1/6 DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

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here is a pic of mine with my MMS117. Yes I know it's not a fatboy but I think it still looks damn good with the figure. And I love the fact this bike has a diecast fuel tank, fenders, and motor. Adds to the realism of it. I looked at the fatboy motorcycle phones and this was cheaper and better over all imho.


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Sorry for raining on your parade there, I feel I should have kept what I said to myself. It's a good looking model which I gather must have some nice heft to it with the diecast parts - and you got a great price on it. I hope you enjoy it.
^no offense taken a-dev. Its a balance to find something close to screen accuracy vs a reasonable price. I looked at the 1/6 fatboy bikes but those were not screen accurate either and way more expensive. The one posted on this page towards the top while it is much closer to the screen representation is still not screen accurate as the gas tank was all black. But like I said to each his own.
Okay, so I bought the DX10 along with the MMS136 Tech Noir about 6-7 months ago and I always loved the T2 look way more than the 80's M65 field jacket Arnie all my life, but somehow I'm always looking at the MMS136 more and less of the DX10. How is this even possible? I think something about the DX10 headsculpt throws me off, or the fact that the MMS is bigger, or maybe because I haven't gotten a black shirt for him yet. :dunno

Tell me it's just me, I truly wanna like the DX10 more than the MMS!
Okay, so I bought the DX10 along with the MMS136 Tech Noir about 6-7 months ago and I always loved the T2 look way more than the 80's M65 field jacket Arnie all my life, but somehow I'm always looking at the MMS136 more and less of the DX10. How is this even possible? I think something about the DX10 headsculpt throws me off, or the fact that the MMS is bigger, or maybe because I haven't gotten a black shirt for him yet. :dunno

Tell me it's just me, I truly wanna like the DX10 more than the MMS!

Arnie was a bad mofo in The Terminator, that's why I prefer T1 to T2.
Yeah I still really like the 136 likeness, definitely better then the DX10 imo.
The punk outfit is more distinctive then the black leathers too.
Tell me it's just me, I truly wanna like the DX10 more than the MMS!
you've seen T2 image in toys, posters, figures, games and so on for decades already, you've already seen and may be had MMS117 in hand. that outfit is too mainstream already and just doesn't give the vibe it could if you were -teen years old and the movie was recently released.
but punk figure is still unique plus it has HT quality. that's what causes the effect, i think.
just replace those ugly boots and alarm-yellow pants :)
I agree, something about the MMS136 outfit is just very iconic. I think part of it is the fact that its the first outfit we see the terminator in and for half of the movie. Man I must have watched that movie 1,000 times in one summer as a kid LOL. I can still sit down and watch it from time to time and be captivated by it.
So what's the verdict here? That the MMS136 is the superior figure to the DX10 or my opinion on the T2 look has changed over the years.

I guess those all are valid reasons, guys. It's incredibly frustrating since I'm trying to pinpoint why I'm digging the MMS so much. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine saying that and I only got the MMS because the seller was selling both Arnies in a set.
So what's the verdict here? That the MMS136 is the superior figure to the DX10 or my opinion on the T2 look has changed over the years.
1) mms clothes hang a lot more natural, they need minimum futzing and so on, all leads to a less toyish look. DX10 is terrible straight from the box, because they cannot make the jacket right (in shape and size), and material is unnaturally glossy and ugly. MMS136 jacket still has lots of mistakes, but
2) it's a fresh and unique image and you're not bored with it yet.
I got it! It's the dull, flat paintjob that goes alongside the overly shiny leather! Thanks guys for helping me crack the code! :lol

In comparison, the MMS had the bulky jacket too contrast with the sharp features of Arnold's face. The paint is better too.
That bike will be mine. One less bike to build a model of is a big win in my book. :)

damnit where did he get those bags??? that's all i'm short of.

Aren't these the bags everyone that builds the Tamiya Fatboys use? I bookmarked it ages ago, but I see these recommended over and over when someone asks about the bags. They look pretty good, but maybe the other bags are more accurate to the ones in the movie?
Although I have the Tamiya I would buy this as a back-up in case some terrible fate ever befalls my Tamiya - that thing is fragile as **** and if I drop it even once it'll be hasta la vista baby.

Cool as this is though, kinda bugs me they wouldn't make it more accurate to T2 - I mean they've posed a fake T-800 figure on it, they clearly have T2 in mind. Even if they couldn't use the correct Harley Davidson markings surely they could have at least made the different parts the correct colours, removed those front lights etc etc