Hot Toys Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern?

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Avatar did well and made two billion, they annouced the license and two years later still nothing, meanwhile prince of persai and Clash of the titans get preview pics and things before the movie came out so It doesnt matter how well the movie does.

Clash of the Titans and Prince of Persia were movie cash-ins, designed to make money. Ergo, product gets pushed through and approved very quickly. Quick production equals quick money.

Avatar was created to make an impact. Created by one the most (allegedly) egomanical control-freak directors of all time. You can bet James Cameron is analyzing each prototype with a fine tooth comb. He's probably harder on Hot Toys than the "WHAR"S CR SUPES!!?!?!?!" people. I'd bet Avatar is stuck in approvals hell right now.

Now that I've got THAT out of my system. . . the more people that say "There's no way Hot Toys can do that" the more likely it becomes that they will. People said there's no way they could do the Tumbler. . . they said there's no way they could do Iron Monger. I'd bet Hot Toys will do a Green Lantern. They might just pull a Enterbay and post pics and say it'll be ready in two weeks. Who knows??
Iron Man wasn't a "flagship" license either.

I think it boils down to "how do we do it?" Personally I wouldn't want to see a fully sculpted action figure - it would look like a $30 Hasbro toy. That leaves a rubber suit like Batman, but more skin tightl...and you think your Rambo is going to rip?

It's possible that it's just not worth the engineering problems.

With the MK III having been released in Jan of '09 they already knew IM was a hit given the film had been a box office smash since it's debut in May of '08, 8 months prior.
I think Dave is referring to the fact that Iron Man was a B-Level character and is now arguably one of the most popular Marvel characters and GL is in the same starting spot. It's entirely possible that HT is waiting to see how it does in the box office at minimum over opening weekend before hitting the engineering headache.
I think Dave is referring to the fact that Iron Man was a B-Level character and is now arguably one of the most popular Marvel characters and GL is in the same starting spot. It's entirely possible that HT is waiting to see how it does in the box office at minimum over opening weekend before hitting the engineering headache.

I agree, but IM had already become a phenom when they made the figure and I don't think a movie is gonna change that for GL. Batman aside, WB hasn't exactly hit the mark with superhero licenses as of late. :lol
I love how threads like this bring out all of you supposed 1:6 scale engineering experts. :lol
I think Dave is referring to the fact that Iron Man was a B-Level character and is now arguably one of the most popular Marvel characters and GL is in the same starting spot. It's entirely possible that HT is waiting to see how it does in the box office at minimum over opening weekend before hitting the engineering headache.

I agree, but IM had already become a phenom when they made the figure and I don't think a movie is gonna change that for GL. Batman aside, WB hasn't exactly hit the mark with superhero licenses as of late. :lol

When Iron Man came out HT was in a very different place. As we've seen with Sucker Punch, Prince of Persia, etc. - they don't wait to see if something is successful. If nothing else Green Lantern is a far more guaranteed franchise than either of those.

I love how threads like this bring out all of you supposed 1:6 scale engineering experts. :lol

So do you have some theories on how they'd do it? I don't think anyone here is a certified toy engineer - but it's fun to speculate.
Only if it's healthy.

Agreed. The problem is that it all too often degenerates into lunacy. Speculation is usually presented as gospel, ("They have to do this" or "They can't do it like that", blah, blah, blah). The fact of the matter is that there isn't a soul in this thread (myself included) who is qualified to discuss matters of 1:6 product engineering with any sense of actual knowledge. Especially when there are companies out there (with real experts and artisans) who are pushing the envelope and surprising us all the time.
Agreed. The problem is that it all too often degenerates into lunacy. Speculation is usually presented as gospel, ("They have to do this" or "They can't do it like that", blah, blah, blah). The fact of the matter is that there isn't a soul in this thread (myself included) who is qualified to discuss matters of 1:6 product engineering with any sense of actual knowledge. Especially when there are companies out there (with real experts and artisans) who are pushing the envelope and surprising us all the time.

