Anyone else been priced out of this hobby?

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I was price out from the begginning to be frank...I started a little before the first T2 came out, I passed on a couple of figures, because of price thinking when these don't sell they will (the manufactures and retailers) will come to their senses, boy was I wrong. I will never truly quit the 1/6 hobby, but after the Battle Damage Terminator (if I don't decide to cancel my pre-order) I am on a diet of heads, bodies and accessories...I am going to chill on any box sets for the next two years....
They've actually done studies on 'luxury', and there exists a significant portion of the market that will choose the more expensive option simply because it IS more expensive. It's just a status thing. That's what HT is at this point, and it's what drives the iminime/Rainman/custom figure market.

It's why I get a kick out of people think HT is going to price themselves out of business. It's like saying BMW is pricing themselves out of business.

Good comparison, however, the only difference is BMW adds perceived value by adding features to their new automobiles not subtracting them. New HT cost more and often come with less features/accessories then some older ones. They are actually doing the opposite of companies like BMW and Porsche, instead of charging more money for additional quality/value increases they charge more for less.

People don't buy Lexus over a Toyota because it comes with less. The reason they buy Lexus is because its packaged with more accessories/technology then Toyota. There is also a an obvious difference in quality. Sit in a Lexus the try a Toyota. Noticeable difference. Perception is key as well. People wouldn't be having this discussion if the "perceived" value adding features justified the cost increases. The fact is they are charging more for less. At some point there will be a breaking point, if hot toys continues to increase prices without increasing/improving their product offerings/packages then they will go out of business.

Now if they had a monopoly on the industry like utility companies then ya they could rip everyone off by charging more for less and stay in business.
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I'm not priced out, but I would be if I bought every single figure I thought looked cool. I just avoid the "gotta catch 'em all" attitude when it comes to completing lines, and focus on what I'll most regret missing out on. :)

But at a certain price level, I'll stop buying HT altogether, which I'm fine with. I was a big Play Arts fan, but I'm not paying $80-$90 for any of them. And the same goes for smaller figures like Neca, I refuse to pay $18-$20 for a 6-inch figure with numerous paint and other issues. It's kinda sad since I've bought figures all my life, but there's a point where the money is better spent on another hobby or for a better purpose.
If I had a dollar for every time I read that in the last year, I'd have enough money to buy 4 Hot Toys figures.

:lol I've read the same thing alot too (it's usually never true, though I have noticed that some of the longtime posters have disappeared or scaled back quite a bit).

I think the "I'm quitting hot toys or the hobby" declaration usually follows the "I'm addicted to hot toys", "My girlfriend/family/friends mock my dolls", or "I'm in financial difficulty/want to move out of my parents house" stage.

It seems like the freaks that are most at ease with their collections (financially and emotionally) have some sort of limitations on their collecting.
...the only difference is BMW adds perceived value by adding features to their new automobiles not subtracting them. New HT cost more and often come with less features/accessories then some older ones. They are actually doing the opposite of companies like BMW and Porsche, instead of charging more money for additional quality/value increases they charge more for less.

At some point there will be a breaking point, if hot toys continues to increase prices without increasing/improving their product offerings/packages then they will go out of business.

Well said. I was collecting decades before Hot Toys came around and I will be collecting long after they price me out. There is no illusion when it comes to money or the value I put on a new figure. But Hot Toys will not remain a novelty forever. Other companies are upping their quality at significantly lower prices. And if anyone is paying more simply because they think that equates to some kind of elevation in social class, well I feel sorry for those folks. It's a pricey action figure. Nothing more, nothing less. The average person who owns a luxury car will look at you the same way holding that $300 figure as they will someone holding a $50.00 figure. Don't kid yourself. Collect for your enjoyment, not for the perceived acceptance of others.
I'm not priced out but I'm more selective as to what I'm going to buy. Right now I'm taking a break and saving for the next purchase.
If I had a dollar for every time I read that in the last year, I'd have enough money to buy 4 Hot Toys figures.

Some people might have actually left 1/6 collecting, as there seem to be a growing number of members who haven't logged in since the past year. Hot Toys has nothing that interests me aside from the Nolan Batman line and MGS, and I don't make it a habit to drop money on random figures that just happen to come along.
Other companies are upping their quality at significantly lower prices.

I keep reading this and I keep wondering what companies people are referring to??

