Halloween 3D 2010

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A 2010 release date is not too soon.

Again, I DO NOT expect that quality, but Carpenter completed the original Halloween in under a year, so quality can be achieved in a short time, IF they want to and you get the right talent behind it. Whether they do or not is questionable, but it is achievable.

The Babysitter Murders script was in development way before they began production. They approached Carpenter in '76, two years before Halloween would be released, so the idea had more than just a year from script to celluloid. I believe that the ONLY reason Halloween was successfully shot in 21 days, two years later, had more to do with the caliber of talent involved. So, from pre to post, it was still more than a year.

When you take into account, licensing (music), effects (both digital and physical), script, director, casting, etc., there's just no way in hell this'll have any kind of quality result (unless you're into plotless goreporn). To think otherwise is kinda naive.
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I think this will be good, I mean after all they did Friday the 13th pt. 3 in 3D and it worked, so a slasher film can be done in 3D. I actually liked Halloween 2, it was so graphic and violent, some of it didn't make sense but I didn't go in comparing it to the original. Nothing will ever beat the originals so we need not to keep thinking they will.
I sure hope so ................. I haven't been "scared" since I was a little kid. Not to say that anything would really scare me but if it gets me to jump then thats close enough.

i saw H2 on opening day in Los Angeles... very sparse crowd as it was an afternoon show... Laurie Strode sees the vision of her mother with young Michael and shouts "what do you want from me?"...

from the center of the theater this larger dude lets out the most diabolical laugh i have ever heard within a real life situation... it absolutely encompassed the theater as if he had a microphone... the moment on screen was not really justifying it which made things very uncomfortable and creepy...

the vibe in the theater had changed... i saw someone leave. good way to raise the tension.
Again, I DO NOT expect that quality, but Carpenter completed the original Halloween in under a year, so quality can be achieved in a short time

That was when Halloween was new and all the creative possibilities hadn't been drained from the idea. Many years, and dismal sequels later, such is not the case. What "good" creative team will throw their hat into a movie that starts with a gimmick and a release date before there is a story?

If it happens, it will be a video game.
I firmly believe there are still solid stories about Michael Myers that could be written, it's a matter of getting someone who understands the origins and is a good story writer to come up with them and get the studio to back them, but it's possible.

I've come to realize though, 90% of movies today are made solely to make money.

While movies have always been about making money, there was also a time when movies were done because people had stories they wanted to tell. There's a new show coming this fall about vampires in high school, there's True Blood on Showtime or whatever, Twilight has some success and now everyone's doing vampire's again.

This Halloween is another example, everyone's doing 3D so they've decided to make a 3D movie because it's what's making money.

Few movies or TV shows are done anymore that don't seem to pretty obviously be tapping into past success of films in a series or current trends, and the rest are remakes of films and properties that already have succeeded.

I'm starting to lose faith in good Halloween films coming out, I think Malek and company will only make them if they feel there's some Hollywood trend they can tap into for some cash, they're never going to say hey, let's just make a Halloween because we could have an interesting story to tell. I'm sure that was part of the flaws in H4-6, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street were cashing in on sequels so Halloween jumped on board, fortunately at least, there were some redeeming points because Moustapha loved Michael and Donald Pleasance was on board to reprised his role every time.
I firmly believe there are still solid stories about Michael Myers that could be written

I wish I shared your faith, but not only do I believe Myers' time has come to completion; but I wonder further what the point would be. We have an original version, and a modern take, what point is there to any more?

This Halloween is another example, everyone's doing 3D so they've decided to make a 3D movie because it's what's making money.

And coming right on the heels of H2, it has an added odor of rank, economic, expediency.
I wish I shared your faith, but not only do I believe Myers' time has come to completion; but I wonder further what the point would be. We have an original version, and a modern take, what point is there to any more?

Off the top of my head, I would gear Halloween sequels around Michael being a mythological type killer, do away with the sister/family connection, remove Haddonfield from being the only locations, keep the only constants as Michael and what he is and Loomis as his hunter. I wouldn't necessarily try to bleed sequel after sequel, but I think you could probably piece together a solid trilogy of stories. What hurts Halloween sequels is the committment to motives for Michael and the need for him to always go back to Haddonfield, make him the Boogeyman that can show up anywhere and not be predicted and you could come up with some interesting tales. Have Loomis trying to hunt him down like McGee chasing after the Hulk in the old 70s TV series. I'm not uber creative or a writer and I can think of this stuff, surely someone working in Hollywood that could do something could come up with stories.
i saw H2 on opening day in Los Angeles... very sparse crowd as it was an afternoon show... Laurie Strode sees the vision of her mother with young Michael and shouts "what do you want from me?"...

from the center of the theater this larger dude lets out the most diabolical laugh i have ever heard within a real life situation... it absolutely encompassed the theater as if he had a microphone... the moment on screen was not really justifying it which made things very uncomfortable and creepy...

the vibe in the theater had changed... i saw someone leave. good way to raise the tension.

