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Sink or Swim for Cavs tonight...this will be the game that determines the fate of a sweep :thud:

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thinks that Love should be traded. I was really surprised so many critics and sportscasters thought the same after only one finals appearence :slap
:lol Steph could possibly match Lebron in possessing two trophies in his finals career

And possibly NOT win a Finals MVP for the second time, despite winning the regular season MVP the last two seasons.

This Golden State team is really the perfect storm of complementary pieces, especially in the backcourt. GS can afford to hide Steph Curry on defense because Klay is so good defensively. And their shooting opens things up for each other.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm sure Steph Curry would be fine winning a second title and not winning Finals MVP. This observation was merely that the Warriors are an all around great team.
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Sad yet funny

Sink or Swim for Cavs tonight...this will be the game that determines the fate of a sweep :thud:

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thinks that Love should be traded. I was really surprised so many critics and sportscasters thought the same after only one finals appearence :slap

I recall the disagreements I had with members when the trade was proposed and I wanted Wiggins....Love was a top player in the league yada yada yada....he hasn't sucked but he hasn't worked out as planned where into his second season talks of trades have resurfaced

For those with the James hasn't "made him better" argument move on... Love is a top tier professional athlete in his sport. No one should make him anything...just not the player for the systems their running.
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I'm taking it as an insult? Don't forget you took offense to one line of my post a few days back about how Jordan never lead a bad team to the finals like LeBron.

You know what... Pippen made Jordan better. Pippen is the reason for the six rings, cause Jordan couldn't get it done without him.

I would like nothing better than LeBron to just play hero ball and carry the Cavs to the title after being down 2-0. Of course the excuses would then be "well Jordan was never down 2-0."

1). We have already been through this. LeBron never had to go through the Celtic, Pistons, or Cavs teams from that era. Hell the Price lead Cavs would have knocked James Cavs out of the playoffs. The Celts and Pistons would have slaughtered any of the James lead Cavs teams. Not that I expect you to know this since you have no first hand knowledge of any of those teams.

2). WRONG! MJ made PIp better. Pip has said so on numerous occasions. If Pip was the leader and superstar of the Bulls like you make him out to be, they would have made it past the Pistons as soon as he joined the team. However, I can't expect you to know any of this since you are clueless and haven't seen any of the games or history you seem to like to comment on. They didn't get past the Pistons because MJ was still molding Pip and the rest of his team into Champions. That's what great players do. They work with the pieces they have and lead teams to Championships. They don't collude with 2 other stars and abandon their team so they can finally cash checks that their big mouths write.

3). Only great players and leaders can lead their teams out 0-2 deficits in the playoffs so you don't have to worry about that with LeBron. It ain't happening but you can keep dreaming and hoping. LeBron is like David Robinson. He's a clear cut HOFer that can't win it all as the leader of HIS team. Robinson thought he was a leader until Duncan showed up and showed him what a leader is. Maybe Bron gets lucky like David did. Maybe he gets hurt next year and the Cavs get the #1 pick in the lottery and pick a real leader who can take James and the Cavs to the promised land. Oh, by the way, the GOAT had no problem bringing his team back from a 0-2 deficit in the playoffs. The GOAT became the first player to bring his team back from a 0-2 hole in a 7 game playoff series (look at that, yet another list he's#1 on) in NBA history. I'm not going to tell you what team he did it against. I'm not going to tell you what year it was in. I'm not going to tell you what the final result in the series was. I'm going to make you look it up on the net. Same way you look up all of the ignorant garbage you spew on here without knowing anything about that era of the game. You have ZERO context or knowledge to draw upon when discussing MJ or that era of basketball in general. Go ahead and look some more stuff up on the net and I'll wait for more of your ignorant response(s).
LeBron got a team to the finals by himself, why couldn't Jordan?