I dont claim to be an expert but I can see what has been done in the past and can make educated guess based on it. None of this stuff is overly complex. The only thing that really has me stumped, like almost everyone, is that alchemy they call head painting. That $#!T is black magic. But when it comes to how these figures work, its not rocket science. The thing they have going for them is the amount of stuff they can put into a figure. That and highly skilled sculptors. Combined that with a very large and inexpensive assembly team and you get the greatness that is Hot Toys. Its all about the resources.
Agreed. The problem is that it all too often degenerates into lunacy. Speculation is usually presented as gospel, ("They have to do this" or "They can't do it like that", blah, blah, blah). The fact of the matter is that there isn't a soul in this thread (myself included) who is qualified to discuss matters of 1:6 product engineering with any sense of actual knowledge. Especially when there are companies out there (with real experts and artisans) who are pushing the envelope and surprising us all the time.

You can easily base speculation on prior product. How many posts do you have _____ing about Sideshow's forthcoming production paint apps? By your rational, not being a licensed painter, you shouldn't be able to open your yap about it. But you do, using previous releases as your soapbox. I'm also reminded about your rant over the Clone helmet. You're not a qualified sculptor either, are you? We all do it. Part of what makes this place fun.
It's the internet. If I don't talk about everything like I know everything then I'm not doing it right. :lol
You can easily base speculation on prior product. How many posts do you have _____ing about Sideshow's forthcoming production paint apps? By your rational, not being a licensed painter, you shouldn't be able to open your yap about it. But you do, using previous releases as your soapbox. I'm also reminded about your rant over the Clone helmet. You're not a qualified sculptor either, are you? We all do it. Part of what makes this place fun.

But there's a big difference between identifying suspect paint apps and inaccuracies in sculpts and bloviating over technical solutions that may not even be possible and/or ignoring technological breakthroughs that only the engineers can even think of. One is process, and the other is result. We're all qualified to critique the resulting products... but very, very few know diddly-squat about the actual craft, especially when detailed engineering is involved.

And, sure, I don't mind some of the speculation on how a figure like this may or may not be possible. It's fun. But only to a point... then it just gets tired. Because, like I said, at the end of the day nobody really knows anything.
Until we get a license announcement it's all moot. They have more than a few licenses they've announced have yet to show anything.
But there's a big difference between identifying suspect paint apps and inaccuracies in sculpts and bloviating over technical solutions that may not even be possible and/or ignoring technological breakthroughs that only the engineers can even think of. One is process, and the other is result. We're all qualified to critique the resulting products... but very, very few know diddly-squat about the actual craft, especially when detailed engineering is involved.

And, sure, I don't mind some of the speculation on how a figure like this may or may not be possible. It's fun. But only to a point... then it just gets tired. Because, like I said, at the end of the day nobody really knows anything.

It's aaaaaaaallllllllll subjective. :lol

Until we get a license announcement it's all moot. They have more than a few licenses they've announced have yet to show anything.

:lecture:lecture:lecture The HT plate is full ATM. :lol
:lol :lecture Actually, one can make the case that their plate is possibly overfull and starting to spill off the sides a bit.

:nono Nobody here is qualified to make that statement unless they work at HT and have certification in qualified documentation for a license in HT project management. :tap :nana:

When Iron Man came out HT was in a very different place. As we've seen with Sucker Punch, Prince of Persia, etc. - they don't wait to see if something is successful. If nothing else Green Lantern is a far more guaranteed franchise than either of those.

Prototype QC is suffering, some licenses have yet to even see product (Avatar, Sucker Punch, Resident Evil: Extinction), pieces keep getting pushed back, and a few of last years releases were less than popular. So I wouldn't be surprised if 2011 shows some reserve on HT's part. The fact that we've seen Indy go into seclusion and have nothing from the Reeve Superman (despite being told he'd be shown this Winter) reinforces that.
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More like they said ____ the plate and let's just dump it all on the ground and see what comes.

One thing to keep in mind for my fellow ringslingers, TDK's license was delayed because DCD wanted to have their own versions on the market for a bit before HT went with theirs. They've done the same with Watchmen (although the selections were strange on HT's part really compared to DCD) and with The Spirit. This time there isn't a DCD figure of that scale that is stalling the project....
^^^^ I wondered if the hold up wasn't DCD (or hoped). I read a lot of GL books to know the character better before the film. I'd love a 1:6 version on my shelves.
More like they said ____ the plate and let's just dump it all on the ground and see what comes.

One thing to keep in mind for my fellow ringslingers, TDK's license was delayed because DCD wanted to have their own versions on the market for a bit before HT went with theirs. They've done the same with Watchmen (although the selections were strange on HT's part really compared to DCD) and with The Spirit. This time there isn't a DCD figure of that scale that is stalling the project....

:confused: Project? Or announcement? :lol
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