Grand Theft Auto V

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They were saying that this map may be 4 times as large as San Andreas. I'll try to find the article for reference but if that's the case it will be pretty big.

4 times? goddamn!

If it's bigger than Just Cause 2 that would be insane, that was like 500 square miles I believe.

Its double the size of Liberty City in GTA4 they said. Also its split into 3 islands.

This was rumored by a former Rock* employee that got fired

Hopefully the size is justified.

Just Cause 1 and 2 had 100s of miles of nothing.

Even GTA4's Liberty City had large areas that weren't used at all in the main game.
.....though a lot was then used later in the 2 DLCs , but thats cheating :D

Most may well disagree wth me, but often times I actually prefer a smaller, better focussed and well designed city over a larger one that is just huge for no real reason beyond boasting rights and because technology has evolved to a point where it can be.

I also tend to think that the problem with a lot of games that try to make cities/worlds far bigger than the game in question actually needs, is that too often much of that city/world feels a bit lifeless and hollow as a result. I mean what is the point in having a huge world/city map when half of it you never really see much of, and may only go through as part of some fetch quest or collectibles hunt?

That said, that's a very generalised opinion, and Rockstar has earnt plenty of faith from me over the years, so I'm happy to wait and see what they manage to deliver.

Most may well disagree wth me, but often times I actually prefer a smaller, better focussed and well designed city over a larger one that is just huge for no real reason beyond boasting rights and because technology has evolved to a point where it can be.

I also tend to think that the problem with a lot of games that try to make cities/worlds far bigger than the game in question actually needs, is that too often much of that city/world feels a bit lifeless and hollow as a result. I mean what is the point in having a huge world/city map when half of it you never really see much of, and may only go through as part of some fetch quest or collectibles hunt?

That said, that's a very generalised opinion, and Rockstar has earnt plenty of faith from me over the years, so I'm happy to wait and see what they manage to deliver.

I share your opinion!

To further express my own views:

Part of the reason I game less and less is the push towards massive open world games. I play games for compelling gameplay and excellent storytelling, and a nice game to look at doesn't hurt either (which is why I enjoy the Halo series but the CoD series does nothing for me). But, like in movies, everything in a game should move the story forward so that everyone can experience it (though Batman:AC's take on side missions thusfar has been the best I've seen). I've found myself enjoying Indie games like Braid and Limbo more and more lately rather than trying to slog through a 200 hour skyrim go around. Yes, you can pick up individual virtual silverware. Well, real silverware is boring as hell, unless the virtual silverware shoots strippers at me, I'm all set.

With all that said, the screens look promising but it better include a PC release that isn't buggy garbage.

You know what? all I want now from Rockstar... is for the PC version to WORK!

Damn, those new screenshots are awesome! I just want to know when we can expect a release date.... :lecture

...but screenshots are good, too. :p

This is only a legitimate concern for other companies but not for rockstar's GTA.

GTAIV's liberty city had so much character every single inch of its virtual world. I didn't fully realize how well crafted liberty city as until I went after the pigeon shooting challenge.

Most may well disagree wth me, but often times I actually prefer a smaller, better focussed and well designed city over a larger one that is just huge for no real reason beyond boasting rights and because technology has evolved to a point where it can be.

I also tend to think that the problem with a lot of games that try to make cities/worlds far bigger than the game in question actually needs, is that too often much of that city/world feels a bit lifeless and hollow as a result. I mean what is the point in having a huge world/city map when half of it you never really see much of, and may only go through as part of some fetch quest or collectibles hunt?

That said, that's a very generalised opinion, and Rockstar has earnt plenty of faith from me over the years, so I'm happy to wait and see what they manage to deliver.

This is only a legitimate concern for other companies but not for rockstar's GTA.

GTAIV's liberty city had so much character every single inch of its virtual world. I didn't fully realize how well crafted liberty city as until I went after the pigeon shooting challenge.

GTA4 had large portions of the map that weren't used.
The 2 DLCs changed this but for the main game it was definitely a problem.

They said more screens end of week.

I really need to know a release date. This is the only game i currently care about.

Rockstar Games said:




Is it bad that im not bothered about GTA V?

I mean, Vice City to me was the best. San andreas added the stuff like swimming etc that was missing in VC, But I hated GTA4. It was just, horrible. It was boring, I hated playing it, it didnt capture me or anything.

I guess thats why its not making me excited. And I get what the guy above me said when he is on about how big GTA 4 was and how focusing on a smaller place is better. I kind of agree. I mean if its too open, it becomes a chore sometimes.

San Andreas was great and about the perfect size, just abit more detail and ability to go in more buildings, but 4 just felt too big for me.