Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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pixletwin said:
Well congrats on doing your homework on me. But obviously you missed the millions of annoying whiny little boy posts which cried the exact same opinion as yours with about as much flatulence as you did. It was, in fact, those are the posts which I was referencing-yours only being the latest flung "on the dung heap" so to speak.

Who cares if it's been said a bunch of times, it can be just as tiring/annoying hearing the same constant praises and love for this figure and sideshow coming from the same bunch of folks too. Those who are complaining for the most part love the line as much as those who don’t complain. They just don’t like certain character choices, both opinions have a right to exist without being persecuted, which I see happening here a lot by the same few happy ‘self proclaimed’ sideshow super fans.
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I'm not going to argue about anything. I like the figure, Imperial Officers are welcome, I'm glad it's a specific character, and I'm on the waitlist.

Bring on Tarkin, Piett, and Jerrjerod!
When you study the figures listed above, I agree that the release of figures is evenly balanced between Core and Background, however, dont forget that Plo Koon and the three Endor troops were also released this year, which majorly skews the balance.
In a 12" line where there are only around 12 releases a year I feel that Sideshow should be aiming for a slight bias towards the core characters. But that is just my opinion.

Actaully those shipped this year but were released last year so if you would like to add the rest of las years releases we can which will cause a MAJOR swing the other way. Plo was released in Sept of 06 and the Rebels were released in Oct/Nov of 06. I was saying those figures that we had to order this year not those we received.

Ok you want core characters so lets make another Han another Leia and a few more Lukes instead. We can have an Army of Luke's and in a year or two SW 12" from sideshow ill go the way of the dodo bird. To me having a few background characters helps keep interest in the line over a longer periord of time, if they did the heavy hitters then only background characters we would never get those background characters the line would die after just a few. The other advantage is for the collector, not everyone here can afford to buy 12 of them a year so if there are some background figures you don't really want you can skip that one allowing these people to get the big ones they want and not have to make a choice of this guy or that guy.

And Sideshow must have made a bad choice with Praji too you know he will sitting around for years to come. There are 3000 and they are sold out in the US and it took around 6 hours and there are many upset that they missed out.
BTW, Kurgan "Krusaders" have a lot of balls to accuse other people of whining or making a nuisance of themselves to get what they want.

Odd thing about that.... We did our "b*tching" under a guise of hilarity and fun, not the same way that this bitter tangled mess of a thread has devolved into.

The Kurgans are some of the nicest, closest group of guys I have met, and we never squabble amongst ourselves. We may seem outrageous and insane to others, but if you really knew us you'd find that we are not what we seem.

To be upset is ok, but to be upset because you got your hopes up is insane. I ALSO thought it would be Vader, but was I pissed when I saw Praji? Nope. I just thought, "Oh.... that makes sense now. No big deal.".

I ordered the figure and moved on from there. Only to find this thread and laugh at the absurdity of it all. SSC had made no mistakes here, they did not lead anyone astray... they just hinted and let us guess for ourselves. We became our own worst enemies.... So there.

I agree that an update on Vader would be nice, but you don't see me b*tching about it. :lecture
If it were truly a wanted figure, it would have sold out like many of the other small edition size exclusive pieces (which are usually around 2000 pieces) within 30-40 minutes...:monkey3
Odd thing about that.... We did our "b*tching" under a guise of hilarity and fun, not the same way that this bitter tangled mess of a thread has devolved into.

The Kurgans are some of the nicest, closest group of guys I have met, and we never squabble amongst ourselves. We may seem outrageous and insane to others, but if you really knew us you'd find that we are not what we seem.

To be upset is ok, but to be upset because you got your hopes up is insane. I ALSO thought it would be Vader, but was I pissed when I saw Praji? Nope. I just thought, "Oh.... that makes sense now. No big deal.".

I ordered the figure and moved on from there. Only to find this thread and laugh at the absurdity of it all. SSC had made no mistakes here, they did not lead anyone astray... they just hinted and let us guess for ourselves. We became our own worst enemies.... So there.

