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PT is better than OT period. I would love to see more clones to be produced, and I will buy them all. The weapons in PT look more like they are made in a galaxy far far away. Weapons in the OT looked like WW2 weapons.
That film is still two and a half hours long, without the stuff to make it good. And if its more Padme and Anakin, well the thought sickens me.

I *really* hope that Disney releases the "IMAX cut" of AOTC on blu-ray some day. Back in the early 2000's IMAX films couldn't run longer than two hours and AOTC had to be trimmed greatly to show in those theaters. Obviously IMAX is all about spectacle so they left in all the battles and special effects and greatly trimmed the Anakin/Padme romance among other things. I read up on it a while back and entire sections of their subplot were just gone. IIRC they just arrive on Naboo and then have maybe one dialogue scene and then cut to him at the railing telling her he needs to go after his mother. None of the dumb stuff in the field or that awkward kiss or anything.

I WANT THAT CUT OF THE FILM! Supposedly it made AOTC just breeze along at a good clip with the most eye-rolling/offensive scenes totally absent. Please Disney, make it happen. :lecture

Hell that's part of what made the mighty ESB so good. Just cutting out the crap.
I *really* hope that Disney releases the "IMAX cut" of AOTC on blu-ray some day. Back in the early 2000's IMAX films couldn't run longer than two hours and AOTC had to be trimmed greatly to show in those theaters. Obviously IMAX is all about spectacle so they left in all the battles and special effects and greatly trimmed the Anakin/Padme romance among other things. I read up on it a while back and entire sections of their subplot were just gone. IIRC they just arrive on Naboo and then have maybe one dialogue scene and then cut to him at the railing telling her he needs to go after his mother. None of the dumb stuff in the field or that awkward kiss or anything.

I WANT THAT CUT OF THE FILM! Supposedly it made AOTC just breeze along at a good clip with the most eye-rolling/offensive scenes totally absent. Please Disney, make it happen. :lecture

Hell that's part of what made the mighty ESB so good. Just cutting out the crap.

That sounds very interesting. I think the better movie though is to begin with Kenobi/Jango fight as an opener, show Padme/Anakin already in hiding and he decides to find his mommy, Obi-Wan gets caught, and then just move quickly to the rescue attempt and final battle. Make the movie a cartoon-length 90 minutes.
What constitutes "confirmed in development" versus "confirmed planned" when it comes to HT?

The new Vader rumor by two independent sources does not count? Not the Jedi Luke?

Maybe it should be "rumored" and "confirmed in development". 'Planned' is development to me.

These were all taken from interviews and Sideshow Q&As... so confirmed planned is yeah we "plan to release" that, and confirmed in development "is we are working on that figure now". But this was all stuff from Sideshow... not sure what kind of information we'll get from HT.

The only bit I had on there before was from a Howard Chan interview stating there would be an Anakin and Han after the Bespin Luke... but it seems that is no longer accurate.

Jack Bauer's inside scoops have been good, but unless the news comes directly from a company spokesperson, speaking on the record on behalf of the company, I don't think it should be labeled as anything but rumor.

Yep, I don't really want to keep track of rumors... so I try to keep this list from official sources.
Never said that Anakin and Padme had a great romance. You can't get any worst than "The Sand Pick-Up Line" by Anakin. In terms of dialogue those lines are THE saga's lowest point. I just think that BOTH trilogies have a lot more in common than you OT trolls like to admit.

And likability is subjective. After Star Wars (I still have a hard time calling it "A New Hope"), I didn't find Leia to be likable at all. And I thought that the transformation of Han from the streetwise self centered smuggler who shot Greedo first to that grinning "scoundrel" who mugs the camera and says "It's me!" in Jedi was a mistake. The treatment of his character arch is both cliche ridden and ham fisted. So, I stopped being a Han Solo fan after the first film. The Han I knew would have NEVER given Lando the Falcon to pilot for the final battle.

But your hatred against the prequels blinds to you to that trilogy's strong points and your devotion to the original trilogy blinds you to some of that trilogy's faults.

But I guess blind devotion provides it's own brand of clarity... however false that clarity might be.

As for me I enjoy the entire saga as one big flawed masterpiece... and I give and take with it as I will.
Well friggin said
How big do you think the star destroyer deck will be? If I can fit 4-5 figures in? That would be awesome!
Battle droid pilot??? I dont remember seeing any "pilots". The only thing they ever "piloted" were tanks. Ooooh a 1/6 vulture droid would be kinda cool.

Maul with mechanical legs. Curious as to which legs they refer to:

1) spider legs = pass
2) Mother Talzin legs = Maybe
3) final version from Deathwatch legs = Maybe

Batttle droïd pilots, wearing blue markings, are seen in TPM on the Neimodian blockade ship deck. They were also displayed by Sideshow at SDCC when they first revealed General Grievous.
I can't believe this needs repeating. Nothing about the PT is any good. Nothing.

If Disney promised to remake new prequels I promise to watch them in the theater. Then they can stick the original three in the Unobtainium Collection Vault - the one that gets opened every fourth Neveruary.

