David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Going back to this for a second:

Also Amanda Waller's idea of putting together a team to fight something like the "next Superman" is pretty stupid. What would Harley do against Faora? Acrobat her to death? What would Deadshot do to someone like Zod? Shoot him to death? What would Diablo do to Superman? Burn him to death? Everyone else like Croc, Boomerang and Katana weren't even "meta human" in their abilities.

None of those characters were expected to take on a Superman-level threat. The sales pitch to the government was all around the Enchantress. She was their answer to Kryptonians and others like them. Deadshot and everyone else were just supposed to be Enchantress' cleanup crew, taking on the underlings of the big bad guys Enchantress took out. Kind of like Black Widow and Hawkeye going toe to toe with Chitauri and Ultron drones while guys like Thor and the Hulk would fight Loki or whomever face to face.

I actually liked that their "A Team" level member turned against them leaving the B Team to take on the main threat, something they weren't really meant to do in the first place.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I understand that this film had a ton of issues--and that you understand that as well--but you've got to be ****ing kidding me that you think Batman would allow himself to be the source of a kid's trauma by attacking their father in front of them. :lol I know you probably haven't read many Batman comics considering you hadn't read The Dark Knight Returns until BvS came out, but there isn't one instance in which Batman has done that.

You're correct in that almost my entire experience with Batman as a comic character has been all of his "non-canon" adventures, including even The Dark Knight Returns. I'm reading Batman Year One right now and am collecting his new Rebirth series though.

That being said I can understand if you're a "blue and grey costume/Batman doesn't kill" kinda guy. Obviously Affleck's Batman can put you off in any number of ways if that's the case. But I think we're getting a little too carried away with his "rules" if now we're saying that criminals have diplomatic immunity as long as they're parents and their kids are close by. Would a cop give a bad guy a pass in real life under those circumstances? Hard to imagine. Even a cop whose parents were killed in front of him or her. And Batman *wasn't going to kill him.* He was going to take him to jail. Cops take down criminals boarded up in their houses with their kids all the time.

Like or dislike whatever you choose (and I have my own self-imposed "rules" that I don't want broken as well) but where does the line get drawn? He NEVER risks traumatizing kids because of what happened to him? So what if Deadshot wasn't with his daughter? What if there were just other kids that weren't related 30 or 40 feet away who might watch two grown men fighting and be traumatized? What if Deadshot was beating his daughter? Wouldn't Batman swoop down and beat the **** out of him right in front of her? I mean that'd still be hard for her to watch but I could see Bruce doing it.

Anyway that's my take. Agree to disagree and all.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

One thing that really would have made this better was if DC took the Marvel approach and built this up as a bad guy Avengers....They want that Avengers type box office haul without all of the work before hand.

I don't think they were expecting Avengers-type numbers at all. If anything SS was DC's Guardians of the Galaxy which also was about a bunch of criminals teaming up to fight a being of immense power with no prior origin movies to establish them beforehand.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I don't think they were expecting Avengers-type numbers at all. If anything SS was DC's Guardians of the Galaxy which also was about a bunch of criminals teaming up to fight a being of immense power with no prior origin movies to establish them beforehand.

Not for Suicide Squad, no... But I sure bet DC/WB thought BvS would at least break a billion and be closer to Avengers. That's why they even made and took a gamble with Suicide Squad, a movie that shoudl've been 4 or 5 movies in after an established Universe. Not the 3rd movie especially after the the first two weren't very liked by the masses.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

You're correct in that almost my entire experience with Batman as a comic character has been all of his "non-canon" adventures, including even The Dark Knight Returns. I'm reading Batman Year One right now and am collecting his new Rebirth series though.

That being said I can understand if you're a "blue and grey costume/Batman doesn't kill" kinda guy. Obviously Affleck's Batman can put you off in any number of ways if that's the case. But I think we're getting a little too carried away with his "rules" if now we're saying that criminals have diplomatic immunity as long as they're parents and their kids are close by. Would a cop give a bad guy a pass in real life under those circumstances? Hard to imagine. Even a cop whose parents were killed in front of him or her. And Batman *wasn't going to kill him.* He was going to take him to jail. Cops take down criminals boarded up in their houses with their kids all the time.

Like or dislike whatever you choose (and I have my own self-imposed "rules" that I don't want broken as well) but where does the line get drawn? He NEVER risks traumatizing kids because of what happened to him? So what if Deadshot wasn't with his daughter? What if there were just other kids that weren't related 30 or 40 feet away who might watch two grown men fighting and be traumatized? What if Deadshot was beating his daughter? Wouldn't Batman swoop down and beat the **** out of him right in front of her? I mean that'd still be hard for her to watch but I could see Bruce doing it.

