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only vas?
1 up to 5
i don't know because i don't have her
for now i have only drake and hudson and apone are on the way
yes in the film the tags aren't made of metal, true
so what the hell do HT? drown in a sea of lazyness?

It would've been nice if they'd given all of the marines dog tags, but they didn't. Maybe they figured the tags wouldn't be seen under all the armour and gear. Realistically, you won't see the tags if you dress your marines for combat, anyway. If you plan to make pre-combat drop versions of them, as some of us have done (like in the mess hall), then you might want to at least have the chains showing around their necks under their T-shirts.

You could always do what I did, and scavenge other figures. If you can find some fine beaded chain similar to the one that came with Vas, you can just make your own. You can use her metal tags for reference and cut new ones out of a sheet of clear plastic. Punch or drill holes in those and you're good to go. :D

Here are the pics of the HT Hicks armour I said I'd post for you. Sorry it took so long, but I had to wait for a sunny day to get decent pics for you. These aren't the best, but I hope they will give you an idea of the camo patterns. The first two shots are brand new "stock" Hicks and Apone armours, side by side for comparison. As you can see, they're virtually identical except for the names and the heart. Both come with the little latch and Hicks also has a little padlock, which I removed for safe keeping.

My suggestion would be to use a set of Apone's armour rather than Hudson's, 'cause it would save you a lot of time and trouble removing the graffiti from Hudson's armour. All you'd need to do is repaint the name, add a red heart and the "Born Again" around a bullet hole in the left shoulder piece. The latch would already be there, and you'd only have to add a little padlock, which would be relatively easy to make. The shin, helmet and other camo pieces are all the same pattern and would only need to be weathered to your own taste. LMK if you have any questions. :D

Front of stock Hicks and Apone torso armour:

Back of armour:

Stock Hicks armour:

Front of WIP Hicks:

Back of WIP Hicks:

Brand new leg armour pieces:
wow !.
Thanks for that man , there great !. :D
Should be really helpful , I can't seem to find apone armor loose. :monkey2
Hopefully I won't struggle getting the paint off of hudsons armor.
Its possible , that all that matters. :eek:
Thanks again , they rock :rock much appreciated man!.
hey mud those are some nice pictures. If Apone was easy to get I would just use his armor to convert into a hicks, but as of now I can only really find hudson available.
Yes, those are some nice pictures. I'll be referring to them later. My effort to turn my extra Hudson into a Hicks has stalled while I wait for Les' spikey-haired Hicks head, but I was able to remove the Hudson graffiti using some fine-grained sandpaper, and it actually looks surprisingly decent even without any paint touch-ups. The armor has sort of a brownish undercoat over which the camouflage pattern is painted, so even though I removed some of the camo pattern with the graffiti, it isn't that noticeable. I plan to touch it up a bit, but most people probably wouldn't notice. I have also fashioned a lock out of part of a bent paper clip and some epoxy putty, but I have to work on the clasp part.

I think the hardest part might be the stenciled "Hicks" label on the front.
Thanks guys. Not the best pics, but I'm glad you find them useful. I picked up a loose set of Hudson armour from Monkey Depot last year, initially to use for a Frost conversion. DekDave suggested carefully removing Hudson's painted-on graffiti with denatured alcohol and a Q-tip or something. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I'm going to experiment with it before I go to work with the sandpaper. I recently found another Apone figure and decided it would save me a lot of extra work just to use his armour instead. Guess I'll save the Hudson set for Dietrich!

I've been thinking about the stencils, too, specifically how to make actual stencils rather than painting the names on by hand. If the stenciled letters could be reduced to the right size and then printed onto a thin sheet of clear adhesive-backed film it might be possible to cut out the letters and actually stencil the names onto the armour with a brush or airbrush. Might be worth a try.
hey mud those are some nice pictures. If Apone was easy to get I would just use his armor to convert into a hicks, but as of now I can only really find hudson available.

Thats what I did. I was at the store and Hicks was sold out but they 2 Apone and a Vasquez. I thought "wait and see if a Hicks ever comes in or go with the conversion?" Conversion!!
I picked up a Hudson for £99 ($195) in the Forbidden Planet store in Belfast (that's in Northern Ireland for all you foreign types!) at the weekend. They also had a Drake and Ripley for the same price. Couldn't believe it when I saw them, I grabbed Hudson as he's going for a lot higher on Ebay these days.
Need to look into getting a new head for him; recently ordered a Hicks head from Les, looking forward to that! Also waiting on a Drake and Apone I won on ebay - would love a painted Frontline head for Apone. Anyone know where to get one??!

Oh yeah, anyone know where I can get a couple of 1/6th Gerber Mk2's? Don't like the supplied M9's at all.

- would love a painted Frontline head for Apone. Anyone know where to get one??!

GO to this site and if you click hero head sit will take you to the sale of the heads , but there is also the option to email the owner ( lonnie ) ask if he will ship to you because he might not. The best way around it would to ask Les if he would paint one , get Lonnie to send it to him then Les does his magic and sends it to you.
Hope I have helped a little man , the apone head by Lonnie rocks :rock
I picked up a Hudson for £99 ($195) in the Forbidden Planet store in Belfast. They also had a Drake and Ripley for the same price. Couldn't believe it when I saw them, I grabbed Hudson as he's going for a lot higher on Ebay these days.
I just got Hudson for £65 from, same for Drake from and Ripples for £70 on eBay BIN...all shipped and all recent purchases in the last month.
You mean the welder/burner?? Doesnt he come with it already?? What hacker device?

the hacking device, the device who use in the film for open the door( the north block door ) when the marines arrives at the colony...

...any tips for drake's shirt?
Oh that thing - I thought the pouch was empty or stuffed with foam?
Doesn't he just use a laptop like the one for the remote sentrys or the same kind that Bishop uses to remote pilot the dropship?
no actually it is a device for bypassing who uses com-techs

Yup, it's a pouch on his belt with some electronic gizmo's for bypassing locks, etc. Sorry, I forgot it wasn't on the figure, was going by 1/1 costuming.

Here's mine, based on Hudson's


Interior of the pouch-


This isn't Hudson's, but it's as close as we were able to make it. Plus, we added some to it to make it a bit cooler... :D