I agree that an update on Vader would be nice, but you don't see me b*tching about it. :lecture

I have to agree with you there on all point but one. You Krugans don't seem outrageous and insane you guys ARE insane and outrageous, but at least your fun.:lol

Yeah its funny during spook I forgot why I didn't spend much time in the SW forum and was back looking at things, and now I know why again, to much *****ing in here.
Who cares if it's been said a bunch of times, it can be just as tiring/annoying hearing the same constant praises and love for this figure and sideshow coming from the same bunch of folks too.

So you find it annoying for people to say they like each figure? :rolleyes: I'll tell ya right here right now Amir if you don't like it that I and others will say we like figure (over and over) when we do then you better just learn to deal with it or go back to RS where you can bask in the glow of negativity. We're hear to discuss our likes and dislikes of figure sure but aren't we hear to talk about our love for collecting these a little more. The thing is that it is so MUCH more annoying for the never ending *****ing that happens. Ok you don't like it! Move on please. You can't get into a conversation about how you like something without some whiner coming in and telling us for the 2,357 time they don't like it. Sorry man but I'm not gonna stop talking about why I like each figure over and over.
Odd thing about that.... We did our "b*tching" under a guise of hilarity and fun, not the same way that this bitter tangled mess of a thread has devolved into.

The Kurgans are some of the nicest, closest group of guys I have met, and we never squabble amongst ourselves. We may seem outrageous and insane to others, but if you really knew us you'd find that we are not what we seem.

To be upset is ok, but to be upset because you got your hopes up is insane. I ALSO thought it would be Vader, but was I pissed when I saw Praji? Nope. I just thought, "Oh.... that makes sense now. No big deal.".

I ordered the figure and moved on from there. Only to find this thread and laugh at the absurdity of it all. SSC had made no mistakes here, they did not lead anyone astray... they just hinted and let us guess for ourselves. We became our own worst enemies.... So there.

I agree that an update on Vader would be nice, but you don't see me b*tching about it. :lecture

Well said Josh. In the year I've been posting around here, the Kurgan Krusaders have never struck me as anything but a bunch of funny ball breakers who pretty much accept that there is slim to no chance of seeing their grail made by Sideshow, but like to throw out a convenient joke when the talk fits it.

I think the problem with Star Wars collecting is that it is devided into EXPECTORS and ENJOYERS, and when something comes out that suits both groups, this is a fun place to hang out and chat, but when it's not, it becomes a cluster**** around here. People in the Aliens thread badly want to see Hot Toys make the Queen from Aliens, and they discuss it and build hope, but they don't lose their **** over an announcement that isn't what they're expecting, they enjoy what comes out or they don't like a particular item and just continue to enjoy what they have. I'm just trying to promote the idea that we should all just sit back and watch this line grow however Sideshow takes it and not get lost in wish lists and expectations. I used to post heavily at Rebelscum's forums because I loved having fellow Star Wars fans to talk to and finally have people to share my passion with, but the conversations became lackluster and I found this place and found the type of friendships and conversations I could really enjoy. These are discussion forums not happy thoughts only forums so I'm not going to shun people for negative thoughts, but there's a potential for some great collecting and Star Wars discussion and collaborative efforts and such things to go on in this forum and I'd like to see that. People who complain may also love the line and that's great, but share more of the love to. No one builds, maintains and administrates a forum to creat a gathering of pissing and moaning, they do it to create a place for community and friendship to support and help stimulate growth in an area, and only around the Star Wars threads do I see that ideal get lost time and again.
Josh did you even bother to read my entire post, it's posts like yours that I find ridiculous, here I will post it again and change the color(in the hopes that it will help maintain your focus long enough to read through my entire post:

Amir said:
Who cares if it's been said a bunch of times, it can be just as tiring/annoying hearing the same constant praises and love for this figure and sideshow coming from the same bunch of folks too. Those who are complaining for the most part love the line as much as those who don’t complain. They just don’t like certain character choices, both opinions have a right to exist without being persecuted, which I see happening here a lot by the same few happy ‘self proclaimed’ sideshow super fans.

