GI JOE 30th Anniversary

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Haven't been paying attention to this thread lately... how did this go?

I hope you got the refund AND kept the Footloose. Doesn't hurt to have an opener. :)

I wish that I could say that it worked out without me losing a dime, but in the end I had to send Footloose back and pay return shipping. Amazon's resolution center (A-Z) was obviously automated so my complaint about having to pay return shipping was a lost cause. It was get stuck with damaged goods or pay to return it to the scumbag.
The only good thing is that he pulled his inventory from Amazon after a month or so (no sales whatsoever), most likely due to my feedback which would guarantee no one would ever trust this Dbag again. His response I'm guessing did not help matters much either.

1 out of 5:"Horrible!!! Seller sent high dollar exclusive Joecon Footloose (only 500 made) unprotected in envelope, had relisted item before I had even shipped it back describing faults before discussing the damage with me and was unprofessional. I'm pretty sure that I was being used so that the seller could collect on a fraudulent insurance claim. Buyer beware, bad experience that A-Z took care of. "
Aaron E. , September 3, 2012
Seller Response: Buyer attempted to initiate a scam. Dispute resolved with Amazon. Poor example of online buying, should be banned from Amazon. Flat out lied on Amazon request, buyer is a poor example of how a responsible adult should behave.
Date: September 5, 2012
^ Dude, you should just go ahead and post this guy's name. If he's got something from Joe Con, he's likely posting and/or trying to sell stuff on the forums, too.

Did you ever end up getting one in the end?
^ Dude, you should just go ahead and post this guy's name. If he's got something from Joe Con, he's likely posting and/or trying to sell stuff on the forums, too.

Did you ever end up getting one in the end?

Christopher T. Henry, AKA ArnimZolaTheBookSeller from Massachusetts. I looked at a few more but never did order another one. I have to admit that because of the current economic climate I have been spending more and more on 'prepping' and less and less on my collectibles. Essentially I am attempting to turn myself into a GI Joe. All of the guns and gear that I'd be super excited to see on an action figure, I can now throw on and romp around in as a weekend warrior. It may make for an interesting thread, as I am unlikely the only one who has 'woken up' as of late, and see the immediate need for preparing for the uncertainty of our unsustainable system.
Just a glimpse of this week: 175 rolls TP, $140 in alcohol, 10,000 matches, 500 smokeless candles, MBUS magpul back up rear sight for AR-15, 840 rounds red tracer rounds .223 (more for fun and practice than 'preps'), 9 magazine magpuls, 1000 napkins, 10 rolls aluminum foil.
This new 'behavior' has overtaken me for the better part of about a year now, so you can imagine what I've squirreled away. Ideally, I would like to have 20 years of core supplies. And of course, if you can't defend it, you don't own it. Knowing is Half the Battle! Yo Joe!

There's 3 million preppers in the U.S, that's about 1 in a hundred people. Seeing that most of us here are no stranger to military lifestyles and armament, I just have a hunch that some of us are survivalist's at heart. Collecting comes naturally for most of us, and collecting essentials seems justified enough, even a squirrels tiny brain can figure that out. I'd like to know if i'm the only one here, but I seriously doubt it.
In case this is a new concept to you, google SHTF (***** hits the fan). They say we are 9 meals away from anarchy. Grocery stores carry less than 3 days of food and when the SHTF, that will be gone in a matter of hours. There's a lot of things that can go wrong, I've lived through many major hurricanes and have real world experience with pandemoneum. Just food for thought...
I can't be the only Freak with a stocked bugout bag. :tap

So watcha think buddy, would a SHTF thread be justified? I know it would make for some good reading, and could lead to a few new recruits joining the ranks of the prepared. I for one have a lot of strong opinions in this subject with regards to what should be stocked vs. camping junk. Equipment is the name of the game, we've got a thread devoted to firearms, but that is such a small piece of the puzzle. Just one non specific thread should lead to a lot of different conversations, and would allow a broader perspective from preppers and non-preppers alike. I'm guessing that we have at least 10 prepping vets within this forum, who could answer any question under the sun.
So watcha think buddy, would a SHTF thread be justified? I know it would make for some good reading, and could lead to a few new recruits joining the ranks of the prepared. I for one have a lot of strong opinions in this subject with regards to what should be stocked vs. camping junk. Equipment is the name of the game, we've got a thread devoted to firearms, but that is such a small piece of the puzzle. Just one non specific thread should lead to a lot of different conversations, and would allow a broader perspective from preppers and non-preppers alike. I'm guessing that we have at least 10 prepping vets within this forum, who could answer any question under the sun.

