How many prefer OT characters over PT characters?

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OT, without a doubt.

While the PT did have some interesting characters, it also had the worst characters of all six films...

-Boss Nass
-Annoying friend of Anakin in TPM
-Two headed pod race announcer
-The two Lame Trade Federation delegates with the Japanese accents
-Dax and his unicycle waitress
-The Chewie cameo was simply uncalled for.

I still wince each time any of the above appear.
The way I look at it is this is SW and it's one hell of a great big story. It has some ups and downs but overall is a pretty fun ride.
FlyAndFight said:
-Dax and his unicycle waitress

Who doesn't love Dax? It was sad when she died on Deep Space Nine.


How do I respond, by the way, when somebody comes into my office, is shown my PF Han, Luke, and Vader, and proceeds to compliment me on my "Star Trek" figures? Do I correct them, or just thank them for the compliment? Or both?
I say you beat them with a stick and then let them know these ain't no ST figures. LOL :p
Original Trilogy all the way! :D I think it has a lot to do with when you grew up. For people like me who were born in the 1980's, OT will always be close at heart. For the new generation who were born in the 1990's, PT is what they were first introduced, so that will be their personal preference.
I'll always prefer to watch the OT - I think the films come off better in general, and they're also the ones I grew up with (and oh, how I wish Lucas had released the original versions on dvd, but that's a whole other story). But the PT has the Jedi - the Old Republic Jedi - and it was always the Jedi who caught my interest the most. Most of my collecting has been centered around PT Jedi, and that's not likely to stop. The more Jedi, the merrier! :)
tomandshell said:
Who doesn't love Dax? It was sad when she died on Deep Space Nine.


How do I respond, by the way, when somebody comes into my office, is shown my PF Han, Luke, and Vader, and proceeds to compliment me on my "Star Trek" figures? Do I correct them, or just thank them for the compliment? Or both?

Dax, Dex, you know who I meant, Tom... :thwak :wacky

As for your your dilemma, I would simply thank them for the compliment and email them the "I am Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise" music video as a thank you... :naughty
It's hard to say... The OT are classics for sure but the PT is very good as well as overall I would not want one without the other as the story would be incomplete. As for the characters, the PT has plenty of interesting characters that I would love to have as figures!

Like everyone, I have my favorite movies... Here is the list in order of favorite to least favorite with a brief explanation.

The Empire Strikes Back

My favorite of all six movies. It is a very dark movie and thus appeals to me. I find that many of the characters are at their best in this movie and the story really punches forward here.

Attack of the Clones

I know I am really in the minority having this one as my second favorite in the series but what can I say, I always liked this one right from the very first time I saw it at the movies.

Maybe it's just me but I also find this one to be dark... I like the fact that we actually see "Yoda" finally do something else than sit or walking, he actually proves he can fight here. "Jango Fett" is an awesome character and his fight with "Obi Wan" is cool to say the least!

Unlike most, I actually like the "love theme" between "Anakin" & "Padme", I also find the music in this movie particularly moving... I also like the fact that we finally see signs of trouble with Anakin.

This movie starts off very fast in the action department also, no time to sleep during this movie.

I will however admit that "Count Dooku" is not quite as impressive as "Vader", "Maul" or "The Emperor"... Not that I am complaining about him though, I would certainly want him as a figure.

A New Hope

Though it's not my first pick, I think this movie stands out the best among all of them... If someone has not seen any of the movies and can only see one and then never see the others... This is the one I would recommend they see this one. Even if they have never seen the others, they can watch this one without being totally lost and once it ends, they can be satisfied with it's ending without any need to see the other movies... Kind of like the first "Matrix" movie.

Revenge of the Sith

Please don't missunderstand me, I like this movie but not quite as much as I should have or I thought I would...

Perhaps it was the wait for this one and all the hype over it but in the end I felt somewhat let down... I just thought there were too many errors in it.

For one thing, I thought that by the time this movie would start "Anakin" would already be 3/4 turned to the "dark side" already... He was not. What we get to see is the moment that he finally does turn and to me it was just too fast... I don't remember the exact words but it was something to the effect of:

"From this moment on I swear loyalty to you"

and I love "Palpatine's" response next:


He chose the dark side and to become evil in a whim just like one would choose to have peanut butter on their toats in the morning instead of jam.

During the entire movie, he was unsure about what he was doing then when he finally did turn, he went and killed a room full of children... I personally do not believe that he could have done this right after he had turn being that he was so uncertain of himself and his decision... I think he would have had to be turned over to the dark side for at least several months before he could do such a task... He did it no less than 1 hour after he turned!

I also find it very stupid that "Padme" just lost the will to live... I really did not even expect her to die in this movie!?!

