Far Cry 3

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score

EU November 29, 2012
AU November 29, 2012
UK November 30, 2012
NA December 4, 2012​

Looks like it turned out to be a really great game. I didn't find a thread for this in search. I'm a bit surprised. I might as well make a thread deserving of how unexpectedly good this game turned out.

Game Informer - 9/10

Concept: Return this open-world shooter to a lush jungle setting and fill it with activities
Graphics: The gorgeous and varied terrain invites you to explore every nook and cranny
Sound: When you hear a hissing sound, brace yourself. Those Komodo dragons aren’t friendly
Playability: The refined gunplay (now without firearms malfunctions), more forgiving checkpoints, and wealth of side activities make this a much more enjoyable experience than Far Cry 2
Entertainment: This is one island adventure you won’t want to miss
Replay: Moderate

Eurogamer - 10/10

That's because Far Cry 3 is all the best things about open-world gaming. It's a glorious anecdote factory, where you manufacture brilliant new memories every time you wake up in a safehouse and head out into the jungle. It's an astonishing technical achievement, as comfortable revealing incredible landscapes over the brow of a hill as it is when the setting sun winks at you through a canopy, or when the heavens open as you stalk wildlife through the trees and long grass. And it always lets you play, but it also controls the tempo - sometimes a little heavy-handedly, but always with good intentions.

In the past, Far Cry's vision of a first-person shooter RPG where you explore, master and then control your environment has always been more seductive on paper than any of its developers have managed to deliver on disc. Far Cry 3 changes all that. For me, this is the new apex predator of open-world shooters. Hunt it down as soon as you can.

IGN - 9/10

Far Cry 3 is important for the same reason as Far Cry 2. It’s a shooter that considers shooters thoughtfully, both in the way they’re designed and the way we play them, and then asks us to do the same. Should massacring hundreds be a great way to entertain ourselves? Maybe not. But it is.

+Excellent, flawed characters create dark, mature story twists
+Satisfying character progression and upgrade system
+Unpredictable, exciting, and varied enemy encounters
+Discovering the depths of this engrossing world

– Limp co-op mission design

EGM - 10/10

SUMMARY: A story that puts you on the edge of your seat from the second it starts. The deep, skillfully scripted campaign is something every gamer should experience.

THE GOOD: The best blend of story and open-world action I’ve ever played.
THE BAD: Less multiplayer, more awesome ending, please!
THE UGLY: The thought of playing “pin the tail on the donkey” ever again…

Strategy Informer - 9/10

1up - B-

Far Cry 3 works best when you're left to your own devices; I loved cruising around the expansive maps via land, sea, and air, and the general business of capturing bases presented interesting stealth puzzles that I often had to approach from different angles before finding one that worked. Missions tailored to serve the story, on the other hand, do a great disservice to the open world antics that exist outside the question of whether or not Jason Brody's murder of thousands will affect his immortal soul -- a question that's ultimately dismissed with just a single sentence by the patronizing ending. Yes, Far Cry 3 offers a handful of great-looking set pieces -- especially when Jason trips on psychedelic drugs -- but these attractions are ultimately just that: a guided, on-rails tour through some pretty scenery. If you're going into the game expecting the dark and savage tale of lost humanity promised by previews and trailers, just cut out the middleman and rent Francis Ford Coppola's take on the same idea -- it'll save you 50-odd bucks and at least 20 hours.

EDGE - 8/10

Far Cry 3’s main missions are nothing special in and of themselves, and include one or two exhausting slogs and limp stealth sections, but the campaign does a better job than Far Cry 2’s storyline when it comes to providing an alternative to the open emergence of the player-authored escapades. Sure, it’s liable to all go a bit surreal, at times, with sequences that ram home the insanity theme, but its protagonists are sympathetic and charismatic, and the villains are loathsome, and it frequently forces Jason into the kind of confined spaces that he never finds outside.

Regardless, Far Cry 3 is at home in the jungle. Wild, reactive and unpredictable, it’s where the series still feels so distinct from other FPSes. It’s built from many of the usual ingredients, including guns, explosive barrels, and thoughtfully placed cover, as well as few less usual ones – tigers, for a start – but refuses to tell you how to approach things or what to do with them. Visiting Rook Islands is no package holiday, then, but it’s a great place to make your own fun.

GamePro - 90/100
XboxFront - 8/10
GameTrailers - 8.6/10
Kotaku - YES
God is a Geek - 9/10
Official PlayStation Magazine - 9/10
Video Gamer - 9/10
IB Times - 7/10
Games Radar - 4.5/5
Inc Gamers - 9/10
CVG - 9.4/10
Official Xbox Magazine - 9/10
Rock Paper Shotgun
Hardcore Gamer - 4/5



Weapons trailer


15 minutes of gameplay @ 1080p


Stealthy gameplay:


Map Editor:





YEa I wondered if there was a thread. Just out of interest, anyone know what format the ign review was on ? Looked to good for console but hopefully it is :)

Will be getting this.
Those scores are pretty amazing. I loved the idea of Farcry 2, but not the execution. Looks like they may have gotten it right this time. I'll definitely check it out. I loathe stealth in my games though.
YEa I wondered if there was a thread. Just out of interest, anyone know what format the ign review was on ? Looked to good for console but hopefully it is :)

Will be getting this.

Judging by the on-screen button prompts, it was Xbox 360. That's not a definite thing, though.
Glad to see this didn't turn out like Farcry 2. I'll definitely pick this game up, just not at full price.
Judging by the on-screen button prompts, it was Xbox 360. That's not a definite thing, though.

Oh cool, really hope so. I bet it looks amazing on PC.

Going to pick this up and wait for hitman to go down.
Loads of good games out lol
Good game. Runs like toilet on the 360 tho. Frame rate stutters, screen tearing and pop in plague this one. Proof that we need the next gen consoles in 2013.
I hope I enjoy this one. It's looked awesome in every trailer I've seen. I will probably bury my head in it for a few days and then let you know what I think.
Should have the game installed by tomorrow morning, time to get busy again after the break from Absolution.

This is the last major game of this year right? Somehow this year seemed quite light in terms of releases...
palyed for 20 minutes ! wow this game is making my gtx580 chug a bit in ultra settings. my god it looks amazing.

I am so hooked on the game already.
it feels like skyrim a bit but way better lol.
amother amazing title for 2012.
Hitman was awesome! And yeah, how are people already getting theirs? Thought it came out Tuesday?
Hitman was awesome! And yeah, how are people already getting theirs? Thought it came out Tuesday?

well i just saw on Amazon that the release date for FC3 is Dec 4 so :dunno. maybe i'll wait a couple of weeks though and get em both for Christmas.
Its already out... it was 29 for Asia/Australia, 30th for EU... and 4th for the US I believe... so yeah you guys are slightly behind. Cant wait to play it from tomorrow... been a fan of the Far Cry series...
So after playing this game solidly for a while I can say I haven't had this much fun with a game for a while. Technical issues aside, I love it. Only done 3 story missions as there's so much more you can do.
Completed the game minutes back, should have done it yesterday night itself but when I realised I was at the ending I just went to sleep. had 10mins of gameplay left... now am in free roam
My opinion of the game was

1. More story driven than Far Cry 2 and less tedious sometimes because of the fast travel options you can unlock
2. Fantastic Environment and random fauna and animal behaviour... really really impressive. The Predator animals bring a different dimension
3. Ideal Far Cry game would be a mix of 2s visceral/moral story with the pace and character of this one

Overall enjoyed it... and I played CoDBO2, Hitman Absolution and now this... November was a very satisfying month!