:lol Just go to Off Topic and bump the Zombie Apocalypse thread. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

Edit: NVM, the thread it was in has long since been locked, but here's the post:
Always have a "go-bag" (backpack) with a coat, at least a week's worth of non-perishable chow, a survival knife of some sort, a fire starter and a means of purifying water. Some rugged boots, an additional change of clothes, a rain poncho, multi-vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin B (for the bugs) are also good to have in it. Also might not hurt to add a $5 First Aid Kit in there. It's a space hog for sure, but if you're unfamiliar with treating injuries, it's a godsend. Sometimes a band-aid can do more good for morale than chicken noodle soup. :lol
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We have a bug-in garbage can with enough food & supplies for a week, a freezer in garage filled with water, and enough guns and ammo to protect the house against common threats. I live in suburbia Southern California, so if the SHTF we are screwed because there isn't really anywhere to bug out to except into the mountains; North, East, & South is pretty much desert and we can't take three little ones there...

My mom owns 28 acres of land in Kountze, Texas and sometimes I wish we were closer to them. Alas, teachers don't get the pay or benefits in Texas that they do in California.
Eh, can never be too careful. I'm no alarmist, but you never know when a disaster could hit.

I probably should get more canned food and water at least. No weapons, except knives. Lots of military gear from my time in Afghanistan (plus I'm still in the Navy).

I probably should look into getting licensed and getting a shotgun at least, but it's never really been a priority... plus I'm not sure how the wife would feel about it.

I keep joking that her dad should give me the Uzi he bought at a garage sale as a gift... but he lives in Kentucky and we're in Ottawa, so obviously that's a no-no. :(

If you do change your mind, I've got a MOSC Club Footloose. I'm really more of an opener, so I don't really need to keep this around... :)
There's 3 million preppers in the U.S, that's about 1 in a hundred people. Seeing that most of us here are no stranger to military lifestyles and armament, I just have a hunch that some of us are survivalist's at heart. Collecting comes naturally for most of us, and collecting essentials seems justified enough, even a squirrels tiny brain can figure that out. I'd like to know if i'm the only one here, but I seriously doubt it.

In case this is a new concept to you, google SHTF (***** hits the fan). They say we are 9 meals away from anarchy. Grocery stores carry less than 3 days of food and when the SHTF, that will be gone in a matter of hours. There's a lot of things that can go wrong, I've lived through many major hurricanes and have real world experience with pandemoneum. Just food for thought...

I'm with you!

Eh, can never be too careful. I'm no alarmist, but you never know when a disaster could hit.

I probably should get more canned food and water at least. No weapons, except knives. Lots of military gear from my time in Afghanistan (plus I'm still in the Navy).

I probably should look into getting licensed and getting a shotgun at least, but it's never really been a priority... plus I'm not sure how the wife would feel about it.

I keep joking that her dad should give me the Uzi he bought at a garage sale as a gift... but he lives in Kentucky and we're in Ottawa, so obviously that's a no-no. :(

If you do change your mind, I've got a MOSC Club Footloose. I'm really more of an opener, so I don't really need to keep this around... :)

everyone should own a gun...its better to have it and not need it,then to need it and not have it.
Eh, can never be too careful. I'm no alarmist, but you never know when a disaster could hit.

I probably should get more canned food and water at least. No weapons, except knives. Lots of military gear from my time in Afghanistan (plus I'm still in the Navy).

I probably should look into getting licensed and getting a shotgun at least, but it's never really been a priority... plus I'm not sure how the wife would feel about it.

