England riots

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Jack's Smirking Revenge
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Absolutely pointless and destroying hard working peoples properties. I really don't understand this madness
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Re: London riots

it started in tottenham and was roomered the trouble was going to spread to brixton and croydon...

Troublemakers talking on on message boards and social networks can get almost anything to happen.:mad:
Re: London riots

Why were they gathered in the first place?

I think it all started from a police shooting, and the growing resentment in certain parts of London for the police....you have those that are protesting against the police and then you have those who are just opportunists and see this as a perfect opportunity to loot and destroy property. There have been over 100 arrests of protestors and I think around 35 police officers have been injured.
Re: London riots

this sh-t is serious, all of the shops around mine have close becuase it's rumoured it'll hit here.

unlike the US are cops are tied down by the crappy government, whenever reports come of hard-hitting cops they get vilifies, so they basically have to stand there while the rioter throw molotvs at them cos they cant act unless their ommander gives the okay, i mean a fire is set right in front of them and weapons thrown at them AND THEY CANT ACT.

the gov should declare martial law for cops and allow the to crack some skulls, otherwise the economy will be ____ed up even more with stock being stolen and insurance and banks having to pay out for the destruction.
Re: London riots

now everyone will forget about the crazy Canadians in the Vancouver riots. thanks London.:hi5:
Re: London riots

they need to adopt the European method and turn the water cannons on them
Re: London riots

they need to adopt the European method and turn the water cannons on them

l hear rubber bullets work good. don't see why thay just cant get a minni gun with rubber bullets and fire 4 thousand round a minute at them. that will solve the problem.
Re: London riots

i hope the pub hasn't shut shop,i'm dying for a guinness:lecture

i want to post in the i am drunk thread later:medic
Re: London riots

l agree rioters get off way to easy. same thing with the Vancouver riots. those people embarrassed Canada. one guy was filmed burning a police car. his school and parents saw the footage and nothing happened to him. he was on scholarship, the should've taken that away and kicked him out of school, but no, he got a year probation. so did everyone else who were arrested. they should of got prison time.
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Re: London riots

I saw it on the news last night. Complete buildings burned to the ground, people losing their homes, shops, cars, everything. Some people are just insane!

unlike the US are cops are tied down by the crappy government, whenever reports come of hard-hitting cops they get vilifies, so they basically have to stand there while the rioter throw molotvs at them cos they cant act unless their ommander gives the okay, i mean a fire is set right in front of them and weapons thrown at them AND THEY CANT ACT.

the gov should declare martial law for cops and allow the to crack some skulls, otherwise the economy will be ____ed up even more with stock being stolen and insurance and banks having to pay out for the destruction.

It's the same here. The police aren't allowed to do anything. The people who do things like these riots have absolutely no respect for them, because they know they can't do anything.
Just the other day there was something on the news about a policeman shooting a burglar. Of course the policeman is made out to be the bad guy.

If it were up to me, the police should be able to shoot a suspect in the knee or whatever if they were caught in the act. People would think twice about doing illegal stuff then. Now they know there won't be any major repercussions. Maybe do some jail for a couple of months in a jailcell which resembles a hotel more than anything.

It's sad really... :ohbfrank:
Re: London riots

Well it has just moved on to Birmingham now so more riots there.
The building they burnt to the ground had apartments above it with women , kids and family's in there , luckily they go out un harmed.
So why have they not been arrested for attempted murder?
They will just get a slap on the wrist.
English Government is terrilbe and too scared to speak up.
What ever happened to the freedom of speech?
Re: London riots

Well it has just moved on to Birmingham now so more riots there.
The building they burnt to the ground had apartments above it with women , kids and family's in there , luckily they go out un harmed.
So why have they not been arrested for attempted murder?
They will just get a slap on the wrist.
English Government is terrilbe and too scared to speak up.
What ever happened to the freedom of speech?

You mean too afraid to "kill the blacks" as you put it in your deleted post?
Re: London riots

the mods cleaned up his post and deleted some other posts l think.

I am aware of that. Hence my reference to the posts as merely "deleted". I made no inference that he was the one who deleted them.
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