I think Ima gonna stop buying figures.

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Super Freak
Apr 18, 2013
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I've been collecting stuffs for sometime, few times was thinking of stopping but after few months it's like Volcano preparing to erupt, well kept gas preparing to gush out of the holy hole, pressure cooker waiting to explode. I end up just buying more.

Until recently I'm browsing tru the Showcase of folks here. I realized that looking at the displays you folks sharing here gives me more satisfaction than actually owning the figure, the same figures in the pictures look much cooler than the ones i'm holding. And i start to wonder if such is the case why am i still buying? The only time i actually get to play with them is the moment i received them and open them up and assemble them, after that i'd just pose them in the cabinet and only look at them, or touch them once a year or so. And if i'm out of space i just keep them in the box. And the joy of opening the toy depends on my mood, sometimes i received the figure in the evening, i get tired but still want to take them out so i can keep the box away instead of lying on the floor.

I figure space is my main problem as:

1.I rent an apartment, so i don't get to really build my dream display cabinets, and if i do that i'll have hard time moving them, like i would ever get my own place 1 day.

2.Apartment = small space, i only have 2 detolf & 2 small cabinet which i dust proof them and they are full. Putting them outside will gather dust just within 1 week. Also i put all my boxes in shipping boxes and they are taking up big space in the living room.

3.Moving would be very troublesome even with what i have now. Probably takes me 10 trips just to move the stuffs and some figs just won't fit in their box once you dressed them up.

4.It's more fun to look at cool collection photos of fellow collectors here.

What once was a fun hobby is starting to turn into some sort of burden, like running out of space, wondering how to move them around.

My last general figures would probably be HT Ada Wong, EB Jordan 23 & SS Darth Vader. After that i'll probably start collecting .JPG of fellow freaks here which cost virtually 0 space & it's free.

So in all hope you freaks can continue to share your display showcase while i fade myself into the shadows. :duff
Haven't read a "thinking of getting out of the hobby" thread in this place for a while :)
most people quit like stop the hobby or to the point of selling everything, i just found a more satisfying way to enjoy the hobby, by looking at other people's showcase and collect their jpgs.

technically speaking i'm not quitting.

ima still buy some stuffs that's not popular. like SD Robots & smaller items.

Haven't read a "thinking of getting out of the hobby" thread in this place for a while :)
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i've been living in same place for 6 years, but every year feels like ima get kicked out. so even though it's 6 years, it's no way near a long time solution. and i don't think i can afford ma own place. so i doubt i will see the light where i can finally display my stuffs. i still have stuffs at my home town but to be honest it's easier to access them by looking at freak collection here.

i only have a small storeroom which is full, though i didn't load them to the roof as the box might not be able to stand the weight. I arrange the boxes in bigger shipping boxes i got from outside & online purchase. Big Big boxes are hard to find so i have lots of medium sized boxes. I stack them usually 3-4 box high. I tried compressing all those star war vehicle boxes & medicom old Rah Boxes which can be folded.

New boxes just can't be compressed since they use hardcardboard & plastic holders and are unnecessarily big. i still have other non toys stuff like consoles & tvs which is another big chunk of stuffs to move. :thud:

Feel the same way at times myself. I too stay in an apartment and I have no shelves or cabinets to display my growing collecting. Most of all my stuff is packed away,waiting to be displayed when me and my girl get a house. I recently said **** it and started displaying a few figures on my nightstand. Figured I might not even live to see the display i've invisioned in my head for the past 3 years. Lifes a *****! But that vision of a grand display keeps me from going nutz and also like you I live through the pics people post here. It really does help. I have seen what dozens of HT figures can do to a room so I keep my spending in check. For me there can be too many figures in a display. I hate anything looking cluttered. Anyways OP,is your apartment the final place you plan on living? Any plans on upgrading to a larger place? Have access to storage or garages for your boxes?
1) I hate building display cases. They take up too much space.
2) I like putting my figures outside. Dust is a fact of life. So are light and air.
3) Moving is not a challenge for me. Also, I'm not afraid of getting kicked out.
4) I get bored as hell looking at pictures of other people's collections.

I think I'll keep collecting.
why would you get bored looking at other people's collection? since you say you hate display cases so they probably don't look as nice in real life than in freak's showcase. also not everyone is pro-tographer that can take great pictures. well unless you hug you figures to bed then it's totally different.

1) I hate building display cases. They take up too much space.
2) I like putting my figures outside. Dust is a fact of life. So are light and air.
3) Moving is not a challenge for me. Also, I'm not afraid of getting kicked out.
4) I get bored as hell looking at pictures of other people's collections.

I think I'll keep collecting.
I kinda think the same thing with the whole "buy a figure, set it up, and leave alone for years". I generally don't buy any figures. I like to make em. The problem with that is, they're fun at first when you get an idea. But afterwards, I get bored and feel the need to work on the next. Plus I recently started to work with friends and give alot of stuff away, as they do the same. It makes me feel better. And we have alot more to talk about rather than, "did you get the new______?"
I like hearing "I want to make".
So yeah, there's cons to making figures, but it keeps me busy and happy of the most part.
I only have four 1/6 figures so far. But I have a few more on pre order :lol
I look at pics on here of peoples collection in nice cases and they do look pretty cool. I understand it looks nice and keeps them dust free. I don't have any cases and probably don't plan to. I don't have a particular spot to keep my collection I just put them where ever I feel like. The joker 2.0 is standing right next to me on my computer tower. He's the latest one I have so hes in that spot for now. When catwoman arrives she will probably sit there for a while and joker will be shifted somewhere else. I try to keep things as dust free as possible its really not that hard. I like to have my figures out where I can repose them and enjoy them they have been in boxes long enough.. let them get some air :lol
course that's just my theory for now. I have a couple of PF statues from sideshow on the way so maybe things are about to change :lol