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There's so many characters I would have preferred to cyborg. Green lantern, martian manhunter, hawkman, green arrow etc..

Doesn't help that his "suit" just looks really dumb imo. Hopefully, I'll just stick to the bats of this series. Like the armor on him, but not a fan of the goggles.
I'd guess he'll be resurrected around the last 30 minutes or so of the movie. You can't just have him pop up 10 minutes in. Hopefully DC has a great script this time out and someone overseeing production, because while Snyder is a great visual filmmaker he is atrocious at storytelling.

I'm sure Cyborg he will be able to reconfigure his synthetic parts with weaponry, tech, tools, etc. But if Snyder/DC really wants to push the envelope and go down the Iron Man path they could add colors or make it possible for Cyborg to morph into different versions for specialized applications such as underwater, space, heavy duty, etc. You'd think with all that tech, they'd create a human looking synthetic body that he could use, maybe with a limit of an hour or two a day.

He was pumped up in pics for some reason. In the trailer he was human
There's so many characters I would have preferred to cyborg. Green lantern, martian manhunter, hawkman, green arrow etc..

Doesn't help that his "suit" just looks really dumb imo. Hopefully, I'll just stick to the bats of this series. Like the armor on him, but not a fan of the goggles.

I guess it shows how far opinions can vary. From what we've seen so far I like his look the best after WW. The light up parts look good against that metal or whatever it is covering him. I also liked his characterization in the Justice League Doom animation. With the high tech world we know live in he feels very current.

I'm sure those other league members you mention will get an outing in sequels. Aquaman should make a very imposing figure but still not liking the new Batman look. Flash is a strange one, I liked the look of his suit in a few earlier pics but don't like it at all in that latest pic.
Aquaman will be a very imposing figure.I'm hoping for sculpted beard and hair for Him.

Rooted hair is a no go for me. Yep... no WWs, Black Widows and Gamorras

Flash and Cyborg is a no brainer for now.

Not feeling Batman.

And finally...

No need for a 2nd Sups.
im def in on all the batman figures for justice league,as far as the other members,not sure,maybe aquaman if he looks good
flash i will wait for his solo outing
I can't help but feel the busy aspect to these films is only leading to an inevitable grassroots reboot. Again.
Geoff Johns has said that Mera will have a "big role" in the film so I am hoping HT makes her and she's the one I'm looking forward to the most.
I'm sure we will see at least 2-3 Batman variations. If Hal Jordan pops up I would be in for a Green Lantern as well.
Really don't like Flash's armored look. I understand that a guy who runs at the speed of sound or whatever would probably need to wear something more substantial than spandex, but he looks like a Power Ranger in that get-up. I like the actor though.

Giant Bruiser Bats isn't my style--I prefer Batman lean, with long horns on his helmet and a long cape that drapes over his shoulders. Also he's not Batman, he's Ben Affleck in a Batman suit.

Cyborg--never was interested in the character. Where's GL? If they were just going for diversity they could have made him the John Stewart GL--he's my favorite anyway. Oh well.

Wonder Woman looks good.

This version of Aquaman is so extreme I think it will either be a huge success or a huge failure. He's weirdly sort of the Hulk of the group: a bit of a risk.

After the critical shellacking BvS got, and the audience appreciation of Suicide Squad's humor, I wonder if this Justice League will be bantering Avengers style. And can they pull it off? Downeys don't grow on trees and cast chemistry is a tricky thing. And I'm pretty sure Cavill's Superman is contractually forbidden to smile.
It will be interesting to see how cinematic Flash is executed and received since the TV version is so popular. While the red certainly pops, the plates of armor could be a hit or a miss. We'll know once we see the suit in action.
I'm sure there will be something appreciably different for Wonder Woman otherwise it will be another redo of BvS version.
Good to hear Mera will have a big role. I hope it's not another 3 years before a figure gets made.
Definitely hoping to see Green Lantern(s). It's possible the character could show up in the after credits.

I've been wondering if DC will significantly expand the roster for JLA2. In addition to GL, they could add Shazam, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, and maybe a couple of others. The challenge would be introducing characters without a backstory development other than being meta humans or aliens, because they would not have been an any previous movies. I doubt any more of the bat family will show up because it would probably screw up the standalone movie.
Really don't like Flash's armored look. I understand that a guy who runs at the speed of sound or whatever would probably need to wear something more substantial than spandex, but he looks like a Power Ranger in that get-up. I like the actor though.

Both Fox and Marvel's Quicksilver wore normal clothes so it's not like it would look stupid if he didn't have protection on. Maybe with all the rest looking buff they wanted Miller to look like he could hold his own.
Both Fox and Marvel's Quicksilver wore normal clothes so it's not like it would look stupid if he didn't have protection on. Maybe with all the rest looking buff they wanted Miller to look like he could hold his own.

I think it's just Snyder's aesthetic.


Just to post these photos in the thread. I like the updated Batsuit. I wonder what new accessories they'll include with it. I already have the BvS version and this one looks quite similar. But if there's different gadgets in addition to a newly sculpted cowl and gauntlets, updated suit, and hopefully a better cape, then I'd be down if I have the funds.



Im so glad flash suit does not contain any leather....
Phew that figure will last...

Wonder woman in other hand.... hmmm...