I have a news flash for player accomplishes anything by themselves and if LeBron is so great, he would have went 4-0 in the Finals with his STACKED Heat teams. As for the GOAT...I already explained that the Pistons, Cavs, and Celtic teams in the era he played in would have crushed Bron's 07 team. However, since you have no first hand knowledge of any of those teams, we can only expect more ignorant posts from you.
Sink or Swim for Cavs tonight...this will be the game that determines the fate of a sweep :thud:

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thinks that Love should be traded. I was really surprised so many critics and sportscasters thought the same after only one finals appearence :slap

Actually, the next 2 games are critical for the Cavs. Being in a 3-1 hole isn't a position the Cavs want to be in either. Down 3-0 or 3-1, it's only a matter of time then with this GS team.
Not only this, but it could be the most embarrassing beat down that Lebron has faced in his finals career. Even worse than last year's performance

I'd have to rank the Spurs sweep of the Cavs in '07 over last years Cavs as a bigger beat down. The Cavs were at least able to take 2 against GS last year. Last year the first 2 games go into OT and the Cavs had a 2-1 series lead to open the series. The rout in game 4 is where the series took a bad turn for the Cavs last year. The real question if the Cavs get swept this year...why with pretty much the exact same players (on both teams) is this Cavs team playing worse than last years? That's a clear sign they are trending in the wrong direction and changes have to be made. They'll continue to get out of the weak Eastern Conference with little problems but if the Cavs don't make changes, winning the Finals will keep eluding them.
That was a bigger beat down, but that 2007 squad gets excused more because of their lack of talent (outside of Lebron). Zydrunas Ilgauskas was a decent center and low post scoring threat, but he'd be an obsolete dinosaur in today's NBA.

Hindsight being 20/20, and if the Cavs had time to let him develop, I would have rolled the dice with Andrew Wiggins as well. I even posted during the time that Wiggins and Lebron could have been a ball hawking duo that clogged the passing lanes like he and Dwayne Wade were in Miami.

But with Lebron in his prime, the Cavs couldn't afford to wait. Kevin Love had a great run through the Eastern Conference playoffs, and a decent game 1 in the finals, with 17 points and 13 rebounds. They he gets elbowed in the head in game 2, and misses the second half, so I don't think it's fair to say he didn't show up for that game.

You know who Kevin Love is right now? Pau Gasol, before he won a championship with Kobe. An offensively talented and versatile big man who will be labeled as soft until he can win a ring.
Love is out for tonight.. What can we say about him..

I am going to bet this is not his choice. He tried to go back in before he got put in concussion protocol. Once that happened it was 100% out of his hands. But hey kick the guy when he is down.
I know jedi and a few others paint me as a LeBron hater so let me make my opinion on LeBron clear. He's a HOFer and he's a tremendous athlete. Any player and any team would want LeBron on it. That said, he's also the guy who gets coaches fired, abandoned his team when it was clear he couldn't get over the hump. He's also the guy that colluded with 2 stars of another team and joined them in Miami to make certain that King James "the Chosen 1" wouldn't go his entire career without a title. He's the same guy who had a parade thrown for him when he signed with Miami and danced on stage while holding up numerous fingers to represent how many multiple titles the Heat would win now that he was there, even though he had yet to win his first ring. Then he abandons the Heat while there is still talent on that team and they are counting on him and need him to accomplish something special in Miami. I guess 2 rings in Miami were enough for him. There are other things I could mention but those are some of the things that rub me the wrong way about James.

Having said all that, James could have went just about anywhere he wanted to after he left Miami. It would have been easy for him to stay in Miami or go to another talented team and be the final piece to the puzzle of getting over the hump and winning a championship. Instead, he went home. Even though his heart lead him home, the challenge of winning a Championship for his home team is ENORMOUS. There's no doubt he knew that and still went home. I give him MAJOR props for that. It was clearly the hard choice and he surely knew the criticism that would dog him if he failed to win it all in Cleveland. At this point in his life, winning a title for his home team Cavs means more to him than possibly winning multiple titles on another more talented team. That shouldn't be overlooked or understated. He could have continued to try and add more to his legacy by trying to win titles with a more talented team. Obviously, winning a title for his home team and the city that drafted him means more to him. I truly respect that because the Cavs organization up to this point, hasn't been able to deliver the combination of players or coaches he needs to fulfill his greatest desire. They certainly haven't made it easy on him and there's a strong likelihood that he could get through a piss poor Eastern Conference many more times only to fail in the Finals. Because of all this, if LeBron ever wins a title with the Cavs, I'll tip my cap to him. It will have been well earned.
1). We have already been through this. LeBron never had to go through the Celtic, Pistons, or Cavs teams from that era. Hell the Price lead Cavs would have knocked James Cavs out of the playoffs. The Celts and Pistons would have slaughtered any of the James lead Cavs teams. Not that I expect you to know this since you have no first hand knowledge of any of those teams.

