Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series: FRIEND

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Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

I dont see whats people's problem is ? Its a japenese company so of course they will make things from anime and movie's etc. I'm excited about this new step becuase medicom is slow with the anime figure's and I've been waiting for some decent anime figure's from naruto and bleach for a long time so i hope we get some good stuff.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

^It's a HK based, Chinese company that employs sculpting (and tailoring) talents from Japan, Korea and China (HK)....

What HT could greatly improve upon is material science part.... (parts that don't discolour, react with other parts, disintegrate.... etc)... and maybe design of articulation/joints...

Just an observation: The IM2 1/4 busts, Mk.2/3, 4, 6 and War Machine, I believe are design by computers, and are 3d printed out. The parts are simply too precise to be sculpted by hand.

Mk. I or the other hand was sculpted by Joseph Tsang
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Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

I actually wouldn't mind seeing some less famous comic book characters myself. Big Daddy and Hit Girl would be great, and so would That Yellow Bastard from Sin City.

However, if HT is continue with the Japanese influences, I would like to see some characters from Psyren and Black Lagoon, both of which are very good reads.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Is this new line confirmed? I would explode at the prospect of comic based figures from the DC and Marvel universes.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Is this new line confirmed? I would explode at the prospect of comic based figures from the DC and Marvel universes.

Well this 'spoonguy' figure is definitely sporting a new logo, the Comic Masterpiece one, indicating a new line from HT possibly.

However, doesn't give any credit nor evidence to the notion they will be branching into DC/Marvel territory.

They have only admitted to the licence for Marvel films at present.
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Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Amid all of the bellyaching I didn't notice the new series... so at least there's some good news out of this rather odd figure choice.

Although it seems hard to make comic-inspired figures since there are so many versions to choose from.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Imagine a Jim Lee or Neal Adams Bat. Whoa.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Next from Hot Toys,will be " Me love you long time"

Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Sorry guys, but I'm still fairly new to this forum, but let me get this straight: if Hot Toys put out a figure that was not what I was expecting or hoping because I misread a teaser graphic, then it's not enough for me to simply not buy the thing - I have to whine and moan and carry on about it like a spoiled kid who didn't get a bike for Christmas?

OK, I think I got it, I'll know for next time.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Sorry guys, but I'm still fairly new to this forum, but let me get this straight: if Hot Toys put out a figure that was not what I was expecting or hoping because I misread a teaser graphic, then it's not enough for me to simply not buy the thing - I have to whine and moan and carry on about it like a spoiled kid who didn't get a bike for Christmas?

OK, I think I got it, I'll know for next time.

In general, you need to get yourself in the mindset where your thinking is such that if something doesn't interest you then you can't imagine how it could interest anyone else. If it's not a license that appeals to you then what you need to do is throw your arms about wildly and end your sentences with 'FAIL.' It's also good to later return to the thread and obnoxiously inform all on how it's an 'easy pass' for you, as though all are curious as to your buying habits.

Another good point to keep in mind is that you must do all you can to forget everything that has come before and act as though all figures until this moment have each been a must-buy in your eyes.

As well, if you like Batman, for example, then HT releasing multiple Batman figures is not an issue. If, however, you dislike Michael Jackson, then a similar output is a cause to protest. Do not even try to comprehend that some appreciate multiple Jackson releases in the same way you appreciate multiple Batman releases, just be thoroughly against things not fitting with your personal interests.

Also, maintain a high degree of self-importance, and behave as though you and your fellow posters alone are responsible for keeping Hot Toys afloat and that you and your ilk are their target audience, that everything is being marketed directly to you. Don't like a figure HT have just announced? Some might think that means this is simply a figure not for you, that it's for other people out there. That's wrong. It in fact means HT just aren't "getting you." Jump up and down a bit and let people know of the mistake. Convince yourself that if the posters on this forum all somehow dropped dead, it would be visible on Hot Toys' bottom line.

It doesn't hurt to let you inner 'tough guy' shine through on here, either. It's quite becoming, really.

There are many such points like this that one has to come terms with. I'm writing a book on it.
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

No, YOU'RE thick-headed and utterly idiotic. If you don't care what figure they make, then why diss this figure when you were proven wrong about your stupid assumption?b You're just so full of contradictions that it's just so freakin' sad. And like I said: The Japanese would've most likely equally guessed 20th Century Boys and Matrix. Oh, and WRONG: Japanese pop culture has has much influence worldwide, get your facts straight. And so does European. Research bud, research. Imagine all you want and live in your own made-up world but I have a new name for idiotic: being Furley_Ghost. You're the kind of people that gives good-natured Americans a bad name, redneck.

