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Honestly The Last Jedi is my favourite film, I find it near perfect. It’s better than Empire, not liking it is fine if people are respectful about it. But honestly the endles bashing and insane toxic salters are just getting so so exhausting. I don’t see why some feel the need to constantly yell at anyone who likes a movie that they didn’t. If you don’t like it, then fine but please let it go and stop complaining to everyone every second and bashing the cast and crew endlessly. I don’t direct this at you, just in general

My favorite Star Wars movie too and I am a life long fan! Some will say "well I love the franchise and I am passionate so that is why I sink so much time and energy into hating TLJ!" I still don't get living one's life that way. My love for Godfather and Godfather II comes close to my love of Star Wars...I think III is a travesty and I find it to be unwatchable and free of any redeeming qualities. With that said I cannot imagine running around screaming "he is not my Michael Corleone!" Making up juvenile nicknames for Coppola as a punishment for having made it and I most definitely cannot imagine caring in any way if some other Godfather fan thinks that it is the greatest Godfather film of them all.
My favorite Star Wars movie too and I am a life long fan! Some will say "well I love the franchise and I am passionate so that is why I sink so much time and energy into hating TLJ!" I still don't get living one's life that way. My love for Godfather and Godfather II comes close to my love of Star Wars...I think III is a travesty and I find it to be unwatchable and free of any redeeming qualities. With that said I cannot imagine running around screaming "he is not my Michael Corleone!" Making up juvenile nicknames for Coppola as a punishment for having made it and I most definitely cannot imagine caring in any way if some other Godfather fan thinks that it is the greatest Godfather film of them all.

Yes - there is a surprising amount of childishness and entitlement when it comes to Star Wars. People act as though they were personally assaulted by TLJ, which is really quite ridiculous. I didn't love the prequels, but I certainly didn't throw tantrums and start trolling everyone who enjoyed them. I think some haters resent those of us who liked TLJ and want us to be as miserable as they are. I know it's difficult sometimes (especially with some of the characters on this forum), but it's really best just to ignore them.
You forgot the part about if you're over 50 and you're in a film, that you really need to just die, preferably in sacrifice for young people. Because, you know - god forbid - an older person could actually bring something good to the world, and continue to doing so.

I mean Hamill is in his mid 60's - everyone knows that a Jedi who's that incredibly elderly needs to die, just like in the real world. You really don't see many people in their 60's who are active in society, especially today, let alone healthy.

But let's face it - the audience for the ST is pretty much all young kids and teens, and older fans probably only comprise about 5% or something, just like on Freaks forum, and so it makes sense you'd need to have young heroes and kill off the classic characters.

So over-50 or whatever means death, but it's a movie, so you at least give them a "he looked pretty good in the end - for an old person" death - like with dyed hair, gauze glamor close-ups or whatever.


Your point is taken however at least with Star Wars the notion of "no one is ever really gone" at least really is a tangible factor when it comes to Jedi and obviously Luke who will continue to play a part in Episode IX. They didn't want to kill Leia and I don't believe they wanted to kill Han but I think it's safe to say that the common assumption that Ford wouldn't have taken the role otherwise is most likely correct.

So if LFL had their druthers I'm sure they would have kept the "old" characters of Han and Leia around with Luke probably still dying but becoming a ghost.
Honestly The Last Jedi is my favourite film, I find it near perfect. It’s better than Empire, not liking it is fine if people are respectful about it. But honestly the endles bashing and insane toxic salters are just getting so so exhausting. I don’t see why some feel the need to constantly yell at anyone who likes a movie that they didn’t. If you don’t like it, then fine but please let it go and stop complaining to everyone every second and bashing the cast and crew endlessly. I don’t direct this at you, just in general

No worries, I get what you are saying. I actually like TLJ a good amount. I have some problems with it, but I do with all of the movies (Empire included, which is my #1). It's probably my 3rd or 4th favorite at the moment. I guess I was just kind of trying to express my confusion with so many people putting some of their issues with the ST on Rian, when they actually stem from JJ. There are certainly valid issues people can take with TLJ that stem from TLJ itself, but some of the things I pointed out I felt like were rooted in TFA.

