Hot Toys: The Dark Knight: 1/4 The Joker

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I don’t know why people get so upset about negative critiques. I personally like reading the diff perspectives. Hell, this forum wouldn’t be half as entertaining if everything was rainbows and gum drops. With that said, man, ledger and ford may be the two most elusive sculpts to nail.
I think so. This is pretty much the 6th Joker they made? 1 MMS, 2 DX, 2 BR, and now this.
I would agree with that. Despite the complaints people have with the headsculpt this is the definitive Joker figure. This is mainly due to the scale and the fact that he comes with literally everything you would want as far as accessories go. The tribute head to Heath tops it off nicely.

Speaking of accessories, I've seen people criticise this Joker for being light on accessories and in the same sentence they praise the BB Batman for being fully loaded. Absolutely baffling to me because both literally come with every single major item they use in their respective movies, save for Joker's rocket launcher which he has for all of 2 minutes.

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Couldn't have said it better myself, the fact that Primes Joker looks like Ledger is the only reason I want it.

Well thanks for singling me out, despite that this year I only made a couple of recent posts on here after the pages of posts where people have been bashing this sculpt. Furthermore, my last post where I criticized this sculpt in 2017 was in August and my last post in general in 2017 was in September, so I have not been active in this thread in 2017 since then. Thus, using me as an excuse as to why you stopped visiting thread is BS as you kept on posting over a month after I last criticized the sculpt.

I'm not the only one who has been very vocal when it comes to bashing this sculpt. The fact is there are a lot of people who are pissed off with the likeness, and they are venting on here, which they are entitled to do, so no one should be telling them to enjoy it if they hate it. On the other hand, no one should be telling people who like it to hate either, which I have never done, I just said Primes is better and explained why I think it is better. I don't resort to comments like this sculpt sucks or its a POS, I only offer constructive criticism, which I think should always be welcome.

I agree, I wish the head sculpt on this looked as good as Primes, I love the grenade pose and pretty much everything else about the figure.

Yeh. If you're singling anyone out I think it should probably be me. :lol

However, this is a discussion forum and if some of us wish to critique the sculpt as we do not think it has a decent enough likeness, we can.

That should not hamper your enjoyment of it. So, as you said; 'just enjoy it FFS'.

Good thing QS001 happened in 2012. If it was launched in 2017 with its first prototype, that prototype will be what's on our shelves because everyone on here will be "OH IT'S HOT TOYS IT'S PERFECT CRITICS ARE UNHAPPY PEOPLE!"

I miss seeing Maglor, DiFabio, and Rorywan. Those guys know what's up. From Photoshop enhancements to actual figure modifications, they show that criticisms can make every collector happier in the end.
I don’t know why people get so upset about negative critiques. I personally like reading the diff perspectives. Hell, this forum wouldn’t be half as entertaining if everything was rainbows and gum drops.

Its because people can't handle it when someone bashes a collectible that they like, they just don't want to hear what is wrong with it. If I were to list all the things that were off with this sculpt it would be quite long.

With that said, man, ledger and ford may be the two most elusive sculpts to nail.

Obviously Ledger is, otherwise like I said before people wouldn't pay Adam thousands of dollars for his heads. As for Ford, Trevor Grove said himself that Ford is very hard to sculpt, and he was once known as the best Ford sculptor before the z sculptors.

Good thing QS001 happened in 2012. If it was launched in 2017 with its first prototype, that prototype will be what's on our shelves because everyone on here will be "OH IT'S HOT TOYS IT'S PERFECT CRITICS ARE UNHAPPY PEOPLE!"

It sure looks like that would be the case, however, I do believe that part of the success of the QS001 was the competition between EB and Hot Toys, since EB is no longer a contender, Hot Toys has no reason to improve the head sculpt on this.

I miss seeing Maglor, DiFabio, and Rorywan. Those guys know what's up. From Photoshop enhancements to actual figure modifications, they show that criticisms can make every collector happier in the end.

They sure did, although they might have gone OTT sometimes, Rorywan was a perfectionist to the very last detail when it came to modding figures, not saying that is a bad thing. And if it wasn't for Maglor I would have never knew about the height mod for the QS001.
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You can criticize all you want. I dont care. What perplexes the mind is the figure isn't even out yet.. What exactly is there to criticize, a prototype that would surely change? If the final product still hasn't improved over the prototype, then ****, I'll be pissed too. Not sure why people skew words. People in this forum take things way to personally.

