Enterbay does DragonBall!!??

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Maybe Enterbay realized they had a turd of a license on their hands and moved to cut costs as quickly as they could.

Goku is a mishmash of high and low quality.

I'm not sure if it's because the movie tanked or if Enterbay needs to step up their game in the accessories and clothing. Goku's gi is excellent but his pants hardly even resemble the movie costume.

But by the same token, Jack Bauer's acessories were sub-par, too. He even had a belt holster without a belt!

I submitted a review to Michael Crawford. Overall I actually like the figure but there are a bunch of issues.
Despite how bad the film was for me the only pair I'm interested in is Bulma and Goku, if they don't make a Rossum I'm not buying a Goku.
Goku is a mishmash of high and low quality.

I'm not sure if it's because the movie tanked or if Enterbay needs to step up their game in the accessories and clothing. Goku's gi is excellent but his pants hardly even resemble the movie costume.

But by the same token, Jack Bauer's acessories were sub-par, too. He even had a belt holster without a belt!

I submitted a review to Michael Crawford. Overall I actually like the figure but there are a bunch of issues.

Agreed.. this is my first figure from enterbay. Its a mixed bag of good and bad. I havent had the chance to really look Goku over, but my first impression was how heavy and solid the figure was... I think they over did his facial paint apps a bit.. I'll open piccolo after dinner..
It would also stink if they didn't make Bulma because she's obviously meant to come with the last Dragonball. Goku comes with 1, Piccolo comes with 5. That would be the ultimate tease.
These 2 will be my first Enterbay figures, so I'm very curious to see them in-hand. I pre-ordered Bulma, too, since more people act interested in Bulma, and I don't want to miss her.


I have to say these photos of Goku are some of the best i have seen. It really looks like the actor here.
I have to say these photos of Goku are some of the best i have seen. It really looks like the actor here.

This is a lot of why I wanted them. I love Dragonball, but don't really want anime styled figures- those Medicoms do nothing for me. Even if this movie isn't the best movie ever made, I still think they did a pretty good job of making more "realistic" representations of Dragonball characters, which will look appropriate alongside my Hot Toys figures.
back again...
I have them! I pretty much like them, but they are no Hot Toys. Really thinking about "HotToys-izing them" with a HT body or something. I agree 100% with YoNoSe's review:
One of my Goku's "Improved ankle design" ankles broke day one (I have never had a HT break in over 25 figures) Hopefully that can be remedied. Enterbay's ankle design is not something I like much. Piccolo is VERY well made, but his boots are 100% crap. Very low-end "ZC Girl" looking mess. Definitely replacing them with something more tough looking, and less like baby galoshes.
I don't like the Enterbay body very much, for all the reasons YoNoSe said- it does have nice weight, but the racheting of the joints makes good poses hard. I also don't like the non-poseable neck that is set in a forward pose. Really makes me appreciate Wolverine's well-made and realistic looking neck. I think their wrought-iron stands are a neat idea. Pics soon, after the Goku ankle thing is resolved. Maybe Piccolo pics sooner. I *am* glad I got them- the sum of all of it is nicer than the parts, and it's the most realistic Dragonball characters we are ever going to get..
Ah that's a shame about the ankle joint...Looking foward to the pics though. Apart from a few photos I haven't seen many pictures doing these sculpts justice.
I must also share some pics of my piccolo ..i kinda worked backwards by showing videos first.
Okay, so, update:
Enterbay apparently has TERRIBLE quality control.
I love the Goku head sculpt, but I would probably not buy another Enterbay product. I may give Bulma a try, since I pre-ordered her, but that would be it.
I got a replacement Goku from the retailer, and guess what? HIS ankle broke, too. He also had a small spot of glue on the side of his head, by his ear.
This time I'm just sucking it up, and working on improvements of my own- I already lightly sanded away the small spot of glue, and I dismantled the Enterbay body, and have neatly transplanted his arms onto a Truetype body. (the arms show, and are a better color match to his head and hands. Also, his arms are somewhere between a regular TT and a slim body TT's in build, so they were the best choice) This has also given Goku a lot better posing power, and much more neck motion range.
In taking apart the Enterbay body, I found it to be a CHEAP piece of crap. It has much less complexity than other bodies in the same price range. The Enterbay body seems to have been designed with cutting costs in mind above anything else. It has precious few quality pieces like screws and washers and springs- what few screws I could find seemed corroded. Many of the body parts did not match in color, either. The feet, crotch, knees, and arms are a different color plastic than the rest of the body. It makes me appreciate Hot Toys bodies all the more, and with the new Truetype that was previewed at Christmas, and is on the way to retail this year, the HT body is easily three times better than the Enterbay body. Makes me wonder why most Enterbay figures cost more than most Hot Toys figures. Enterbay is a rip-off. Enterbay's headsculpts are beautiful, but the rest of the figures are a cop out.
Another problem I encountered with both Gokus: three of the four wristbands I received had fuzz stuck in the paint from that cloth "bodybag" he came in, and the belts and the wristbands both leave dark marks here and there on the figures. The first Goku I got had the dark marks on the Gi from the belt, and this Goku has marks on one wrist where the wristband has discolored the plastic. Why did they use such cheap, poorly colored/painted vinyl for these pieces? Thankfully one of the wristbands was ok, I am recasting it to make me two decent wristbands of a less problematic and fuzz-free material.
I have bought tons of figures in my day, and have rarely had much of any problems with them- Hot Toys especially have all been great straight out of the box. So many quality issues with these Enterbay figures, though.
My first thought is to say, "well, it's Dragonball- they hurried them out to get it over with", but that's not much of an excuse. They proudly showed these heads off for ages at shows. To people like me, for whom Dragonball is an introduction to their product, Enterbay has done themselves a great disservice. Enterbay seems like a corner cutting company who makes sorry design choices, and chooses inferior materials. Hot Toys doesn't always get it right, but they do seem to at least always strive to improve and innovate, and I rarely feel cheated by a purchase from them. Enterbay has left a bad taste in my mouth. :(
wow, that totally sucks a$$. But I'm glad I read this, I was thinking of purchasing one of those figs, not now. Is this the same with their Jack Bauer figure too?? I wanted to pick up that one too, but not sure right now.
The only thing we're buying are the headsculpts that EB produce.

