Hot Toys Iron Man 3 MMS 1/6 "Bones" (Mark XLI) - MMS251

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Bones made it to my house yesterday. Took a couple of quick pics.
I've also been buying spare parts from ebay for dioramas and such. I've also started building
some furniture displays. I made a 5 shelf unit in 1/6 scale out of acrylic and all-thread.
I'm working on a wooden coffee table in 1/6 scale with a mirrored top with a beveled edge and
a hidden compartment in it. It's nothing fancy as a first try, but so far it looks pretty good. I hope to
have it finished in the next couple of weekends. It's nowhere near the level of Boba Debt's work, but I
have to admit, it's a lot of fun coming up with the ideas and building them. Of course they evolve from
start to finish as well.


Very impressive. Been thinking of doing something like his too. Well the costume display anyway. Kinda like a trophy room. What are you using to put the costumes on?
For Cap I cut a piece of 1/4" acrylic from Tap Plastics for the base. ($1.00 from the cut-offs bin)
For the shield holder I used their plate holder #1-0 $3.95 and elevated the front a little with cut pieces
from their 1.25" acrylic squares. ($.35). For the jacket and helmet holder I used a cut off piece of 3/4" acrylic
half round rod with just a small strip of the acrylic square to create a T to hold the jacket up. The empty helmet
fits perfectly on the top.
Thor's armor got the 1/6 mannequin from Black Ops Toys. It was supposed to be for Cap, but the neck top is too
big for the uniform and I couldn't get it on the mannequin even after opening the collar on the jacket. It was just
too big, so I went acrylic. Even with just a band saw and a Dremel router table to work with, it wasn't hard or
expensive. The shelf unit cost more because I chose custom cut colored acrylic and the all thread. Even that was
still under $20. Cap display was less than $10. Started practicing beveling now to add a little style to the cuts.
Everything I've shown is my first time. Learn by trial and error. Acrylic is cheap and looks good.
Soooo. I Got "Bones" yesterday. Put his batteries in today. His left arm has a problem. The light stays on even with the switch off. I was able to get the light to turn off.....a little.....sometimes....temporarily by gently prying around the battery contacts (mostly at the contact nearest the switch) and by moving the batteries around (although that is still mostly manipulating the contacts... I think). I even got it to stay off once... put the cover back on...screwed it down....let it set for awhile....slipped the lower arm back onto the magnetic elbow stump.....and the light came back on. I had to take it apart to get it to stay off (partly because it took soo long to get it to stay off the first time and I didn't feel like fighting it into submission again). Could this be related to the circuit's close proximity to the magnets? Why just the left arm? Anyone else have this trouble? Anyone cracked a forearm open? If so, would you share pictures and or suggestions for fixing this? This sucks. I really dig this toy and have been eager to get my fingers on it.
Nice work, and thanks for the shout out but believe me, the stuff I build is nowhere near the level I want it to be but I'm learning and I plan to toil with my display well into my retirement.

I have been wanting to build a shelving unit like this, I hope you don't mind if I steal your concept of using all thread, it genius :)

I'm getting ready to build a 1/6 scale Detolf, would you like me to make an extra base panel, top panel and shelf ladders for you?

......I've also been buying spare parts from ebay for dioramas and such. I've also started buildingsome furniture displays. I made a 5 shelf unit in 1/6 scale out of acrylic and all-thread. I'm working on a wooden coffee table in 1/6 scale with a mirrored top with a beveled edge and
a hidden compartment in it. It's nothing fancy as a first try, but so far it looks pretty good. I hope to have it finished in the next couple of weekends. It's nowhere near the level of Boba Debt's work, but I have to admit, it's a lot of fun coming up with the ideas and building them. Of course they evolve from start to finish as well.


Are his thighs extended to the sides? Do his legs pose in an open stance? Mine only seem to move back and forward with a turn at the magnet?
Here's a quick shot. Not final as moving him into my detolf when it arrives.

But, here's tony suiting up as Bones.

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Re: Hot Toys Iron Man 3 MMS 1/6 "Bones" (Mark XLI) - MMS251

Just picked this guy up after watching some reviews and reading through this thread (which has some great pics). I thought I was done with HT Iron Man. I have sold all my armors going all the way back to the BD Mk III. But I ended up picking this figure up because it is so unique looking. And in hand - just wow. Super impressed with the details and I love the color. The light-ups work great and are very bright. The fly apart gimmick is neat and has been fun to mess around with for a bit. I don't think I've fallen off the HT Iron Man wagon...yet...but man this is a killer looking set. Most fun I've had messing around with a figure in a while.
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I saw this in my local Comic shop. I am so tempted. Especially after seeing all the cool pics. I'm hoping one day this is discounted, but I doubt it
Thanks. Wasn't sure about him at first but the pictures in the thread sold me :)

I just hope I can pose him the way I want (I don't know what that is yet though), because I don't see myself using the split apart stand gimmick. Maybe I will.