Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman (2011 Toy Con Ex) review + pics

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Good review. Figure looks fine. Pics look a little overdeveloped, though. Same as it ever was ... mass panic and overreaction because of a few pictures. Good grief.

I'm willing to give the new suit a chance. I haven't really seen what I like (when it comes to in hand shots/reviews), but it's not like we'd be stuck with the figure if it doesn't meet our expectations. Not only would Sideshow except returns, you could flip it as well.

Also, with all these cancellations I bet when this thing ships out in a few weeks the waitlist status changes to in stock and available for order. If by that time I like what I see in hand, I'll surely buy another.

If I don't like this new suit and see a considerable difference in it compared to my 2008 OC TDK figure, I'll have a few options. Keep the important parts, sell the rest. Return it back to Sideshow for a refund. Sell it myself for more money, which could be used for another OC TDK.
:yess: Got my "20 day notice" today, requested a "pack-out" and can't wait.

Missed out on the OC Bats, and I WILL be happy with this release.

Good on people cancelling so others who really WANT this (not just for flippin') can get one...kudos on you.:wave
Disclaimer: No Disrespect to 'Michael Crawford's review of the week. You do great reviews.

But i could go over there and start bringing TONS of picture's over here that would make many see figure's they already have in their collection in a bad light. (pun intended)

As already admitted by Wookster, picture's are not his strong suit. (no pun intended)

All you have to do is watch the video posted a few pages back. It is all right there. That is what Wookster saw before he fired up his flash.

OR...break out your own figures and start taking pictures under various lighting conditions.

On a side, i have ordered 3 more of these to sell to those who jumped the gun over these pictures and cancelled. When you come to your senses I will sell your's back to you for $350 to help pay for my 89 bats. I have no mercy on impatient fools like you. My 89 will cost me nothing.:nana:

AGAIN. This is what you will see when you get this figure! Don't be a fool.
[ame=""]Hot Toys Bruce Wayne Exclusive Batman Begins Figure Review 2011 USA.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
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I for one am happy to get a chance to get this version of the batman suit. I cannot wait to have it in my hands.
cancelling my po....F that!!! i dont got the oc bats so im gettin this fo sho. ppl r def jumping to conclusion cuz of a few unfavorable pictures
the suit doesn't look so bad/dry here (not my pics btw):




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The review had mediocre pics and non complementary poses. I think the final product will be fine, eventually. Gipetto's pics are far superior.
True, the over-ANALysis is everywhere. Predator/Alien diehards can be bad at times, too. But don't forget about the added incessant Nolan worship & Ledger licking here. That's what truly sets this crowd apart. :lol

I dunno, the Ledger bull____ is comparable to people _____ing about Sideshow not accurately reproducing pants with an equal thread-count to the pants in Raiders and the Nolan polesquatting and *********-level sensitivity to critique no less annoying than the ranting of OT Elitists. Same ____, different subject, basically. :huh :lol
Man this figure is looking worse every single day to me. It is a real shame it turned out the way it did, I was really looking forward to it. The finish on the suit is what killed it for me. I wish we got what was in the promo pics.
Beautiful! :clap

agreed! :lecture

Yay! beautiful. finally some nicer photos. :clap:clap

yea good thing I saved them when they were posted on the HTC facebook page, came in handy.

true that it may yet still not be as shiny as the TDK OC, it's not as dry as some think it is either.

I think (from the pics I posted) it looks a lot more like your 1:1 upper half, Morphosis
Here you go, this my screen accurate 1:1 torso in Foam Latex, with no Flash, just sunlight coming through my window. Ill take a pic of the Urethane version in tomorrow when i have sunlight to compare :)


Hey, that looks like the suit on the new 011 version. What are you trying to do, upset all the naysayers?:lol
I dunno, the Ledger bull____ is comparable to people _____ing about Sideshow not accurately reproducing pants with an equal thread-count to the pants in Raiders and the Nolan polesquatting and *********-level sensitivity to critique no less annoying than the ranting of OT Elitists. Same ____, different subject, basically. :huh :lol

maybe I've just been in the DC section too long, but to me, even the OT elitist aren't as annoying as some of the ledger nuts over here. Maybe it's just b/c I'm a bigger SW fan that I don't find OT elitist ranting as annoying :huh:...naaah :lol

I think (from the pics I posted) it looks a lot more like your 1:1 upper half, Morphosis

Hey, that looks like the suit on the new 011 version...
I think you and I are on the same wavelength :hi5:
Looks amazing in those shots. Just checked my email, got the 20 day notice too. Heck yeah! I think it's great so many people are canceling and not flipping these. I tip my hat to you, gentlemen ;)
Looks amazing in those shots. Just checked my email, got the 20 day notice too. Heck yeah! I think it's great so many people are canceling and not flipping these. I tip my hat to you, gentlemen ;)

Don't be too sure that the lack of flipping activity isn't simply because the upfront cash has been consumed by other releases :lol If there's one figure that's a sure to flip easily and flip well it's this one, as my understanding is that he's not widely available in SE Asia.
Agreed. In a way both suits have a little screen realism to them, ones too shiny and the other too matted. The film accurate suit would have been right in between. Looking closer at wooksters side-by-side shot I actually think the 08 looks more toyish and tiny in size. Do people also forget when the 08 version came out everyone was adding padding to his chest?

i wasnt a member here during 08 and obviously missed the OC HT, so its funny to hear that there was some nit picking and mods to it back then...personally i missed out on it back then and im happy to be able to buy this at retail, and get a awesome Bale HS in the process.

Here you go, this my screen accurate 1:1 torso in Foam Latex, with no Flash, just sunlight coming through my window. Ill take a pic of the Urethane version in tomorrow when i have sunlight to compare :)


thats seriously awesome...are your plans for a complete 1:1? any more pics?

I'm willing to give the new suit a chance. I haven't really seen what I like (when it comes to in hand shots/reviews), but it's not like we'd be stuck with the figure if it doesn't meet our expectations. Not only would Sideshow except returns, you could flip it as well.

thats why i order from sideshow...theres a lot to be said about kick ass customer service.

Don't be too sure that the lack of flipping activity isn't simply because the upfront cash has been consumed by other releases :lol If there's one figure that's a sure to flip easily and flip well it's this one, as my understanding is that he's not widely available in SE Asia.

seeing this make me wish i had the cash for 10 of these, lol
But I seriously think that most that just have one on order will seriously regret it if they let it go. As I said already, of the two I think this new one is by far the strongest!

I believe you 100%. Still no regrets. I didn't like the first one, and this one looked like it was going to be better. If it is, it isn't in any way that's important to me. Pretty portraits of Christian Bale aren't worth over $240 to me.

thats one reason i think people cancelling their PO might regret in the future is that most Batman figures retain great value, no matter how good or bad they are. That 2006 HT is not a great figure, but has great value.

It will make for a good flip. But, given the number of people out there who have been desperate for an OC Batman, I'm much happier to let a waitlister get it for this price.

WTF is all this cancelling crap? THIS is the figure that caused near panic and 50 pages of groveling and pissing because of the fear of selling out on PO???

What a supremely fickle bunch we have here!

Don't forget 50 pages of people throwing rotten vegetables at the people who were having fits. :wave

Pretty sure anyone canceling this who doesn't already have an OC Bats is gonna regret it...

If I regret it, I will eat my boot. Stay tuned for the youtube vid.