I really hope HT goes for Dragonball next. I'm afraid to touch Medicom figures due to the horror stories I keep hearing. Either that or American comic icons (Batman, Superman, or Wolverine will do).

You should really change your name to Iampoo, since your so full of $hi+!!!!

My only contradiction thus far is giving you a response right now. Show me where I contradicted myself otherwise.

Why diss this figure? Because its lame and I wanted the Matrix figures that seemed like the inevitable. Get over it. Judging by how many people guessed it was the Matrix, it wasn't a stupid assumption.

You're not seriously suggesting that American influence isn't the strongest in the world, are you? Why don't you get on your computer(invented by Americans), hop on the internet(invented by Americans), maybe you'll be able to do it through a wireless local area network(invented by Americans), and do a little research on your own of the top grossing movies and musicians of all time in the entire world. American influence effects everyday of you're life. Do you have a newer style house? If so, what do you call the kitchen and bathroom? Western style maybe? If you still aren't convinced, do you listen to the radio, watch cable T.V., have a LED or Plasma display, read comic strips, play video games, listen to CD's, use a calculator, work in an assembly line, call someone on a cell phone, use e-mail, wear bifocals, refrigerate your food, use toilet paper, use a machine gun, work in a skyscraper, use GPS, or what we are all doing now, blogging. If so, you should thank us Americans for influencing your life. So I guess in the end you're living in our imagination.

The real issue hear is that you think that I'm not entitled to my opinion because I don't know anything about the figure. I don't need to know anything about it, to see that I don't like it. Is that because I'm intolerant? According to you, yes. What's funny to me, is that you even would rather have Superman, Batman, or Wolverine, yet you continue to defend Finger Bang.:cuckoo: What's the deal? Is it because you're part of the social ethic moral police? Or are you just being annoying? probably the worst argument I've ever seen for anything ever. :lol
Maybe you didn't read all the posts and responses. I wasn't making an argument, I was making a statement. Iampoo, however is the one that started the whole culture war. I just asked if Hot Toys military line was mostly Americans, and stated that American Pop Culture is what got Hot Toys to where they are at now. I said numerous times that I don't care what Hot Toys makes, but expressed my irritability towards the spoon teaser.:gah: Yet, Iampoo keeps suggesting that anyone that disses the figure is ignorant and intolerant.:dunno

We should start a poll to see who will be purchasing Captain Finger Bang, and Iampoo should be the first to vote.:lecture
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

Er, slight correction - Charles Babbage can claim credit for the invention of the computer. He was English.

Carry on :)
Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

@ Lejuan and Grosby:

Yes, that is called the Furley_Ghost Syndrome. It affects a few of the world's population. It's thankfully noncontagious but those afflicted by it are really pitiful.

@ stupid:

Read Lejuan's post. He was able to describe you almost to a T.

As for this:

"My only contradiction thus far is giving you a response right now. Show me where I contradicted myself otherwise. " --> Wrong move.

It's the mere fact that you state that you don't care what HT churns out, yet still state how pissed off you are that they didn't release a Matrix figure, but instead released a 20th Century Boys figure. If you don't care, why get pissed? Stating an opinion? Then doesn't that mean you DO care? Wow, you're so full of contradictions.

Then you start so say that American pop culture > than the rest of the world. Sorry boy, no one here agrees with your racism. Again, I'm not dissing American Pop culture, but it's not high and mighty above everything else in the world that it should be the only thing that matters, even to those that aren't American.

It's really amazing how you keep digging your own grave. I won't even comment about the technology you keep shoveing since there are multitudes of technologies that you enjoy that aren't US-made. Wow, you've really set yourself at a new low. Please, feel free to make new comments. At the least, we all have something to laugh at and it reminds us that the human race still have a few kinks in the gene pool.

And yes as Lejuan said, Charles Babbage invented the computer. Lady Ada King, Countess of Lovelace is credited as the first computer programmer. And unless London is in the US, I'd say she's English as well. BTW, have you already counted the various technologies that you enjoy that didn't originate in the US?

BTW I was never dissing the US. I'm actually dissing YOU for being a redneck. That's a BIG difference there. I'm not suggesting that the American influence isn't the strongest. But I'm stating the fact that it's NOT the only one that matters, something that you keep implying.

Man, you're the only living person that I can say can lay claim to two titles: one is Dumb, the other is Dumber.
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Re: Hot Toys' New - Comic Masterpiece Series

I've actually stopped reading any of that Furley guy's posts... they're quite embarrassing really. I imagine most of us are doing the same, hopefully.
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