Do you think people will buy a Spade J from DAM instead of a Batman from Hot Toys?? That's akin to thinking someone will go see a movie they aren't interested in at a discount theatre, because the new release movie at the standard theatre is too expensive.

Please see Exhibit A

I don't make it a habit to drop money on random figures that just happen to come along.

Those obscure figure lines only appeal to a niche market of collectors (and perhaps customizers who need extra parts or clothes). Do not want.
Well said. I was collecting decades before Hot Toys came around and I will be collecting long after they price me out. There is no illusion when it comes to money or the value I put on a new figure. But Hot Toys will not remain a novelty forever. Other companies are upping their quality at significantly lower prices. And if anyone is paying more simply because they think that equates to some kind of elevation in social class, well I feel sorry for those folks. It's a pricey action figure. Nothing more, nothing less. The average person who owns a luxury car will look at you the same way holding that $300 figure as they will someone holding a $50.00 figure. Don't kid yourself. Collect for your enjoyment, not for the perceived acceptance of others.

Totally get that about the acceptance of others.

Keeping up with the jones' has never been my way. but do want more than I can afford.
Just makes me appreciate what I do have and that its just an expensive doll that and no more.
It is expensive and selfish hobby, but then again it depends how you look at things.
If your spending money on figures that should go on food or gas/electric then you have a problem.
If you are not hurting anybody by your indulgences than buy what makes you happy and sell it on if times are hard.
I can't recall who now, but someone said recently that if a company makes figures, cheaper than hot toys of very good overall quality and charges $90 then people would say "Pass it's not HT quality"
I've witnessed that myself. When I heard Asmus Toys was going to tackle LOTR I was ecstatic. Don't know what the prices will be yet, hopefully reasonable, but some said, "they won't be HT quality". Yea, maybe not, but I'm really hoping that they are decently done with a fair price. I don't want something for nothing but don't expect to pay an arm and a leg.

Take Hot Toys military line for example. If they were still doing it, what would they cost now? Why would I want to pay 150 and up when Soldier Story, Dam Toys, and Crazy Dummy are releasing figures as good, if not better for $120.00 bucks. Collecters can talk about about economy, oil prices, cost of materials all they want. The number one reason Hot Toys charges the prices they do is because they have a rabid fan base who will buy whatever they put out because it says Hot Toys on it.
Collecters can talk about about economy, oil prices, cost of materials all they want. The number one reason Hot Toys charges the prices they do is because they have a rabid fan base who will buy whatever they put out because it says Hot Toys on it.

Quoted for truth.......

It should also be mentioned many companies witnessing the success of HT think they can charge higher prices for far less (i.e. Sideshow - Snake Eyes, Boba Fett etc.). The hobby is out of control on all levels an implosion is imminent....:panic::panic::panic:
I keep reading this and I keep wondering what companies people are referring to??

Do you think people will buy a Spade J from DAM instead of a Batman from Hot Toys?? That's akin to thinking someone will go see a movie they aren't interested in at a discount theatre, because the new release movie at the standard theatre is too expensive.

Thats assuming everyone wants Batman or should i say yet another Batman over Spade J :rolleyes:

Those obscure figure lines only appeal to a niche market of collectors (and perhaps customizers who need extra parts or clothes). Do not want.

Which lines?

Collecters can talk about about economy, oil prices, cost of materials all they want. The number one reason Hot Toys charges the prices they do is because they have a rabid fan base who will buy whatever they put out because it says Hot Toys on it.


Coulson is proof of that.

Personally i HATE when people bring up global economy and chinese labour laws and other political stuff to try an 'explain' the constant upping of prices, they are orobably part of the reson but i just wanna buy or read about toys not be immersed in business strategems and political talk.

For the most oart HT charge what they charge cos they know prople will pay it, and when they charge less for a less mainstream figure and people complain about that price even though it's lower than the mainstream ones, they have their own spending to blame for telling HT what they're willing to pay on others.

Storm Shadow costs alot less than Tony Stark but people say it's too much, and if it was even less people would just complain about how they can produce him for that price but not Tony Stark :slap

The reason HT charges more than $150 or $180 for SS is because people spending the higher amounts on other figures are setting the price they're willing to spend.

But therein lies the problem, people are willing to spend $250+ on certain figures but not on others.

Since people are less willing to spend $210 instead of $180 for certain characters all that will do is reduce the amount of new licenses and characters getting made and have HT stick to the trending ones like Iron Man even more.

