Super Freak
Didn't Anakin already kill Assaj? I'm confused, I thought the original Clone Wars cartoons take place AFTER the new ones , but right before ROTS??? But then again he has the scar on his face in the new series..aghhh my head!
First let me say that EU is EU.
Asajj does not die in the fall, she is, however, SERIOUSLY wounded. Dooku was somewhere nearby when the fight took place, expecting her to fail. He was under the mistaken impression that He and his master were grooming anakin to be his ( Dooku's) apprentice. As such, they were using asajj to help antagonize and push him twords the dark side.
after she falls, Dooku retrives her, and she spends several weeks in bacta.
she later Faces down with anakin again on coruscaunt, and again is throughly trounced by anakin. This figut costs her part of her leg, one of her hands, and an eye, but again she survives.
Something from the comics that is semi important, but not being touched on in the series unfortunately, is throughout all this, Obi-wan is trying desparately to Bring asajj back from the dark side, as she was manipluated and misled into folloing it's teachings ( like anakin says at the end of ROTS " from my point of view, the jedi are evil")
Amusingly, Asajj is constantly trying to break Obi-wan, and bring him over to her way of thinking. In the comics, there was some degree of emotional tension between Asajj and Obi-wan, and it's STRONGLY hinted that she has feelings for Ben. SOME of this is visable druing their dual in the Series premire movie, but it's not been touched on since.
Comic wise, Asajj eventualy gets wises up to, and gets tired of being used as Dooku's puppet, and fakes her own death, then heads out to be a hermit on the outer rim.