Greetings from Maryland!

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Grand Admiral
CF Supporter
Sep 9, 2011
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
'Allo 'Allo All!

Somewhat new collector here in Maryland. Found this awesome forum a couple weeks ago when looking for sources of news about new SideShow and Hot Toys figures.

I started collecting Star Wars 1/6 SideShow figs about a year ago with my first being a Darth Vader fig. He was awesome, and from there, I knew I had to make a dio with him.

Then I saw that Emperor Palpatine was coming with a throne, plus Thrawn, and I knew I had to do a throne room scene!

Since then, I have tried to keep my focus fairly narrow, but have found myself creeping into some other figures as well. I did a small Indy scene (Indy & dad in motorcycle), have expanded my original throe room dio, and am currently working on assembling (pun intended) my Avengers team via Hot Toys figs.

I hope to be able to show off some of the stuff I've done eventually. I am not that skilled when it comes to being crafty, but the stuff I have set up has made me happy and I find the process of acquiring and setting up the perfect figure to be quite relaxing.