2). WRONG! MJ made PIp better. Pip has said so on numerous occasions. If Pip was the leader and superstar of the Bulls like you make him out to be, they would have made it past the Pistons as soon as he joined the team. However, I can't expect you to know any of this since you are clueless and haven't seen any of the games or history you seem to like to comment on. They didn't get past the Pistons because MJ was still molding Pip and the rest of his team into Champions. That's what great players do. They work with the pieces they have and lead teams to Championships. They don't collude with 2 other stars and abandon their team so they can finally cash checks that their big mouths write.

3). Only great players and leaders can lead their teams out 0-2 deficits in the playoffs so you don't have to worry about that with LeBron. It ain't happening but you can keep dreaming and hoping. LeBron is like David Robinson. He's a clear cut HOFer that can't win it all as the leader of HIS team. Robinson thought he was a leader until Duncan showed up and showed him what a leader is. Maybe Bron gets lucky like David did. Maybe he gets hurt next year and the Cavs get the #1 pick in the lottery and pick a real leader who can take James and the Cavs to the promised land. Oh, by the way, the GOAT had no problem bringing his team back from a 0-2 deficit in the playoffs. The GOAT became the first player to bring his team back from a 0-2 hole in a 7 game playoff series (look at that, yet another list he's#1 on) in NBA history. I'm not going to tell you what team he did it against. I'm not going to tell you what year it was in. I'm not going to tell you what the final result in the series was. I'm going to make you look it up on the net. Same way you look up all of the ignorant garbage you spew on here without knowing anything about that era of the game. You have ZERO context or knowledge to draw upon when discussing MJ or that era of basketball in general. Go ahead and look some more stuff up on the net and I'll wait for more of your ignorant response(s).


Give it a break. Accept the facts that Jordan needed Pippen and couldn't get out of the first round without him. In case you missed it, I had Jordan ranked #3 on my list, could be #2 or even at #4, but never #1, nope.

Oh, by the way... LeBron came back from 0-2 hole against the Pistons in probably the greatest single player playoff performance ever in game 5 where he scored 25 straight, 48 total, made the game winning shot, and actually won the game..... unlike Jordan with his meaningless overrated 63 point game loss :lol
That was a bigger beat down, but that 2007 squad gets excused more because of their lack of talent (outside of Lebron). Zydrunas Ilgauskas was a decent center and low post scoring threat, but he'd be an obsolete dinosaur in today's NBA.

Hindsight being 20/20, and if the Cavs had time to let him develop, I would have rolled the dice with Andrew Wiggins as well. I even posted during the time that Wiggins and Lebron could have been a ball hawking duo that clogged the passing lanes like he and Dwayne Wade were in Miami.

But with Lebron in his prime, the Cavs couldn't afford to wait. Kevin Love had a great run through the Eastern Conference playoffs, and a decent game 1 in the finals, with 17 points and 13 rebounds. They he gets elbowed in the head in game 2, and misses the second half, so I don't think it's fair to say he didn't show up for that game.

You know who Kevin Love is right now? Pau Gasol, before he won a championship with Kobe. An offensively talented and versatile big man who will be labeled as soft until he can win a ring.

Yeah, I really can't argue with that logic. I only referred to the '07 Cavs in a beat down manner because they were never really in that series and got swept.

Give it a break. Accept the facts that Jordan needed Pippen and couldn't get out of the first round without him. In case you missed it, I had Jordan ranked #3 on my list, could be #2 or even at #4, but never #1, nope.

Oh, by the way... LeBron came back from 0-2 hole against the Pistons in probably the greatest single player playoff performance ever in game 5 where he scored 25 straight, 48 total, made the game winning shot, and actually won the game..... unlike Jordan with his meaningless overrated 63 point game loss :lol

Dude...stop talking about Jordan, you don't know ****