Another thing... I know this has been debated by many but in Ep. VI when "Luke" asks "Leia" - "Do you remember your mother... Your REAL mother?" and she says "Yes" and comments about her being sad all the time... I do "NOT" believe she was talking about her adoptive mother... Not for one second! If she had been, the script would not have emphasized "real mother" by "Luke", he even said it twice! Yet this movie shows that it would have been impossible for "Leia" to remember her mother much less see her sad all the time...

I was also expecting to see "Vader" on the screen a bit more then just five minutes at the end.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but I think it was not handled or thought out very well.

BTW: I am also one that believes that "Mace" had indeed defeated "Palpatine" when "Anakin" walked in the room. Nothing anyone can say will change my opinion of that!

Return of the Jedi

This movie is ok but over all is just too "happy go lucky" for me, it feels like Lucas was trying to appeal to a younger crowd with this one. I also agree that many of the main characters such as "Han" & "Leia" are very badly used in this movie... They really don't do anything significant that another character could not have done in their place.

The movie is more about "Luke" & "Vader", however I find that Luke is at his best in this movie and the story is so good in regards to these characters that I forgive it for the reat.

The Phantom Menace

This to me was the worst of the six. The first time I saw it, I was really disappointed. This may be petty but one of the things that turned me off was not "Jar Jar" but the over use of CGI effects... There are so many computer generated characters in this movie it's not funny. For example, when they were talking to "Watto", all I could think was... "Who are you talking to? There's no one there!"

However after viewing it a few more times I started liking it a bit more. Still, it's hard to get excited over young "Anakin". Apart from a few movies, I have a hard time with movies that the main character is a kid and he somehow manages to save the day!

I will however give credit to the actors and characters of "Qui Gon", "Obi Wan" and "Darth Maul"... Not to mention that the fight scene at the end is the best scene I have ever seen in all six movies!

Those are my picks.

As for the viewing order, I believe that now that I have seen them all, I will watch them in order from Ep. I to Ep. VI

However, for someone who has never seen them before, I recommend they watch the OT before and then the PT.

There is one thing that bothers me... Some have argued with me about this but I remember correctly form when I was a kid. We had this small magazine made by "Schoolastic" that was brought to class by one our teachers one day and we all read from it. There was a very long and extensive interview with Lucas in it and he said that one day he planned to make Ep. I, II, III & VII, VIII & IX! There was to be nine chapters all together! I feel somewhat cheated that we never got and will never get the last 3 chapters just because he changed hos mind. If it had been up to me, I believe I would have prefered to have seen the last 3 chapters instead of the first 3.
Seb, you are correct about the 3 trilogies. While the original Star Wars was still playing in theaters, Lucas stated that he was going to make episodes 1-3 as well as episodes 7-9. We all knew what the first 3 prequels would be about (even back in '77 it was known that they would focus on the Clone Wars and climax in Vader's plunge into that "volcano"), however the last trilogy (7-9) was never elaborated on. There was speculation that it would follow the children of Han and Leia as they discovered, and possibly tried to deny, their Jedi lineage.

Over the years, the Expanded Universe has spent a lot of time examining Han and Leia's kids and everything else. With all that history and all that reading for Mr. Lucas to catch up on, I doubt he'll ever take a crack at the later years of Luke, Han and Leia. There's just too much history already set in motion. If he, or his kids, ever do explore the post "Empire" galaxy in another film or TV series, it will probably be with some all new characters set in the Star Wars universe. Like the Ewoks cartoon :google
Wor-Gar said:
Seb, you are correct about the 3 trilogies. While the original Star Wars was still playing in theaters, Lucas stated that he was going to make episodes 1-3 as well as episodes 7-9. We all knew what the first 3 prequels would be about (even back in '77 it was known that they would focus on the Clone Wars and climax in Vader's plunge into that "volcano"), however the last trilogy (7-9) was never elaborated on. There was speculation that it would follow the children of Han and Leia as they discovered, and possibly tried to deny, their Jedi lineage.

Over the years, the Expanded Universe has spent a lot of time examining Han and Leia's kids and everything else. With all that history and all that reading for Mr. Lucas to catch up on, I doubt he'll ever take a crack at the later years of Luke, Han and Leia. There's just too much history already set in motion. If he, or his kids, ever do explore the post "Empire" galaxy in another film or TV series, it will probably be with some all new characters set in the Star Wars universe. Like the Ewoks cartoon :google

I've always got the feeling that Lucas had enough backstory for the prequels but that the sequel trilogy (7-9) was something he figured he could develop with time. When he changed his tune about doing 7-9, I realized that he had no idea worth developing.

