Bus Driver Uppercuts Woman

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Meh....I'm a Highlander fan, so I'm used to ridicule :dunno

I'z tuff. I'z can take it.
All I ask is I get ridiculed for what I'm guilty of. Pidgeonholing is bad form, plus it makes it hard for the pidgeon to poop.
I'm starting to think the pony bashers are just repressed bronies. That would be much creepier. At least the bronies are out of the closet, and not watching the cartoon at rest areas and in public bathrooms.

Myself, I don't understand why the bronies can't enjoy My Little Pony like normal people, but that's between them and their therapist.

I don't get it either. It's just an enjoyable show like any other.
Epic Beard Man / Bus Driver vs Tyrone / Crazy ***** in a fenced in bus. Ultimate tag team match up
Who says I watched it?

Title says enough.

Maybe I have an issue with a man slugging a woman. Hmmm....

Well the reason why men aren't supposed to hit women is because women are supposed to be nice, gentle and considerate, and of course, hitting a nice gentle person would be wrong.

However, when a woman acts belligerent and aggressive and nasty, then she should not receive the same consideration as a nice person should. It isn't fair that a woman can act like a major ***** and act as belligerent and violent as she wants and then still be protected as if she was nice. Men don't get that treatment. It isn't fair. I hate how a lot of women get it both ways in so many situations, and demand that they are entitled to it, too.

They want ALL of the traditional benefits that women have always had AND all of the benefits that men have always had, too. However, males can't get that. It is blatantly unfair. Women should have to choose which to demand, either the traditional benefits, or only the benefits that both men and women can get, but not both.

Anyway, this woman really mouthed off in an entitled and rude way to this driver and then spit on him and hit him and acted as if she had the right to do it and get away with it just because she was a woman.
The man didn't hit her very hard at all, but he did it very dramatically.

I think he was probably looking at the look on her face, which was that she thought he wouldn't dare hit her just because she was a woman, so he did the wind up just to increase the shock to her attitude.
Honestly, after she spit on him he should have told her to get off, and if she hit him after that, he should have been able to smack her hard and throw her off, but unfortunately the law protects such *****es as her, and in effect, sanctions their actions. It's basically that women can slap you and spit on you to their heart's content, and you can't do a damn thing about it, and you have to just take it. I say unfair. That isn't justice.
I suspect that testosterone is making a lot of you guys crack wise about this and I am betting that most of you guys would not have hit this woman under the same conditions.

And if I were in a similar position to that bus driver, I would feel like a ****heel for hitting that woman the way he did.

The day I can't laugh off a strike like that from a woman is the day I turn in my man card.

There are situations that find to justify physical force toward a woman.

But the situation that this bus driver was in doesn't even register on my justification-for-beating-a-woman-o-meter.
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To address the comment about the police officer: While I have never worked in law enforcement, I have served in the military. In a situation like that, when someone is approaching you quickly, it is not always prudent to use a non-lethal response. I've seen guys that have received fatal wounds still continue their attack for another few seconds before going down. Mace and a night stick are no deterrent to someone who is looking to do you harm. Trust me, when you fear for your life, you're not thinking about the other guy.

People also talk about excessive force when they see a police officer empty a magazine into a criminal. These people generally are unfamiliar with firearms and have never been in a situation where someone was trying to kill them. Bullets are not the magic death rays that you see in movies; people can take multiple rounds, and if the adrenaline is pumping, or they are on drugs, it won't phase them, and they continue their attack.

:lecture Amen. Not to mention the bath salt crap going around. How was he supposed to know what that kid was on? He was naked, unresponsive, and attacking. I don't blame him for not letting him close enough to put his hands on him.
I suspect that testosterone is making a lot of you guys crack wise about this and I am betting that most of you guys would not heve hit this woman under the same conditions.

And if I were in a similar position to that bus driver, I would feel like a ****heel for hitting that woman the way he did.

The day I can't laugh off a strike like that from a woman is the day I turn in my man card.

There are situations that find to justify physical force toward a woman.

But the situation that this bus driver was in doesn't even register on my justification-for-beating-a-woman-o-meter.
I would not have hit her, because I would know the consequences. I would have blocked her strikes every time, and do it hard enough to sting her attacking arm a little at her wrist, and if she did not stop, I would push her back.

It looks like this guy just knocked her off balance more than he actually threw a punch. Not what I would have done, because it is such a big show and makes you look like kind of a jerk, but apparently he was so fed up, that he stopped caring how he seemed to spectators.
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