Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom PF review

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Atlantic Ocean


Does that about cover how I feel about this piece?? No not really. I could throw in some more but you get the point. This is a tale of two statues... Well actually three.

I originally had the Raiders statue and loved it and was content with what i felt was the best Indy statue out there. When they released the TOD version I was not really tempted because I already had the Raiders Indy.

Then came cuffgate. Like may others here on the board my Raiders Cuffs started to flake. Not bad but bad enough that it made me worry what it may look like in 3 - 5 yrs. So I decided to get myself a back up. Two weeks later TOD EX Indy shows up with the dreaded wonky eye and a broken belt.

Even though the wonky eye was pretty bad I loved the statue as a whole and thought I would hold on to him as I was worried I would get a worse statue if I asked for a replacement. Well my OCD got the best of me and I decided to put in a complaint about the paint and the belt. Well first thing is I had no idea SS would send me the replacement before they asked me to destroy the other one. Very cool. That took off a lot of pressure. If the other one had worse issues I could keep my own and destroy the new.

My fears were soon put to rest as my replacement Indy blew the other TOD out of the water as well crushing the Raiders Indy and making him expendable. This new TOD PF went from being a back up to being THE Indy piece to own. In a way the cuffs flaking was the best this to happen to my collection as I would have never ordered the TOD Indy without that issue. The paint apps on this replacement Indy were better in every way then the original Indy.

Replacement Indy on the left. Drunk Indy on the right.

Anyways on to the review

Face sculpt - 5 out of 5 - Perfect! Trever did an amazing job of catching Indy with a very serious look on his face. It is IMO by far the best likness of Harrison Ford out there.

Paint - 5 out of 5 - If I was rating my old TOD even without the Wonky eye I would have gave this a 3.5 out of 5. It was good but was the way it was done gave Indy a very soft look and threw off the likeness of Trever's sculpt. The New TOD Indy fixed all that with an amazing paint job that does justice to the great sculpt. This looks like Harrison from every angle. Best painted PF I have seen so far.

Body Sculpt - 5 out of 5 Pose - 5 out of 5 - Perfect again. Harrison got in real good shape for this film and this sculpt shows that off. I love the sculpt of the extra open hand that they gave us. Awsome. The dynamic pose is also perfect. It flows and feels natural. Great job by SS!

Clothes - 4.5 out of 5 - This is another great area. The cloths are perfectly done. There have been some complaints about Indy's paints being a tad loose but I don't mind because it was easier to tuck his shirt in - For some reason SS diplayed and ment for the shirt to be untucked. Well that never happens in TOD andI think it looks much better tucked in. His satchel strap is leaps and bounds better then the Raiders satchel strap and the belt for his gun and wip straps is much better also. I took a 1/2 a point off for the gun holster but every thing else is perfect and it does not take anything away from the piece.

Weapons - 5 out of 5 I think I am one of the few that likes the fact that Indy does not have his whip in his left hand. I was angy about it when they first showed us the hand with the Sankara stone but the extra hand looks great and almost looks like it's ready to draw the whip. I also LOVE the way the whip looks hanging on his side. Sword could be real metal but it looks great.

Base - 5 out of 5 - Again another perfect score. It matches the Mola Ram base and has a lot of detail. All the skulls going arounf the base are sculpted individually and look great!

Extras for the EX - 5 out of 5 3 sankara stones, an extra hand, and monkey brains! Sounds like a party to me. SS could have went the cheap route and give us only one Stone and no extra hand. But they went the extra mile. The hand alone would have put this up to a five for me because I don't like how it looks with the other hand at all.

Lasting appeal - 5 out of 5 This is Indy and I will never tire of it!!! Might have to think about being buried with this thing.

Overall - 5 out of 5 - As I have already stated I believe IMHO that this is by far the best Indy out there. Yes he is missing his trademark leather coat but that does not matter. Not to me anyways. I love Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is buy far my fav Indy film. But it was TOD that made me a huge INDY fan. SS did an awsome job with this piece and had they made a slightly better gun holster this would be my first SS perfect score in all areas! As it is it is the best PF SS has done. Hell I may even think it's SS best period. For me anyways.