I keep joking that her dad should give me the Uzi he bought at a garage sale as a gift... but he lives in Kentucky and we're in Ottawa, so obviously that's a no-no. :(

If you do change your mind, I've got a MOSC Club Footloose. I'm really more of an opener, so I don't really need to keep this around... :)
I'm due to pay for the DX batman on Monday and need to pay my property taxes for the year in the next few weeks. I've also got 3 SE v2 coming up as well as the Joker v2 in Jan. Assuming you still have him in January, I may PM you. He's just a little low on my list of priorities ATM. I'd still love to add him to my wall though...
I checked out the Zombie thread, not a serious thread but still a fun read. One item everyone should consider for bugging out, or even bugging in is the Sawyer Squeeze water filter. It's light and very packable at 3 oz's, no filter to change and comes with a 1 million gallon guarantee. It's based on kidney dialysis machines, filters to .1 microns and screws to any old plastic bottle. I saw a demo and the guy demonstrating it just scooped stagnant pond water and started drinking it down. I put it to my own test, a half empty water bottle that had been sitting in the sun on my back deck all summer. Still here. They are about $40 each. Storing water can be as easy and discreet as getting a water bed. Per gallon, they are a lot cheaper than storage drums.
For fire, I've found the cheapest solution is at the grocery store, they have boxes with 50 Always Save match books (1000 matches) for $1.25. Great bug in item to have.
Food is still cheap if you are stockpiling. Canned goods will last 4-5 years (best buy dates on foods do not mean the food is spoiled and can still be eaten) but I would recommend buying 40-50lb bags of rice and beans and storing them in 5 gallon buckets topped off with those disposable hand warmers. They have the same active ingredient as the more expensive de-oxygenators (iron oxide) but are a LOT cheaper. They just turn the remaining oxygen (bad for food) from iron into rust inside the packet. Rice and beens can be stored for 8-10 years this way, and total costs are around $.75 a lb.
Whats the going rate for these Prime?

I thought it was about what he paid - $150, but it looks like maybe $125 or so is the going rate nowadays. Guess I waited too long, lol. :)

I think I've got it listed at $150 shipped here, which is maybe a bit more than what I could do it from Canada, so I could go down in price for sure... I'm sure I could ship it for 12.66 nicely packed up (he's in a star case right now) but that'd be without tracking or anything, and surface. Sometimes we go down to the US though (only an hour away from the border now) so I could send it from NY state for cheaper and with tracking and everything though, so I guess that's a possibility.

I'm due to pay for the DX batman on Monday and need to pay my property taxes for the year in the next few weeks. I've also got 3 SE v2 coming up as well as the Joker v2 in Jan. Assuming you still have him in January, I may PM you. He's just a little low on my list of priorities ATM. I'd still love to add him to my wall though...

Yeah, I'm in no real rush. I'm really trying to cut down the extra stuff I've amassed over the last few years... Actually, the only Sideshow stuff I get nowadays is the Joe line, and even that's being cut down (getting rid of the extra Cobra Troopers/variants, passed on CG and the new Snake Eyes... though I would like to get the ex. CG at some point down the road). We've got a baby now and the wife is staying home for a bit, so I have to spend a lot less!

It'll take time, though, and I'm not really being too aggressive with selling - no ebay or anything like that, and I'm probably not bumping my sales thread as much as I should, lol. And January isn't all that far off, so you never know. :)
everyone should own a gun...its better to have it and not need it,then to need it and not have it.

Yeah, it's not really all that common up here, though. Not in cities, anyway.

I've always been interested in them - partly why I joined the military, I'm sure. Just never really seemed like a priority, though, and it's obviously a bit more difficult to get licensed and everything here, and of course much more expensive to buy...
if SHTF, Bullets would very quickly become very valuable i think.
Dumb people are going to burn through them very very quickly, as there would be very little penalty for murder.
So hide a bit, let people kill each other, let guns become funny-shaped clubs.
Practice archery, or buy a crossbow.
Additionally,I work on an army base, and leave just outside. Because of this, I've got several friends on-base among the enlisted and nco's .

Depending on how BAD things go, a full on SHTF could mean total collapse. Total collapse, meaning, welcome to the third world. no one is coming to save you, every man for himself.

Me? I'm gonna go stockpile roadsigns, and hit up harbor frieght to get an anvil and some hammers.

Did I ever mention that i used to work for a professional armorsmith/ weaponsmith/fletcher as his apprentice? God bless the SCA, and those weekend warriors with more money than sense.

Make some arrows, possibly a crossbow, and some blades.
Beyond that? who knows.