I laugh out loud. :lol

So many years later...the only PT elements that come to mind as enjoyable to me (flaws and all) would be bits and pieces of the visual spectacle, mere moments from set pieces...I think it's fair to say the films were a missed opportunity to do something great.

As for the OT...ROTJ in particular does not hold up well, and the dialogue and writing in the whole trilogy is schlocky, but they succeed as an unsophisticated narrative drawing upon simpler times; i.e. simpler both in terms of inspiration for the source material and as existing in a pre-internet era unburdened with the surfeit of self-conscious irony and self-referential looping we take for granted in our time.

If I could sum up the PT's script issues I'd say they try too hard, and that the attempt to layer complexity and sophisticated themes over innocent '50s serial fare results in an incoherent mess. The dialogue and direction are also terrible, but maybe not that much worse than the OT (barring the Anakin/Padme romance)'s just that the PT attempts to be self-consciously slick in a way the OT did not, and this more than anything is what caused it to collapse under its own weight.

On a side note...while I admit to loving the energy and balletic martial arts displayed in the TPM duel, I think now it would have been better to stay with a more straightforward Kendo fencing style that displayed speed, aggression, economy of movement and a sort of basic lethality. It would have blended better with the OT stylistically and prevented Jedi from becoming Super Ninjas (albeit inconsistent Super Ninjas).
I agree with the above... although keep in mind that STAR WARS seemed like a breath of fresh air in the 70's, an era of mistrust and frustration, with films that had deadly serious and dark overtones, where the hero's friend's always died and often even the hero himself; gritty reality that makes today's "grit" seem cartoony. So along comes this shiny, sparkling, visually stunning movie that moves at lightspeed -- back then anyway, editorially speaking -- with visuals of scale never-before-seen and sounds that shook the theater, and a fantasy element that spoke to technology-driven children. At its time, it was a wonder to behold. Obviously, or we wouldn't be here waiting for number 7 with baited breath nearly 40 years later. It struck a nerve few films ever achieve. And spawned an Empire all its own.
I agree with the above... although keep in mind that STAR WARS seemed like a breath of fresh air in the 70's, an era of mistrust and frustration, with films that had deadly serious and dark overtones [...]

Ah yes...I was too young to know that at the time, and forget this (beyond the considerable technical achievements) was also a factor in the birth of the franchise/empire.
ROTJ was awesome... with one exception. Leia's comment about how she doesn't remember much about her mother as she died when she was very young. Ah yeah like you were 3 seconds old.

Granted this is more an issue with ROTS than with ROTJ, but for story continuity it doesn't make sense.
That's all you find wrong with ROTJ? Leia's comment? Not the fact that Luke does remember his mother... for the same three seconds.

I was watching the Barge scene yesterday and couldn't get over how poorly edited the battle scene is. It's really a children's action scene -- bad cuts, delayed timing, flipped shots which make no sense within the continuity. I'm not sure I've ever noticed just how bad it is.

There's really only two GREAT Star Wars movies. The rest are just hastily put together toy commercials.
ROTJ was awesome... with one exception. Leia's comment about how she doesn't remember much about her mother as she died when she was very young. Ah yeah like you were 3 seconds old.

Granted this is more an issue with ROTS than with ROTJ, but for story continuity it doesn't make sense.

Hmm, in that comment I always assumed she meant lady Organa, Bails wife (does she know at that point she was adopted?). Luke's revelation of them being siblings comes later.
OK there may be a few other things, like Fett's pitiful demise (Oh see what I did there) and the Ewoks, but its still a good movie. My fav is still ANH.
OK there may be a few other things, like Fett's pitiful demise (Oh see what I did there) and the Ewoks, but its still a good movie. My fav is still ANH.

I enjoyed ROTJ years ago but just saying upon recent viewing there's just so much wrong with it. It's like a PT movie.

But ANH and ESB hold up really well. I always fluctuate between which of those is my favorite. Depends which one I've OD on most recently I suppose. But because of all the VII hype, I'm once again in a STAR WARS (ANH) mood.

I'll tire of them in a year... and start considering if I should rewatch ROTJ... or ROTS. :horror
While the PT is a hot mess, the Sith rising unseen through the political ranks is awesome and mirrors the real world. Also reading the film novels adds so much to the story, for example in the novel it states that Jar Jar was meant to instill anger and hate amongst most, but it showed how Qui Gon had such a connection with the living force that he therefore accepted Jar Jar. Add in the Clone Wars series and I'm content with the PT. Rebels however I don't care for 1 bit.
Let me push up my glasses for a bit...

That's all you find wrong with ROTJ? Leia's comment? Not the fact that Luke does remember his mother... for the same three seconds.

Luke does not remember his mother... he says "I have no memory of my mother, I never knew her".

Hmm, in that comment I always assumed she meant lady Organa, Bails wife (does she know at that point she was adopted?). Luke's revelation of them being siblings comes later.

Luke asks about her "real" mother, so that would suggest both of them knowing she was adopted.

And as was said... for continuity with the PT, the PT ****ed it up. Rather than have Padme go into hiding and maybe die offscreen, they had that weakass birthing death scene with Leia's eyes open and Luke's closed. Totally lame ending to a lame series and it just barely works with the established memories Leia discusses in ROTJ.