Buffy Season 8 —SPOILERS!

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Finally snagged a copy. And... wow. Wow. I see.

What a fabulous issue, I think the best of the season so far. No surprise to me, Drew Goddard wrote some of my favorite episodes in an otherwise ho-hum 7th season. What a great way to handle Buffy's little experiment. I hope they keep Satsu around awhile, though having a thing, even if it's a fling, with the main lead--usually a sure sign of a redshirt future, no? How long is this wolves arc going to last, anyway? Can they stretch it out a couple dozen eps? I want Goddard to hang around, and yes, I would even love an Andrew miniseries if he writes it. The humor, tone, dialogue--fantastic!

Very intersting set of foes--a vampire sect that has the same powers as THE Dracula, and what are they going to do with the Scythe? I love that they kept Drac around as a somewhat baddie who they apparently have some kind of working understanding with, to the point Xander can play on his past connections to hopefully get a litle info.

Seriously, this was a great issue.
I guess she meant it when she said "Great Muppety Odin, I miss that sex" in issue #1. :D

If only the scene with everyone walking in on them could have been seen on the TV screen. That would have been hilarious!

That was...

That was...


I can't believe that no one is commenting on the return of Xander as Dracula's Butt-monkey, and the fact he can fly a helicopter without depth-perception!

Buffy #12 has renewed my enthusiasm for the series! Thank-you Drew Goddard!

Well said! :lol

I have to admit, when I saw Dracula on the last page I was torn. I thought, hey cool reference to a funny episode, lets see how this plays out; and then I thought, hey I couldn't think of anything else to write so lets go back and grab something from the show - eveyone's a sucker for that. Overall, though I agree, great issue and I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out. As long as that Whedonesque dialogue continues I'm in. This was definately an issue where I felt like I was watching the show again.
It took me forever to catch up on these....pretty much read them all in one shot~one thru twelve.

I couldn't put them down.

All I have to say is wow....and it was probably about time....she has no luck with men, might as well try something else.
:p :p :p :p
Hahahahaha. But I see why. I mean it's Xander. He's just...Xander. I can't think of anything besides that...sorry. :D
yeah poor Xander
Seven years, Dawn. Working with the slayer. Seeing my friends get more and more powerful. A witch. A demon. Hell, I could fit Oz in my shaving kit, but come a full moon, he had a wolfy mojo not to be messed with. Powerful. All of them. And I'm the guy who fixes the windows. :eek:
But remember. He and Dawn aren't special. They're extraordinary. Xander is the heart of the team, and even though he has no special powers or abilities, without him the Scoobies wouldn't have lasted the first season. Whedon even notes that when Xander is wounded by Caleb is when the team starts to fall apart and Buffy is pushed out. He's just as important to the team as Buffy the slayer, or Willow the witch, and they all know it.
Great way to end the arc, I really enjoyed it. So Fray will be in the next issue? I never read any of the Fray comics, are they worth picking up?
I'm kinda bummed that I went and made Satsu and Renee figures and now they're redundant.

Yeah the Fray comics are pretty good. I picked up the trade paperback, graphic novel thingy and enjoyed it pretty well.

Maybe next we'll see Anya and Renee duking it out in the astral plane over Xander.
Despite the fact the thread is titled SPOILERS

No, she lives, but she stays in Japan.