Hot Toys Back to the Future DX?

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I'd say it's best to wait for a pic of the figure before beliving it's coming at all.

I'd say waiting for a announcement on FB would be sufficient that it's coming but then Green Lantern got announced and then nothing made :mad:

I dont think that Hot Toys will abandon this license. I mean they probably abandoned Green Lantern figures because that film was a commercial failure. Back To The Future and its sequels were all critical and commercial successes, so i dont think the license will be abandoned.

Do you all realise how lucky we are they haven't started this yet?

Look at the complete and utter **** HT's heads are atm, the Batman, Wayne, Luke, they are probably at their absolute worst production quality all time. Get it all sorted before you waste a shot at an icon like Marty. We already lost our chance at owning a proper looking Indiana Jones because of terrible paint apps, and guyliner, I don't need Marty turning into another wasted oppurtunity at a grail figure.
Do you foresee that HT is going to improve in those areas? It seems that they are more regressing than progressing. Maybe better to get this quicker before he is indistinguishable from a Medicom offering.

With PERS it is probably a moot point anyway. More than likely the sculpt will only be vaguely recognizable as who it is supposed to be.
If thats the case then the 1/6 bubble has burst and I will never buy another HT.
Yep its basically

HT MMS: Most likely awesome

HT DX PERS: Total crapshoot/iffy at best

Since Marty didn't wear make-up, eyeliner, or masks of human flesh it'll probably look like crap.
Bruce Lee didn't wear make-up, eyeliner, or a mask and his PERS was AWESOME.
I say HT is batting sub-.500 with PERS affecting likeness. But sure, sometimes it works. I guess we'll be rolling the die with Marty as usual. Maybe he'll be Lee/Nicholson/Sparrow. Maybe he'll be Ledger V1/Indy/MJ/Luke/etc.
I think alot of people are overreacting to the recent HT releases.

Indy? Speak for yourself, I like him.

DX12-Looks mighty fine to me. Ive seen enough "in-hand" pics to decide this.

DX07- Still waiting, Im not going to lose my **** over a few crappy photos, but Im sure it cant be any worse than Indy, and like I said, I like him.

So bring on my BTTF Marty already! :lecture

And has it even been confirmed he's going to be a DX?? Jumping the gun arent we?
The original announcement (which I'm now inclined to believe was real) said he would be a DX, but the newer one only said MMS. So we don't know for sure, but it seems to be HT's MO to give us more popular properties as DX. But the PERS issue goes back to DX-01, so that is not really a reaction to the "recent" HT releases. This is and always has been a DX/PERS issue. As for Indy, well. . .

We'll see if the new trend with sub-par Hot Toys figures actually becomes "par" in the future, but I'm inclined to think HT sees the writing on the wall for this industry and is trying to really focus on profit at the expense of all else at the moment (and that includes decreased quality of releases as a means of saving costs). They are no longer rare collectibles as edition sizes are through the roof. They cost way way more than they should, with prices continually increasing. Doesn't feel sustainable to me.
The original announcement (which I'm now inclined to believe was real) said he would be a DX, but the newer one only said MMS. So we don't know for sure, but it seems to be HT's MO to give us more popular properties as DX. But the PERS issue goes back to DX-01, so that is not really a reaction to the "recent" HT releases. This is and always has been a DX/PERS issue. As for Indy, well. . .

We'll see if the new trend with sub-par Hot Toys figures actually becomes "par" in the future, but I'm inclined to think HT sees the writing on the wall for this industry and is trying to really focus on profit at the expense of all else at the moment (and that includes decreased quality of releases as a means of saving costs). They are no longer rare collectibles as edition sizes are through the roof. They cost way way more than they should, with prices continually increasing. Doesn't feel sustainable to me.

I agree with you there. HT seems to be pushing a lot of collectors out the door or "pricing them put" so to speak. Myself being one of them. Thats why Ive cut way back on pre-orders, after HULK, Im not even sure if Ill bother pre-ordering any of them any more.

Aside from the DX01 and DX02 have iffy PERS and Indy with the "guyliner" I think all the others have been a home run.
DX07-Not sure yet
DX10-Not sure yet
DX11-Looks great
DX12-Havent gotten in hand yet, but Ive seen pics that make it look goofy AND some that make it look great.

As far as functionality goes I havent had a problem with any of my DXs. Even DX01 and DX02, but I know there has been issues.

EDIT: As for BTTF being a DX, you are probably right, I remember HT stating in an interview back when the DX line debuted, that it was reserved for "Very Iconic Characters" and I think of Marty McFly and BTTF being "Very Iconic" so it probably will be.
I agree with you there. HT seems to be pushing a lot of collectors out the door or "pricing them put" so to speak. Myself being one of them. Thats why Ive cut way back on pre-orders, after HULK, Im not even sure if Ill bother pre-ordering any of them any more.

Aside from the DX01 and DX02 have iffy PERS and Indy with the "guyliner" I think all the others have been a home run.
DX07-Not sure yet
DX10-Not sure yet
DX11-Looks great
DX12-Havent gotten in hand yet, but Ive seen pics that make it look goofy AND some that make it look great.

As far as functionality goes I havent had a problem with any of my DXs. Even DX01 and DX02, but I know there has been issues.

EDIT: As for BTTF being a DX, you are probably right, I remember HT stating in an interview back when the DX line debuted, that it was reserved for "Very Iconic Characters" and I think of Marty McFly and BTTF being "Very Iconic" so it probably will be.


Marty McFly is very iconic
Yay, 1 out of 12 odds! I'm sure a DX Marty will look GREAT. :duh

Point being, your black and white view of PERS isn't at all accurate, which Rzezzy did a pretty good job pointing out as well.
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