Anyway that's my take. Agree to disagree and all.

You're missing the point that Batman can take down a criminal whenever he wants and chooses not to do so when a child's safety may be at stake. He doesn't give them immunity just because they have a kid or their mother's name is "Martha"--well, at least the first part is true. As for your cops comment, cops don't dress like a bat with the intention of terrorizing criminals and making them **** their pants from fear, but they do have something in common with Batman in that they try not to endanger children. Even if Deadshot was beating his daughter, Batman would get her to safety before beating his ass. The innocent are the priority--not being a **** or looking cool when he drops from the roof. I understand you like reckless, unstable Batfleck, but for many lifelong fans of the character like myself, these new DC films are disregarding the moral code that makes Batman Batman. Read more comics instead of relying on these new DC movies and you'll get where I'm coming from.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

For me I didn't see Will Smith in a Deadshot costume I saw Deadshot. He was a highlight in the film for me.

I couldn't disagree more. It was Will Smith playing Deadshot. No way the Floyd Lawton I read goes around talking about Phil Jackson, triangle offenses, pep talks, or makes jokes in any way. He's a psychopath with a death wish. A unpredictable cold blooded killer with no remorse. A man who gets the job he's been paid to do done. Even his relationship with his daughter in the movie is far deeper than it was in the comics. The Deadshot in this movie was deadly with guns/weapons. That's where the comparison ended for me.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

It's just bad. The bad guys were too likable and weren't portrayed as any worse than Batman in BvS. The film should have been rated R and the characters portrayed as true villains--bad enough that you didn't want to root for them but couldn't help yourself. Waller was a better villain than the rest put together.

I thought Lex was far more diabolical than any of the villains in SS (especially in the ultimate cut of B vs S). I agree with everything else you say though. This film should have been rated R and the villains should have been allowed to be portrayed as the hard core baddies they are. Waller was definitely the highlight of the movie for me. None of the other villains measured up to their comic roots.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just saw the movie and it's definitely better than what most of the critics are saying. It has some pacing issues, it's 1 hour 40 minutes, but it felt much longer. I also think they could have cut down the number of squad members, there were just too many to cover and Ayer didn't do a very good job of it. It seems like DC is trying to catch up with Marvel way to fast and is just cramming content/characters into each movie and it's overloading the films. They need more films focused on one character, Batfleck should've had his own film right after MOS. I also didn't like that the post credit scene dealt with something we've already seen a trailer for, which made it not exciting. On the plus side, Harley was awesome and stole the spotlight whenever she was on screen. Deadshot was good too. All the flashback/origin scenes were done pretty well also. Unlike some, I thought the Joker was in it enough, he wasn't a member so he's more of a plot device. Again, a reason why Batfleck should have his own film already, Joker would be more involved. I also wish Katana got more screen time, she's an interesting character, but smashed in a crowded cast. I have not seen the new cut of BvS, but this film is much better in my opinion.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I couldn't disagree more. It was Will Smith playing Deadshot. No way the Floyd Lawton I read goes around talking about Phil Jackson, triangle offenses, pep talks, or makes jokes in any way. He's a psychopath with a death wish. A unpredictable cold blooded killer with no remorse. A man who gets the job he's been paid to do done. Even his relationship with his daughter in the movie is far deeper than it was in the comics. The Deadshot in this movie was deadly with guns/weapons. That's where the comparison ended for me.


Will Smith gonna Will Smith. I've read all the Suicide Squad comics and Deadshot has never told someone to "white people" anything and doesn't crack jokes. I guarantee the role was written to bring out as much Will Smith as possible and people are eating it up.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I couldn't disagree more. It was Will Smith playing Deadshot. No way the Floyd Lawton I read goes around talking about Phil Jackson, triangle offenses, pep talks, or makes jokes in any way. He's a psychopath with a death wish. A unpredictable cold blooded killer with no remorse. A man who gets the job he's been paid to do done. Even his relationship with his daughter in the movie is far deeper than it was in the comics. The Deadshot in this movie was deadly with guns/weapons. That's where the comparison ended for me.

I love Deadshot from Gail Simone's Secret Six and my Deadshot is definitely a wide ass and not cold blooded. He is very loyal and feels close enough to the character is screen. I enjoyed the performance