Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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When is Joe (Mista305) gonna start shipping these??

Sorry if it has been said before, I havent really kept up with this thread.
I like the paint job on BR Joker but would like to see what it would look like with makeup like the mob meeting scene. Not brave enough to attempt it on my own. I did with V1 head, but the paint on that version wasn't movie accurate at all.
I'm sure once MaulFan posts pictures I am going to wind up ordering this figure. Everyone's pictures are excellent.

you ARE getting one right Sean?
WOOT !! the day has come.
Bank Rober joker arrived TODAY !! and I was just blown away by this figure.
Up close and personnal he is just a masterpiece. 12" figure of the year for sure. I am so glad I got him. I will do my best guys to do a kick ass video on this guy.

for now I will post some quick pics.
sorry for the crappy pics. Is late here so lighting really sucks but even with the flash bank rober joker still looks spectacular.






I want to thank Lau Chi Ming from EBAY from providing me the fastest and Most awsome servise.
Congrats! He's probably the most fun I've had with a figure in a long time. My brother who only collects SS came over tonight and just looked at it in awe. Just said "That's absolutely perfect. That's a miniature Heath Ledger Joker." Opened up his eyes to HT. Too bad his only real collecting interests are Star Wars, Indiana Jones and SS Alien statues.
I hate everyone in this thread who already has this. May you all burn in a figureless Hell!!!

Please post more pics and vids though. :D
Nice pics solidsnake, looks phenomenal. Every pic makes me burn that little bit more than i dont have it yet aswell devil666 :p lol, least i dont have to wait long but, hopefully just a few more days.
Joe can't get these in fast enough as far as I'm concerned! I just finished watching Dark Knight and was blown away by Ledger's performance again, and also by how much this sculpt looks like him. Of course now I'm thinking I might prefer a slightly less messy paint job, but I'll wait til I have him in hand to decide that I can't send it away for another few months to get it done!
Alright. Mine's on the left, Spliff's is the right. Unfortunately since my camera's old, it doesn't pick up a lot of subtle details that distinguish the two. For one, Spliff's has more skin tone showing through the paint, whereas mine has a very even layer of paint, except of course the worry lines on his forehead and such. Spliff's has darker, more defined smears above the eyes, and the makeup under his eyes is a bit runnier. Same with the makeup around the mouth. I went for his look when he burnt the money on both, but Spliff wanted his a little messier. I'm completely happy with them. It'd probably behoove me to invest in an airbrush eventually, though.






do you customize for people?

or was this just a favor between buddies?