"Critics are unhappy people"? Why do you self-deprecate? WTF? Personal issues there buddy. Nobody here is castigating the criticism. Its just unwarranted given a product isnt even out yet.
You can criticize all you want. I dont care. What perplexes the mind is the figure isn't even out yet..

Well obviously you do because you said you stop visiting the thread because of the criticism. I don't criticize for the hell of it, if someone says something I disagree with about the sculpt I will say why I disagree with them.

What exactly is there to criticize, a prototype that would surely change?

Unlikely, unless there is a movement causing them no choice but to improve the sculpt like there was with the QS001. It would be a first for Hot Toys since they never have changed the proto Ledger Joker sculpt before. Every Ledger Joker product has looked practically identical to the prototype, I don't get why this would be treated any differently, hopefully I am wrong.

As to why people are bashing this sculpt now well I guess people think that by doing it they are going to send a message to Hot Toys to fix it since Hot Toys fixed the QS001 after the amount of hate that the proto got both on here and on facebook.

If the final product still hasn't improved over the prototype, then ****, I'll be pissed too.

I think you should get ready to be disappointed, that way if they improve it, it will be a welcome surprize. I think the most they will do is tweak it, which isn't enough as there are just too many things off with this sculpt that it needs to be pretty much redone IMO.

Not sure why people skew words.

You come across as though you like it, that is why people have the impression that you think it is fine as it is.
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You can criticize all you want. I dont care. What perplexes the mind is the figure isn't even out yet.. What exactly is there to criticize, a prototype that would surely change? If the final product still hasn't improved over the prototype, then ****, I'll be pissed too. Not sure why people skew words. People in this forum take things way to personally.

"Critics are unhappy people"? Why do you self-deprecate? WTF? Personal issues there buddy. Nobody here is castigating the criticism. Its just unwarranted given a product isnt even out yet.

While figures have the disclaimer "Prototype Shown - Final Product May Vary" -- do you honestly believe they're not shown in advance and not be open for criticisms and suggestions?

Now, about taking things too personally and nobody castigating the criticism -- oh yeah. Says you, who took a hiatus from this thread and singling out another member.

As for self-deprecating -- no issues here. It's what confident men do. They don't go all out there sounding too arrogant like some guys do.
For what it's worth I think Darkavatar's critiques on this figure are always honest, constructive and never rude. Disagreement and healthy debate is hardly a bad thing on a forum. This will be my first legit Ledger figure so I'm probably more forgiving of any inaccuracies. I am a little surprised HT didn't choose a different sculptor after criticism of previous figures.
While figures have the disclaimer "Prototype Shown - Final Product May Vary" -- do you honestly believe they're not shown in advance and not be open for criticisms and suggestions?

Now, about taking things too personally and nobody castigating the criticism -- oh yeah. Says you, who took a hiatus from this thread and singling out another member.

As for self-deprecating -- no issues here. It's what confident men do. They don't go all out there sounding too arrogant like some guys do.


For what it's worth I think Darkavatar's critiques on this figure are always honest, constructive and never rude.

Thank you for those kind words. :1-1:

Disagreement and healthy debate is hardly a bad thing on a forum.


This will be my first legit Ledger figure so I'm probably more forgiving of any inaccuracies.

I can understand that, believe me I bought my fare share of custom sculpts and I thought well its looks like Ledger without make up so it must be good, only to be disappointed once it was painted with clown make up, so I have a bit of experience in this matter. That's why if I am not happy with how it looks with clown make up, I won't consider it a good sculpt, doesn't mean I expect you to think the same.

I am a little surprised HT didn't choose a different sculptor after criticism of previous figures.

I guess they think since Yulli has sculpted Ledger so many times, she will finally get it right. I find this strange because after only of a couple of her failed Bale attempts they got Kojun to sculpt him.
For what it's worth I think Darkavatar's critiques on this figure are always honest, constructive and never rude. Disagreement and healthy debate is hardly a bad thing on a forum. This will be my first legit Ledger figure so I'm probably more forgiving of any inaccuracies. I am a little surprised HT didn't choose a different sculptor after criticism of previous figures.

That's true. And even when called out, I've never seen Darkavatar resort to disrespectful retort.