All I remember specifally about 7-9 was Lucas saying (right around ROTJ) that Luke would NOT be in any of them but that Mark Hammil might appear as a different character.
I don't prefer figures from one trilogy over the other. There were cool characters from both, and I wouldn't mind getting figures from either one.

Wait. Did I just say the same thing twice?
Wor-Gar said:
Over the years, the Expanded Universe has spent a lot of time examining Han and Leia's kids and everything else. With all that history and all that reading for Mr. Lucas to catch up on, I doubt he'll ever take a crack at the later years of Luke, Han and Leia. There's just too much history already set in motion. If he, or his kids, ever do explore the post "Empire" galaxy in another film or TV series, it will probably be with some all new characters set in the Star Wars universe. Like the Ewoks cartoon :google

The whole reason that we have an Expanded Universe in the first place is that Lucas gave up on doing any more movies past Jedi. For years while Star Trek fans soaked up their version of EU, Star Wars fans had nothing other than "Splinter in the Mind's Eye" by Alan Dean Foster and the Han Solo trilogy by Brain Daley.

Once Lucas gave up on Episode 7 and beyond, all restrictions were lifted. However, when Zahn was writing what I think was THE first EU book series, Lucas had only a few restrictions left. That was... NO back story about Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi. That did impact the book sereis since Zahn planned on having a clone of Kenobi be a main bad guy. Lucas vetoed it.

I do remember though, that Mark Hamill mentioned (maybe during one of his low period QVC appearances) that Lucas once approached him in the early 90's about doing a one-off movie with Luke as seasoned mentor of the new crop of Jedi. Boy that would be great... Jedi is such a weak ending to an otherwise imaginative series.
Protozaius said:
The whole reason that we have an Expanded Universe in the first place is that Lucas gave up on doing any more movies past Jedi. For years while Star Trek fans soaked up their version of EU, Star Wars fans had nothing other than "Splinter in the Mind's Eye" by Alan Dean Foster and the Han Solo trilogy by Brain Daley.

Once Lucas gave up on Episode 7 and beyond, all restrictions were lifted. However, when Zahn was writing what I think was THE first EU book series, Lucas had only a few restrictions left. That was... NO back story about Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi. That did impact the book sereis since Zahn planned on having a clone of Kenobi be a main bad guy. Lucas vetoed it.

I do remember though, that Mark Hamill mentioned (maybe during one of his low period QVC appearances) that Lucas once approached him in the early 90's about doing a one-off movie with Luke as seasoned mentor of the new crop of Jedi. Boy that would be great... Jedi is such a weak ending to an otherwise imaginative series.

Interesting. I did not know that.

I do remember "Splinter" though. That was even before "Empire" wasn't it? I also remember vividly when Lucas stated there will be no more Star Wars after "Jedi". He went on to "Howard the Duck" instead.

I've made a deal with myself that I am only going to collect premium format characters from A New Hope. The sky's the limit as far as 12" figures goes. I really like the design of a lot of prequel characters and the worlds it created.

I actually don't hate Jar Jar that much... little Annie was tougher to take. Great ideas but the young actor just couldn't pull it off.

To me A New Hope is THE one. A prefect piece of mythmaking and the ultimate popcorn movie. The rest have all been icing on the cake.

Top to bottom:

A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back/Revenge of the Sith (tie)
Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi (Even though scenes between Vader and Luke are among best in trilogy, the rest is pretty mediocre)
Attack of the Clones
OT characters all the way. The only PT characters I want figures of are Darth Maul,Jango Fett,young Boba from AOTC & Count Dooku.
Thanks to Medicom I'll soon have Jango & Maul and I've already made a custom Dooku that fits in perfectly with those so for me it's just a matter of seeing whether young Boba gets released as a VCD as I doubt SSC will bother.
OT. The PT characters are cool, but I doubt most stand the test of time. And the best ones in the PT are in the OT anyway (Palpatine, Obi, Yoda.) The only PT characters I think that really stood out were Mace, Maul (more hype though) and Padme. I forget about Jango and Dooku and others all the time, not that I dislike them, but they're not inspiring.

OT baby! It was just written with a different mindset, one unaware of it's own hype.
I like 'em all, but have to say that the prequel characters are much more exciting visually and have more interesting potential as figures.

Frankly, the OT main characters haven't fared well as figures...Bespin Han, Yavin Luke and the forthcoming ANH Leia look real doll-like compared to the jedi/sith figures so far. Of course the OT has had superb entries...Bib, the Endor Troops and of course the mighty Jabba are all excellent....but those form-fitting OT costumes of the main characters are hard to render in this scale.
Top to bottom:

A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back/Revenge of the Sith (tie)
Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi (Even though scenes between Vader and Luke are among best in trilogy, the rest is pretty mediocre)
Attack of the Clones

We're not going to do this again are we?
