I agree. Does having an exclusive make you feel like a better person? Does the amount of something made really increase it's INTRINSIC value? No. The real value of a collectible is determined by its' materials and craftsmanship and materials, period. In the strictest sense, collecting means to collect, as in to accumulate for oneself, for oneself to own, which implies that one will be forever keeping it, never to sell it. Buying something to resell it later is called INVESTING, or speculating, but not collecting. There is investing involved in the collecting hobby, but frankly, I think it sours it to some degree. In the grand scheme of all things in life. I think that only a few people being able to have a certain thing rather than everyone who wants one is rather petty when you think of the overall impact on the happiness and ultimate fulfillment of all people on planet Earth resulting from collectibles being made.