Are prices getting out of control?

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try going a few weeks without a shower, hot food, a pillow and blanket, a roof. hell a few days. i've a gut feeling most people would break quickly, at least those of the "have it your way" generation.

all you need, food, shelter, sex, and a weapon. everything else is a luxury.

Haven't heard that in a while!

"What do you think this is Burger King? You can't have it your way!" :lol
is that a Japanese Journey album cover as your Av? :lol

lol :lol the small pic makes the letters look japanese


This one is pretty funny
lol :lol the small pic makes the letters look japanese

holy ^^^^! I didnt remember that cover. I was actually just guessing cause the style just reminded me of Journey album covers .... and damn if it isnt .... :lol
Come to canada figs 3 3/4 are going for 20.00 a pop!.. I dont collect it but if i did i would ^^^^ a brick.

Prices are always worse up here unless our dollar turns around. Which is has been moving up.
Gold is a worldwide recognized money,its been a money standard for over 5,000 years.....the dollar was onced backed by Gold and now its no longer backed by anything, other than a fraudulent 'confidence' in paper.Its a broken promise and represents debt....its a pretty easy concept to get...the more they print, the more it de-values our currency and makes it less attractive. because of that, it creates prices to go up as the dollar does not buy what it used to.....china is already moving away from the dollar and turning towards gold

Simmer down on the anger.:D I was responding to a specific post and you are reiterating what I had said in part. We have gone too far in devaluing our currency and have depended on borrowing from countries which have growing economies and who actually produce . My point is......if we are paying off our debt with our own empty dollar, how can we even buy gold or other precious metals. We have gone too far at this point to go back on the gold standard today or tomorrow. We would have to start crawling back after an economic meltdown and long recession or depression.
1:6 figures are finally surpassing the $200 mark with IM Mark VI. I just cannot afford to keep buying $200 figures every month anymore. Let's not forget that it was only 5 years ago that the average price of a 1:6 Hot Toys figure was $90 and the average Sideshow 1:6 was $40 (compared to $120 now) and rising. At what point will 1:6 collecting finally implode on itself?
I'm feeling ya. I've been cancelling so much lately. Just getting too expensive. That $200+ IM MK VI was a shocker tonight too.
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I've allways had to be very selective with what figures I buy. I used to be mainly a Hasbro Star Wars collector but considering that over the last severall years, all there SW figures are just re-packs I've mostly stopped collecting with the exception of the occaisional EU comic pack. I just can't afford to spend $7.99 on a 3" figure that will basically be made again a few months down the road but in a different package. When it comes to 1/6 I have to be even more selective because of the price. I can't count how many HT figures I missed out on simply because I couldn't afford it at the time and now if I were to buy them, I'd have to pay a rediculous amount for it on ebay. It sucks that the price of this hobby is going up but what can you do.... except quit the hobby alltogether.
At what point will 1:6 collecting finally implode on itself?

Sooner than later. I laughed out loud when I saw the price of the new Iron Man figure.

I'll be buying a lot less HT stuff now that the average with shipping is well over $150 and wont even consider dropping $200+ on a mass produce 1/6 figure. They may look great but just cant justify that extreme cost.
Its gotten to where you can pretty much make a custom limited to 20 or so headsculpts for the price of a single Hot Toys figure which there are thousands of.
I don't mind paying higher prices for items like a Predator or Ironman (tho $200+ was ridiculous). I understand their bodies etc. won't be easily duplicated and reused therefore, HT will charge more.

I have issues with standard figures that use TT, Muscular or Wolverine body that simply require a sculpt, accessories and clothes pushing upwards of $160+. Those figures I will be very selective which I purchase and nitpicky about the detail and accessories for that price.