As for the sculptor -- that's another reason why to me the criticisms are valid, even if this figure is yet to come out. How many Ledger Jokers have Yulli sculpted? How many of these Jokers she's sculpted can be considered very good in terms of likeness? None. Not even the DX11, as good as that figure looked over-all. So the lack of confidence of some people towards the sculpt is not without reason. Not totally dissing Yulli's talent at all. She's come out with stuff like cyborg Alex Murphy sculpt that looks creepy-good in one go after all, but Ledger is definitely not one of her strengths and it's even funnier that this "definitive Joker" is to be released as a celebration of her career in Hot Toys instead of Ledger's or the movie's 10th anniversary this year.

Let's hope Yulli does a stellar job on this figure in the end.
Well obviously you do because you said you stop visiting the thread because of the criticism. I don't criticize for the hell of it, if someone says something I disagree with about the sculpt I will say why I disagree with them.

Unlikely, unless there is a movement causing them no choice but to improve the sculpt like there was with the QS001. It would be a first for Hot Toys since they never have changed the proto Ledger Joker sculpt before. Every Ledger Joker product has looked practically identical to the prototype, I don't get why this would be treated any differently, hopefully I am wrong.

As to why people are bashing this sculpt now well I guess people think that by doing it they are going to send a message to Hot Toys to fix it since Hot Toys fixed the QS001 after the amount of hate that the proto got both on here and on facebook.

I think you should get ready to be disappointed, that way if they improve it, it will be a welcome surprize. I think the most they will do is tweak it, which isn't enough as there are just too many things off with this sculpt that it needs to be pretty much redone IMO.

You come across as though you like it, that is why people have the impression that you think it is fine as it is.

All good man. I did read your posts and while you do have good points, I just didn't see the need to be overly pessimistic about it.

I am sure HT got a ton of feedback from social media already. Not sure if they visit Sideshow Freaks forums though. For sure Facebook.

Cheers man. I hope this one comes out great.
I feel like good quality rooted hair (esp on a quarter scale) would've been easier on Hot Toys if they wanted to make a "definitive Joker" that can stand in for a bunch of different scenes. Just having the option to adjust the hair even if in small ways could've added to the figure's presence and ability to work different scenes better I feel. But we're pretty much guaranteed to not get that at this point right?
I feel like good quality rooted hair (esp on a quarter scale) would've been easier on Hot Toys if they wanted to make a "definitive Joker" that can stand in for a bunch of different scenes. Just having the option to adjust the hair even if in small ways could've added to the figure's presence and ability to work different scenes better I feel. But we're pretty much guaranteed to not get that at this point right?

That's true. And even when called out, I've never seen Darkavatar resort to disrespectful retort.

As for the sculptor -- that's another reason why to me the criticisms are valid, even if this figure is yet to come out. How many Ledger Jokers have Yulli sculpted? How many of these Jokers she's sculpted can be considered very good in terms of likeness? None. Not even the DX11, as good as that figure looked over-all. So the lack of confidence of some people towards the sculpt is not without reason. Not totally dissing Yulli's talent at all. She's come out with stuff like cyborg Alex Murphy sculpt that looks creepy-good in one go after all, but Ledger is definitely not one of her strengths and it's even funnier that this "definitive Joker" is to be released as a celebration of her career in Hot Toys instead of Ledger's or the movie's 10th anniversary this year.

Let's hope Yulli does a stellar job on this figure in the end.

Did Yulli do both DX11 sculpts? I really like the laughing one but I understand that figure is quite divisive.

Whoever did the Nicholson and Leto Joker's did a great job IMO...and the Romero prototype.
well I think at this point we all agree that the headsculpt is actually pretty bad, the jaw line, the hair, the eyes separation, to name a few, are way off. To be honest I'm more in to Prime1 statues than Hot Toys action figures, actually the last Hot Toys I bought was the Armory w/Bruce and alfred. though I'm still looking for the definitive TDK Joker. I got the PF from Sideshow, I like that one better than the one from Prime1, which has no personality. But I still, the one from Sideshow is far from perfect.

You guys have to remember that Hot Toys is a corporation which primary goal is to make money, so if we want they change the prototype sculpt and so, please don't pre-order untill you see they have actually improved the headsculpt. If these realese get no enough pre-orders Hot Toys will have to ask theme selfs why the figure is not selling well. In my opinion that's the only way we can really force Hot Toys to improve this figure.