I'm so annoyed with my 24 and Bruce Lee bodies. You don't expect to a premium price and have to replace or mod the existing bodies.

Hopefully their R&D can rectify this.
Does the headsculpt easily fits on a HT body or do you have to mod it on? I think I will just go that route myself.
wow, that's terrible. i'd cancel bulma if i was you.

Sure thinking about it. She's gonna have to be uber sexy and well made for me to want her.

wow, that totally sucks a$$. But I'm glad I read this, I was thinking of purchasing one of those figs, not now. Is this the same with their Jack Bauer figure too?? I wanted to pick up that one too, but not sure right now.

Maybe someone else can answer that. This is my first experience with Enterbay, and most likely my last.

The only thing we're buying are the headsculpts that EB produce.

I'm so annoyed with my 24 and Bruce Lee bodies. You don't expect to a premium price and have to replace or mod the existing bodies.

Hopefully their R&D can rectify this.

At this point, yeah, it seems like in Goku's case all I was really paying for was the headsculpt and most of the uniform, because the body is a joke. When HT knows a figure is going to have bare arms, the arms get more detail. Enterbay bothered to nicely paint the hands, but then they aren't a fabulous color match to the very average arms.
I cannot understand for the life of me how anyone could claim an Enterbay product is a superior product, as I have seen some people do. I mean, over Hasbro, maybe, but even Sideshow's bodies are of so much nicer construction and articulation.
I don't hold out a lot of hope for EB's R&D- their figure body just screams corner cutting to save money. It certainly doesn't scream innovation.

Does the headsculpt easily fits on a HT body or do you have to mod it on? I think I will just go that route myself.

You have to mod it a bit. I'm used to dismantling/tearing bodies up to make stuff, so I have extra parts about. You have to take the receiving connector part out of Goku's head (takes some work, it's glued in) and then put a balljoint gasket from an extra HT head inside it. After that, though, you have a much better range of motion. I sort of resent having to use my one extra slender TT body for this, but oh well, trying to get lemonade here, and I'm sure there will be better slenders to come.

Man, the paint and skin tone on Wolverine looks far better than this guy. He has girly arms and hands as well.

The hands do seem smallish and dainty.
Coincidentally, I have both of those figures on my desk in front of me right now, and Wolverine kicks Goku's ass into next week. I bought 2 Wolverines I liked him so much. One just to fiddle with so I have 1 perfect one to keep in a display case.
I had better luck with Piccolo, I'm guessing it's because maybe the green plastic of his body is better quality, and most of him hides under the thankfully pretty well-made robe. The plastic of Goku's ankle, and it's connecting joint is so delicate and crappily designed. The Hot Toys balljoint method is so much more poseable, efficient, and much harder to break.
I will try to take some pictures soon, including the butchered upper torso (had to butcher it to get his arms loose, they don't dismantle neatly like other companies' bodies) and the broken ankle. Another thing I noticed, and I have no basis in fact for making this claim, but I swear the more I cut and handled the body the more it smelled like lead or graphite. No other company's figure bodies ever made my hands pure stink of a leaden smell. Just an el-cheapo experience all the way around. :horror
I've been collecting 1/6 figs since the early 90's. Enterbay HS's are AWESOME! It sucked that my Bauer was the first to take a "dive" unto a carpetted floor and break a shin! :monkey2