Hot Toys Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern?

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I would say the Iron Man figs are a lot more complex than this

You are comparing apples and oranges.

Skin tight suits have to replicate the effects of movement and the overall organic flow of lines. That is not comparable to solid parts with sharp, clean lines like Iron Man's armour, however intricate.

Green Lantern's costume is essentially painted on. To replicate it you have to have to colour or coat a seamless body and then avoid any deterioration of cracking in the paint/coating. Good luck with that.
I would say the Iron Man figs are a lot more complex than this

You'd be wrong. Iron Man figures although astonishing are hard plastic constructs (pun intended) there is no true type within them, the pieces are molded with the electronics within. If they were so complex would we have gotten so many Marks in such a short period of time?

With a Green Lantern film figure you'd have to copy that second skin technology which means either create that thin rubber to go over a TrueType like the Batman figures or create a whole new painted body that would essentially be constructed like the Wolverine model. The issue is that the suits especially Hal's lights up. The chest, the arms, the gloves especially once the ring is in use. Which means you'd have to create the electronic components within a standard TrueType. There are lot of issues if you want to do it right. If they wanted to just create a figure it'd be no problem but to do it like they've done with the other license pieces in the past it'll take time.

I'll bet HT isn't doing this because they don't know how to do it right.

I'd even go one further to say that HT is holding off to make sure that they can get it right once just in case the film isn't successful and they only get one shot. Remember an impressive figure can overcome any weak box office. Terminator: Salvation or Alien vs. Predator: Requiem weren't exactly box office smashes like Iron Man or TDK yet those figures had no problem selling. If they create a good figure it'll do the selling by itself regardless of film.
Yeah I guess I didn't give the body construction that much thought vs the Iron Man figs - all good points, let's see what happens

Regardless, I need a GL fig of HT quality!
Green Lantern's costume is essentially painted on. To replicate it you have to have to colour or coat a seamless body and then avoid any deterioration of cracking in the paint/coating. Good luck with that.

:lol If you owned a Predator, T-800 or even the new Bruce Lee, you'd know it's not a matter of luck. It just depends on whether or not HT makes Green Lantern. All of those figures have fully sculpted, fully painted bodies which are fully poseable and you don't have to worry about deterioration or cracking. As far as the glowing feature, if they added one, Mech Test Tony would be as far as they'd go. Light-up chest and light-up ring hand with likely some reflective green material sculpted into the arms.
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*sigh* Cmon guys just look at this CGI costume!


It's imposible to make in action 1/6 scale.
HT still haven't announced any decent TRON action figure and you already want even more complex 1/6 from them.

Sculpted rubber body like wolverines but kept naked and painted, internal lights wouldnt work, but if its sculpted with bevelled lines for the light areas and painted green and black, i could see it working, i mean looks at the details of the naked predators.

He could have the joint seems done like wolverines in the arms, but a one piece rubber for the knees and hips with no seems, i could definatley see it working, if done wothout lighting.

The main issue would be cost of doing the paint detailing of the Predator AND the rubber body.

But its pefectly possible, if it had light sthen you'd have to sacrifice authenicity and articulation, but without lights you only have to sacrifice some of the articulaion.

Have faith guys, HT have done incredibly difficult characters before and done them well.

I'm guessing they didnt pick up the license due to the production cost and not being able to deliver a full light up and articulated figure in one, its a shame as i would love it, but maybe Green Lantern 2 if they make it.
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:lol If you owned a Predator, T-800 or even the new Bruce Lee, you'd know it's not a matter of luck. It just depends on whether or not HT makes Green Lantern. All of those figures have fully sculpted, fully painted bodies which are fully poseable and you don't have to worry about deterioration or cracking. As far as the glowing feature, if they added one, Mech Test Tony would be as far as they'd go. Light-up chest and light-up ring hand with likely some reflective green material sculpted into the arms.

