Asmus Toys : Gandalf the Grey

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I think the paint app will help soften the wrinkles of this 'older' looking GTG. But the question is, Is it too late? I mean May is just 2 months ahead. I am ok with this version of the headsculpt and paint but would certainly wait a few more months so that it could be improved to its full potential.

If there's one thing that's frustrating about the new process that they're using is that it leaves no time for constructive criticism. It makes the production run better and has so far reaped much better results, but the legroom of the old process was nice.

I agree , the original sculpt on the left looked a lot better, but the new one isn't so bad. No idea why they decided to change him this point in the game. The eyes, the shape of the foreahead, and the eyebrowns look much better on the version on the left.

The difference is like day and night. Asmus does it always. Prototypes are perfect but final products are bad. It was like that on Aragorn too. I'm sorry to say that but Asmus cannot handle with faces. I own a Gandalf th White and it has the same issue. Asmus talking about to produce another face but it's another issue.

On the picture the left one is Gandalf the Grey of Ian Mckellen from the movies but the right one is a grey bearded and haired wizard, probably a Gandalf the Grey from a theatre perfromance.
cmiller: I'll just put the good 'ol hat on GTG. It is also an iconic representation of the wizard, but I would also like to do the 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!' pose without the hat. (hmm really can't remember where he lost his hat in Moira)

hymn: yes, it's a different sculpt, just look at the lips (narrower), the eyelids (lower) etc. But the thing is I still see Sir Ian Mckellen in that somehow.

also I would like to add that for me, ASMUS did great with Saruman.
"This figure looks like really good cosplay, but not Ian Mckellen (if that's how you spell his name). This is less Gandalf and more the guy who sat in front of me getting high at a Phish"

"im not liking it, doesnt look like ian mckellen"

"Looks like balding, zombie Gandalf."

"Even without the wrinkles and looking too old, I just can't see any likeness similarities in the new sculpt."

Yes, most people are being fair, but in a quick read of two pages, that's what I got.

He looks like he's balding compared to what his thick widow's peak is supposed to look like. His face is so ridiculously over-detailed it looks like rotting flesh to me.

I stand by my balding zombie statement.
If there's one thing that's frustrating about the new process that they're using is that it leaves no time for constructive criticism. It makes the production run better and has so far reaped much better results, but the legroom of the old process was nice.

Thing is though often it is not constructive criticism, just bashing of the figure and/or Asmus as a company. I'm sure they've also realized that you can't make all the people happy all the time. You and I may think a figure looks outstanding, then 2 other members will say it needs improved. I would guess they are trying to reach a happy medium.
It is the excessive paint texturing that created that 'old' effect.

That could be. A number of people have commented that Asmus' unofficial John Conner Head sculpt is quite good (they saw the raw sculpt) but the promo pics feature a very unflattering paint job.
yes I saw that john connor face paint app. In my opinion they have used too big bristles to make skin pores on his face. he kinda looks like he had a very bad acne problem.:( In that age the skin should be smoother.
Man this started out so nice. I have to say as it stands, I won't be ordering. Bummer. :(
My only gripe is the hairline. The 'overwrinkeling' isn't a problem since it is only logical he looks tired and covered with ash & dirt after that fight in Balin's tomb. Still thinking to pre-order this as I don't see a 1/6 scale Gandalf appearing in the near future.
The hair doesn't look so bad. It looks like with some combing and shaping you can achieve the "peak" look that he has. I agree with the paint, if that could be fixed before release I would prefer, but I'm overall happy with his turnout and wouldn't be upset if this is what we got.
I notice the listing on the Asmus web store says "One wizard staff, used in the Hobbit movie (PRE-ORDERS ONLY)". That's not very clear solicitation text--if I pre-order from BBTS or SS, do I get the staff?