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Of course, we all understand this. I'm just talking in-universe. "Bad guys" is pretty much all the general viewing audience is really going to care about.
Sith= bad guy Jedis

Really all it should have been, all it ever was in the OT. It's been exhausted to the point of becoming contradictory in the EU and PT.

There has to be other Dark Arts to discover in the Star Wars universe -- which is a misnomer considering how small that 'universe' truly is.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the term "Sith" is never used in the original trilogy right?
I am sure they will make a resurgence at some point but I don't see it happening in this film. If anything the ending of this film could lead to it.

I'd love to see Kylo just take out Snoke at the end and then in Episode 8 he gets his own apprentice.

Well technically you were saying Kylo and Snoke were Sith. Which we have been specifically told they weren't.

I'm predicting Poe will be force sensitive and fall to the dark side as Kylo's apprentice. Already called it in another thread. I think Finn with the lightsaber is a ruse.

And I was assuming and hoping they were Sith. Of course I don't know for sure haha. We'll find out in 32 days. Honestly, I hope JJ doesn't ignore all the cool history established about the Jedi and Sith. It's the best part of Star Wars for me. I look at the eternal war between them as the main point of Star Wars. Everyone and everything else is just a bonus.
I'm predicting Poe will be force sensitive and fall to the dark side as Kylo's apprentice. Already called it in another thread. I think Finn with the lightsaber is a ruse.

And I was assuming and hoping they were Sith. Of course I don't know for sure haha. We'll find out in 32 days. Honestly, I hope JJ doesn't ignore all the cool history established about the Jedi and Sith. It's the best part of Star Wars for me. I look at the eternal war between them as the main point of Star Wars. Everyone and everything else is just a bonus.

I wouldn't hold on to that Poe prediction too tightly.

We already know some of his backstory in shattered empire and Leia mentions him in Moving Target. It would be weird for him to come from parents who were in the resistance, grow up in the resistance, become a pilot, and then just all of a sudden be force sensitive in his 30s. And if you are basing that off the torture scene it doesn't really jive which what happens right after that scene with Finn.
Yeah, not at all. Just imagine just seeing ROTJ for the first time in the 80s, what would you even think the Emperor was? He was basically just this major Evil King/Sorcerer.

Yup I remember seeing that for the first time and it being a "OMG!!!" moment for me and my friends seeing that the much talked about Emperor could also use the Force... And that was before the Force Lightening!

And I was assuming and hoping they were Sith. Of course I don't know for sure haha. We'll find out in 32 days. Honestly, I hope JJ doesn't ignore all the cool history established about the Jedi and Sith. It's the best part of Star Wars for me. I look at the eternal war between them as the main point of Star Wars. Everyone and everything else is just a bonus.

I'm hoping they aren't Sith, even if Snoke and especially Kylo want to be, the reason being it makes the Dark Side seem so small that everyone who uses it has to call themselves a "Sith". One of the things I have always liked about the games, novels etc etc is that there were more factions using the Force than just the Jedi and Sith; We had Dark (fallen) Jedi, Grey Jedi, Force Witches etc etc.

I would love it if the "Knights of Ren" are exactly that, Force users (or even a mix) who identify with the Dark Side who may want to emulate fallen heroes but in the end they could call themselves the "Sith" but unless they are bestowed the title somehow even with learning direct from Holocrons many would still see them as nothing more than pretenders.

Like you say though 30 something days and we may know... but even if the term Sith isn't mentioned or eluded to by the credits I would be surprised if the desire to become a new Sith Order doesn't become a plot point during the new trilogy though I still think the "rule of two" point may be dropped as it opens up the story.
Since Kylo is obsessed with Vader artefacts i wouldn't be surprise if he was after some sith holocrons too. But i would like to see Knights of Ren just as dark force users. My favorite is former inquisitor Jerec and his group from Dark Forces 2. It's so cool story even nowadays.
Since Kylo is obsessed with Vader artefacts i wouldn't be surprise if he was after some sith holocrons too. But i would like to see Knights of Ren just as dark force users. My favorite is former inquisitor Jerec and his group from Dark Forces 2. It's so cool story even nowadays.

Do Sith Holocrons even exist in Canon?

I think Kylo's attachment to Vader is more personal.
Isn't Disney throwing all that stuff out?

No. All movies, Clone Wars show, Rebels show, and new books are the new canon.

Old books prior to Tarkin and Lords of the Sith are kinda canon as they don't really interfere (Legends), but every thing after ROTJ is out.
WHAT!? Force Snakes are canon!? Does that also include that Holiday Special...?????

By old books I think he means books that take place prior to ANH. They are obviously not Canon they just didn't explicitly mention anything prior to ANH (Old Republic) when talking about it.

And I don't remember a Sith holocron ever showing up in Clone Wars and according to the Wiki the first canon mention was in some Kanan children's book.

Dash Rendar is canon.

He's not, sorry lol.
By old books I think he means books that take place prior to ANH. They are obviously not Canon they just didn't explicitly mention anything prior to ANH (Old Republic) when talking about it.

And I don't remember a Sith holocron ever showing up in Clone Wars and according to the Wiki the first canon mention was in some Kanan children's book.

Yeah that's what I meant. :lol
Books like Darth Plagueis, labyrinth of evil, and Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader. I'm certain the Force Unleashed books are out though.

And there's an episode where Cad Bane breaks into the Jedi temple to steal one from their archive vault.

Edit: actually was an ancient Jedi holocron. My bad. But Sith holocrons are mentioned in the ROTS novel.