But all of those figures have an addition of other components. Predators have armor to help accentuate the features and make them look more complex. And all of them have something covering up the hip joints. I would say that a GL figure would be more closely related to the Alien figure and as you know, they all have issues. I just think people wouldn't be that excited about an all plastic cut joint figure. Its not Hot Toys enough. Just my opinion. Who know HT may just hate Green Lantern and Ryan Reynolds. :)
I just think people wouldn't be that excited about an all plastic cut joint figure. Its not Hot Toys enough. Just my opinion. Who know HT may just hate Green Lantern and Ryan Reynolds. :)

I wouldn't be very excited about a plastic cut joint figure....:monkey4 I'd want a suit but such a suit either wouldn't fit right or be a nightmare in terms of articulation / tearing. I envision something similar to BW or OC Bats costume.
But all of those figures have an addition of other components. Predators have armor to help accentuate the features and make them look more complex. And all of them have something covering up the hip joints. I would say that a GL figure would be more closely related to the Alien figure and as you know, they all have issues. I just think people wouldn't be that excited about an all plastic cut joint figure. Its not Hot Toys enough. Just my opinion. Who know HT may just hate Green Lantern and Ryan Reynolds. :)

Joints are joints. It's the nature of the beast when you collect "action figures." I think GL would be considerably less noticeable given the hip area is generally black so HT could get away with a body like Lee's but with some light sculpting in the hip area, on the ball joints and pelvis:

I just got mines in. Here's a quick pix of my Bruce and naked Bruce. Better pictures soon to come.
I'll never understand people _____ing about joints on action figures anyway. If it's that much of an issue, go buy statues. :huh
Joints are joints. It's the nature of the beast when you collect "action figures." I think GL would be considerably less noticeable given the hip area is generally black so HT could get away with a body like Lee's but with some light sculpting in the hip area, on the ball joints and pelvis:

I'll never understand people _____ing about joints on action figures anyway. If it's that much of an issue, go buy statues. :huh

I'm not buying an action figure. Im buying a poseable figure. I'll never understand people calling these miniature replicas of actors toys. I just want the best of both worlds. Im not complaining about joints, Im only saying that I would prefer a fully poseable figure that looks just like the actor. Thats all. :) :peace

I collect because I like movies, not because I like toys.
I'm not buying an action figure. Im buying a poseable figure. I'll never understand people calling these miniature replicas of actors toys. I just want the best of both worlds. Im not complaining about joints, Im only saying that I would prefer a fully poseable figure that looks just like the actor. Thats all. :) :peace

I collect because I like movies, not because I like toys.

:lol:rotfl:lol:rotfl:lol Keep tryin' ta convince yerself there, chief. :nana:
Ahhhhhhh.... good ol Nam. always with the love!:lol

:dunno :lol At the end of the day, beit action figures or "poseable figures," or whoever else's marketing scheme he chooses to embrace, they're dolls. :huh :lol

And I openly say this with a collection containing well over 200. :pfft:
i would only consider them dolls if the have fabric clothing.

Iron Man Armours
Clone Troopers
Batman (aside from cape)

Are best described as Deluxe Poseable Figures
I just think people wouldn't be that excited about an all plastic cut joint figure. Its not Hot Toys enough.

I would agree. Not because of the joints, I do agree with Nam they are action figures, joints come with the territory but Mattel is releasing a 12" Ryan Reynolds which will be all plastic, light up and bare a passing resemblance if squinting for $90. If HT is just going to give me passing resemblance (IMHO they've been off their game lately) and on top of that make it completely plastic like an Iron Man figure that lights up then why pay almost twice the price just because it's HT?

HT knows that if they do it they've got to do it right and that could mean long delays (look at how long Ghost Rider or Bruce Lee took) or passing all together. It's a moot point really though until we get a license announcement. Even if they took forever to do an actual figure you'd think they'd hit the Cosbaby market like they usually do without fail and we don't even have that.
I know people don't agree, but I still think it boils down to Green Lantern not being that popular of a character. The movie will no doubt generate interest, but it won't be "Iron Man" interest and given how poorly Watchmen sold and considering GL's not a flagship license like Batman or Superman, I really wouldn't be surprised if HT ignores this all together.
Iron Man wasn't a "flagship" license either.

I think it boils down to "how do we do it?" Personally I wouldn't want to see a fully sculpted action figure - it would look like a $30 Hasbro toy. That leaves a rubber suit like Batman, but more skin tightl...and you think your Rambo is going to rip?

It's possible that it's just not worth the engineering problems.
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