Whoa, Snoke and Rey were siblings?!? Spoiler tags man!

That would be quite the twist. :horror
Your point is taken however at least with Star Wars the notion of "no one is ever really gone" at least really is a tangible factor when it comes to Jedi and obviously Luke who will continue to play a part in Episode IX. They didn't want to kill Leia and I don't believe they wanted to kill Han but I think it's safe to say that the common assumption that Ford wouldn't have taken the role otherwise is most likely correct.

So if LFL had their druthers I'm sure they would have kept the "old" characters of Han and Leia around with Luke probably still dying but becoming a ghost.

I'm not so much talking about killing them off, I'm more focused on how we simply couldn't accept Hamill as a co-lead, continuing Luke's story, simply because he's older. We give him Guinness' beard and robes and hermit life.

As I've said before, Hamill is no De Niro, and isn't even a Neeson, but to jettison the stock bearded Obi-Wan Skywalker idea (which is the first obvious thing ANYONE would have thought of in terms of how Luke would appear in the ST) and give him the opportunity to be a badass, dark/light middle aged Jedi Luke, sharing his journey with a younger character - battling and leading on his way to a heart of darkness - would have been cool.

Not as mentor who imparts then dies, but somoene who's driving the story - that's still his story. My point is, by Holywood logic, his story has to end simply because he's now middle aged.

Perhaps that's the movie that Hamill - who has never been better as an actor and really did a superb job through most of TLJ - deserved. Following Luke to worlds and experiences that dig deeply into who he is, and was.

To me, replicating the exact same OT myth story over (except its totally different because its Girl-luke not Luke as the force-gifted-desert-rat-of-questionable-parentage, has a black-clad helmeted Vader fan instead of black-clad helmeted Vader and an Emperor Snokatine pulling the strings) has done more to conclusively prove SW's limitations than its "big universe/Marvel" model possibilities.
Okay I see where you're coming from. Yeah it would have been cool to see Luke adventuring with the new crew a la Gandalf in the LOTR and Hobbit films. They could have easily made Rey the Tauriel-type flashy Jedi warrior with Luke going toe to toe with the big guns like Snoke.
LOL. they got the hand position on every lightsaber wrong so far and the one the did get right they still got wrong.

Every Jedi and Sith has held their lightsabers with the right hand on top and left on bottom. Until Luke switched hands in TLJ and HT still got it wrong. WTF
That probably bugs me more than most haha. It's probably what Mark was the most comfortable with, but I wish they would have asked him to just do right over left for those scenes. Oh well, I guess my head-canon can be that Luke is ambidextrous. He does hold the saber lefty in lots of ANH promo shots, but the only other time he does it in the movies is a couple shots in ROTJ.

Can’t help but recognize the irony. They’ve probably received many emails and in-person complaints about incorrectly having the left hand over the right. They finally decide to address the issue and of course, it’s the one scene that actually should be left over right.
LOL. they got the hand position on every lightsaber wrong so far and the one the did get right they still got wrong.

Every Jedi and Sith has held their lightsabers with the right hand on top and left on bottom. Until Luke switched hands in TLJ and HT still got it wrong. WTF

I always thought it was weird how he held the saber in that scene.
That was Hamill's subtle clue to diehard fans that we were watching Jake in that scene and not Luke. RJ didn't notice until it was too late. ;)


Maybe Johnson will enlist George to come in and CGI his mistakes and add some scenes on a special edition Blu Ray:lol
That was Hamill's subtle clue to diehard fans that we were watching Jake in that scene and not Luke. RJ didn't notice until it was too late. ;)

No, it was all part of Rian's master vision...:lol