All opinions are fine with me I am just tired of people persecuting posters they don’t' agree with. State you disagree but don't go on a *****ing rant that the poster is a whiner and hater :rolleyes:
I want to throw my .02 in as well. I knew it wouldn't be Vader (I was expecting Tarkin) and when I saw it was Praji I will admit I was a bit bummed.. but later I realized that I saved myself $67 that I will now save to use twords the Dooku/Yoda diorama so all is good with me. It could be worse.. I could be a big LOTR collector and have to wait 6+ months between annoucements.
I want to throw my .02 in as well. I knew it wouldn't be Vader (I was expecting Tarkin) and when I saw it was Praji I will admit I was a bit bummed.. but later I realized that I saved myself $67 that I will now save to use twords the Dooku/Yoda diorama so all is good with me. It could be worse.. I could be a big LOTR collector and have to wait 6+ months between annoucements.

:monkey2 But at least we are getting two figures at once around the end/start of the year/next year! If only they'd put up that Gandalf figure we know they are sitting on. .. No gross remarks from the Kurgans, we all know what I mean.
I think this guy will look very good next to the Marmit Stormtroopers. Hope I can get later on with out too much hassles.
Josh did you even bother to read my entire post, it's posts like yours that I find ridiculous, here I will post it again and change the color(in the hopes that it will help maintain your focus long enough to read through my entire post

Its your type of attitude that caused me to leave RS. If you read my post you might have a clue what the hell you're talking about, but I won't go color coding it for you. It wouldn't matter anyways cause it wouldn't get through. :rolleyes:

Both have a right to exist. I never said they didn't. What I had said was if you don't like the choice say it and move the heck on. We get it you don't like it. Let those of us that do talk about it for 5 mins without "you" (general use) coming in and reminding us why "you" don't.

The part I quoted was you saying how it was annoying to see the same people talk about why they like the figure/choice. As I said I'm gonna continue to talk about why I like a choice 1k times with those that feel the same. That was the part of your post I was making my comment on. I read the rest but wanted to make a point on one particular statement. So please if you're gonna go calling something I say ridiculous. Please. Please. Please know what the hell you're talking about. This aint RS and I'm not gonna back off just because you say. :)
You have such a double standard, you want me to deal with you stating you like a figure over and over again but you refuse to deal with others stating they don't like the figure over again:confused: Dude, I didn't tell you to back off posting your opinion, that's great I will explain my post so that it doesn't get lost on you again; I wish to encourage the praise and the criticism (no matter how many posts), that's fine with me, what I am having a problem with is a first time poster (not referring to myself) posting they don't like the character, sculpt (which is a very valid point), etc...and that poster getting piled on by folks such as your self who 'know best'. :rolleyes:
First of all Amir, you referred to Lord Vader as steak and he is more than just a piece of meat! :rotfl

Anyway, two years is a long time to wait for Vader. I was certain we would see him at CIV.
I have a strong suspicion that SSC knew the limitations of the material they had to work with and how high the expectations for Vader are. I don't think the Big Boy body will cut it and look good for this character. For something so definitive they really need to make it just right.
However.... if they are taking this much time and when he comes out if he IS NOT PERFECT (or closer to perfect than any other 1/6 version) they deserve to be ridiculed at high volumes. One thing is certain, the sound of the whining about no Vader will be drown by the sound of the Vader sucks cries.
You have such a double standard, you want me to deal with you stating you like a figure over and over again but you refuse to deal with others stating they don't like the figure over again:confused: Dude, I didn't tell you to back off posting your opinion, that's great I will explain my post so that it doesn't get lost on you again; I wish to encourage the praise and the criticism (no matter how many posts), that's fine with me, what I am having a problem with is a first time poster (not referring to myself) posting they don't like the character, sculpt (which is a very valid point), etc...and that poster getting piled on by folks such as your self who 'know best'. :rolleyes:

Nothing got lost on me. I think it was lost on you but whatever. I have no issues with people saying they don't like something. What I said was and have said in the past is when we try to talk about why we like something and someone says for the 55th time in that thread they don't like it. We get it already. You don't like it.

I'm all for the back and forth and what Sean said in his post. It just gets old when you have people talking about why they like it and as I said the same person who has already said they don't like it says it for the 55th time. Thats all. If me saying I like it for thte 55th time in the same thread bothers you sorry, but I don't see where it can be annoying or the same I should say as the opposite especially since thats liking these is the main reason we're here.
I agree we are all here because we love Star Wars, those who criticize and those who love sideshow both have the same goal, to have a kick ass 1/6 scale Star Wars collection (with an Armored Darth Vader standing in front :D)!