:lol Classic! You can always count on the real weirdos when attending a horror flick. I remember sneaking into Halloween 5 with 2 of my buddies back in 89' and had a similar experience. There was a scene when Michael gets close to catching Jamie and all you hear (from behind us and LOUD) is "Kill that ^^^^^ Michael" :lol
Off the top of my head, I would gear Halloween sequels around Michael being a mythological type killer, do away with the sister/family connection, remove Haddonfield from being the only locations, keep the only constants as Michael and what he is and Loomis as his hunter. I wouldn't necessarily try to bleed sequel after sequel, but I think you could probably piece together a solid trilogy of stories. What hurts Halloween sequels is the committment to motives for Michael and the need for him to always go back to Haddonfield, make him the Boogeyman that can show up anywhere and not be predicted and you could come up with some interesting tales. Have Loomis trying to hunt him down like McGee chasing after the Hulk in the old 70s TV series. I'm not uber creative or a writer and I can think of this stuff, surely someone working in Hollywood that could do something could come up with stories.

Not in a year, and not in 3D. :lol
I think it is very possible to get a good story. Incase anyone doesn't know Devils Due Publishing did a few Halloween comics that were pretty damn good. So there are stories out there You just have to find the right writer and go with the right story and they can pull it off.
anything after the first film was an attempt at meaning where there was none.

i dig the character... but the character has so much more power and mystery if his story ended where it should have.
Well, I finished watching all of the sequels and just what I thought, RZ's Halloween movies aren't any worse than any of the others.

I will agree with MaulFan that RZ's Halloween lacks that Halloween feeling but it makes up for that by having the most brutal MM out of all the movies and a ton of reality infused into his version (as much that a movie of this nature can sustain) and for me that counts for something. I'll take that over those 2 dopey cops at the barn in part 5.

Daniel Farrand's H6 for me comes closest to imitating that Halloween feeling (after original 2) but even he admits that H6 ultimately ended up being a disaster of a movie.

Original H2 might've had Cundey back as the DP and most of the original crew but it's really not that great of a movie once they arrive at the hospital. Most of the movie involves characters opening and closing doors and just silly dialog. MM appearance out from the shadows in Dr. Mixters office is well done but just a repeat of part 1.

Seriously, it's hard not to cringe at just how dopey and unrealistic that ER scene in the original H2 is compared to the new H2's approach to Laurie's injury and Trauma treatment at ER.

In the original, Laurie had a scratch on her arm (from Michaels really bad miss from part 1 and what's up with that silliness anyways, had to be on purpose) and they're talking about how much blood she lost and all they do is stick that stupid needle in her arm to draw blood, showing it twice :lol New H2 is a ton better when it came to the ER scene, although I do miss the boy with the razor blade in his mouth. Original Halloween 2 was indeed accused of being mean spirited when it was released and being compared to the first one.

I didn't HATE any of the Halloween sequels, they're all watchable to a certain extent.

We're all intelligent enough to comprehend that none will ever replace the original and it's only natural that we have our different favorite sequels.

There are parts of RZ's Halloween that I enjoyed and for that I will always appreciate his contribution.

Now that he's done, we will once again be invited into another new direction and I just pray that we won't soon be having our Jaws 3D or Amityville 3D type of Halloween movie, making RZ's Halloween look like masterpieces.

At the end of the day though, I do have to agree with MF when he says that it's still possible for a future Halloween movie to be considered a classic and maybe even surpass the original but at the same time we all have every right to remain doubtful that this will take place. I mean, do I think this will ever happen, no I don't but one can never say never like I originally felt.

Someone said to me that by me giving my money to H2 that I'm guilty of making sure the series continues to go down the drain because they can just turn out more crap like H2. I'm sorry to say but I didn't think H2 was crap so I don't feel guilty of going to see it anymore than I did the others.

I didn't even walk out of Resurection like I did Superman 4 :lol But Rick Rosenthal sure surprised everyone with his repeat performance in Res.
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I hope they dont RE anything. Stick with the story. Because honestly Jason, Michael, and Freddy are awesome,simple, and scary characters if done right. Like who wasnt scared of going to sleep at age 5 or so and same thing with Jason, he made hockey masks scary. Michael myers is the embodiment of evil. He came first and he finishes last always. These are all amazing characters but so little has been done with them, its all at the camp or on elm street, or stalking family, ITS OLD ITS EXHAUSTED OK. its been perfected once dont try it twice. For Halloween 3d i want a new look at Halloween that no one has tried maybe a look inside the mind of MM or a pinhead crossover? all i know is the slasher genre has been shot to H E 11 in every meaning of the word. So whoever makes this movie better make it right