes everything and collides with the tone of Nolan's Batman. I understand why people might like the idea of seeing this happen, but I'll have none of it. I really hope this rumor is not true.

EDIT: @a-dev You know what I mean ;)

Not exactly. I actually like the idea of Nolan's Batman being Ground Zero for the Justice League ... with him starting in a time before superheroes existed, or at least were known. First, I think it gives Batman more weight when he's not just a darker, less powerful Superman copycat. He was the original. He took up a cause that needed to be taken up ... because he was the only one to do it. Superman wasn't around yet. And, he's earned his stripes before he's completely outgunned by the more super of the heroes, so as not to be overshadowed.

Second ... it leaves the relative realism of Nolan's Batman Universe untouched while allowing for the more fantastical elements to slowly come later. Starting with Superman in MOS.

Third ... I think it actually adds to Batman's character, and to conflict in the League. Wayne earned it by the sweat of his brow, and has the bruises to show it. He's the gritty old-timer that's been around from before these flashy superheroes came along. He's suspicious of their powers, and he's gotten along just fine without them for quite a while. There's more depth there with that set-up. Adding the fantastical elements to Nolan's universe, and watching Nolan's Wayne cope, makes for an intriguing development ... rather than just another fantastical element in an already fantastical universe.

Not exactly. I actually like the idea of Nolan's Batman being Ground Zero for the Justice League ... with him starting in a time before superheroes existed, or at least were known. First, I think it gives Batman more weight when he's not just a darker, less powerful Superman copycat. He was the original. He took up a cause that needed to be taken up ... because he was the only one to do it. Superman wasn't around yet. And, he's earned his stripes before he's completely outgunned by the more super of the heroes, so as not to be overshadowed.

Second ... it leaves the relative realism of Nolan's Batman Universe untouched while allowing for the more fantastical elements to slowly come later. Starting with Superman in MOS.

Third ... I think it actually adds to Batman's character, and to conflict in the League. Wayne earned it by the sweat of his brow, and has the bruises to show it. He's the gritty old-timer that's been around from before these flashy superheroes came along. He's suspicious of their powers, and he's gotten along just fine without them for quite a while. There's more depth there with that set-up. Adding the fantastical elements to Nolan's universe, and watching Nolan's Wayne cope, makes for an intriguing development ... rather than just another fantastical element in an already fantastical universe.


Bravo sir. That's exactly what I feel. Couldn't have said it better. :clap:goodpost::goodpost:
If they're going to bring the same tdk batman back, he needs to undergo a magical body restoration or something. Attempting to fight like he did before against whats coming can't be taken seriously. I can see Darkseid shooting his omega beams at him now. Would Bales Batman acrobatically flip out of the way? No, he'll either stand there or try to punch it. :slap
Plus, we can now tell the TDKR haters to STFU! "Oh, really? You can't punch someone's vertebrae back into place? Well, last time I checked, people weren't bulletproof and able to fly, either!" :lol