Even though people are getting sick of them too :lol
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It is expensive and selfish hobby, but then again it depends how you look at things.
If your spending money on figures that should go on food or gas/electric then you have a problem.
If you are not hurting anybody by your indulgences than buy what makes you happy and sell it on if times are hard.

Very true. But I don't think every hobby is gotten into (or out of) because of personal income. I collect a lot of things besides figures. I collect all sorts of vintage toys, movies, movie posters, music, even autographs. So when I'm weighing the merits of a purchase, I will consider everything, even space. Just being able to drop the bills is not enough. And for those who choose differently that's fine. But for me, I do place a value on quite frankly everything in my life. And action figures, even the pricey ones, are of no allure to me if the company is offering them at a sucker price. Hot Toys is beginning to tread into that space. I have a feeling the Adam West/Batman will be their next big jump in price. They know it's a big nostalgia item and will price it to gouge.
Very true. But I don't think every hobby is gotten into (or out of) because of personal income. I collect a lot of things besides figures. I collect all sorts of vintage toys, movies, movie posters, music, even autographs. So when I'm weighing the merits of a purchase, I will consider everything, even space. Just being able to drop the bills is not enough. And for those who choose differently that's fine. But for me, I do place a value on quite frankly everything in my life. And action figures, even the pricey ones, are of no allure to me if the company is offering them at a sucker price. Hot Toys is beginning to tread into that space. I have a feeling the Adam West/Batman will be their next big jump in price. They know it's a big nostalgia item and will price it to gouge.

Good points, well made.

People who complain that discussions about the politics or economics of the toy industry, distract from the aspects of a hobby they 'really' want to focus on.. tend to be the same people who say..What the..?.. How did that muppet get voted into power?.. and.. What the..?.. How come the economy tanked and I can't afford my hobby?

Politics and economics effect absolutely EVERYTHING you do in some way.. and ignoring or complaining about that fact, will not change sitting at the back of the class, changing the poses on your figures and 'HATING' on people who take a broader interest in how that figure got created and costs what it does, seems strange.. in a 1:1 Ollie the Ostrich figure, with real feathers and extra 'head in the sand' accessory, kind of a way.

It also seems odd not to concentrate on the many threads here that DO discuss stuff of greater interest to collectors who don't dig on the economics and politics of the industry, if that is more appealing, no?

Reminds me of the guy who recently posted a comment in the Technology section on the BBC News site.. complaining about 'yet another' tech article... :slap
Politics and economics effect absolutely EVERYTHING you do in some way.. and ignoring or complaining about that fact, will not change it.

Who said it would?

Talking economics and politics won't change prices either, the discussion over those things only causes arguements and sucks the fun out of something that should be simple & fun.

Things cost more now than before, the search for why won't make them cost less again and 99.999% of times it's a fruitless discussion that'll never to lead to an answer, especially on a collectibles forum
Who said it would?

Talking economics and politics won't change prices either, the discussion over those things only causes arguements and sucks the fun out of something that should be simple & fun.

Things cost more now than before, the search for why won't make them cost less again and 99.999% of times it's a fruitless discussion that'll never to lead to an answer, especially on a collectibles forum

Incorrect.. collectors create the market with demand (or not) for figures.. the market responds to its customers spending habits, companies that ignore this fact go bust.. every dollar you spend sends a political message and has economic influence.. because money speaks every language on the planet, fluently.

With the greatest respect, if you 'hate' the discussion on this thread, there are lots of other threads vying for your attention.. so why are you here, telling me what I should be doing and how the politics and economics you claim to 'hate' and not be remotely interested in, work?
This thread isn't about economics of current pricing trends it's for discusiion on if one has been priced out, not why prices have increased.

You are right about peoples spending habits creating the current prices, but talking about it won't change anything.

People will complain about high prices and the majority will continue to pay them. So discussing the political & economic reasons for the prices won't change a damn thing about peoples spending habits.

Even if you (not you specifically) find out the exact economic reasons for prices going up it won't change the prices. So whats the point if it'll acomplish nothing, but collecting toys less fun
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This thread isn't about economics it's for discusiion on if one has been priced out, not why prices have increased.

You are right about peoples spending habits creating the current prices, bt that won't change it.

People will complain about high prices and many if not most continue to pay them. So discussing the political & ecominic reasons for the prices won't change a damn thing about peoples spending habits.

Even if you (not you specifically) find out the exact economic reasons for prices going up it won't change the prices. So whats the point if it'll acomplish nothing?

So you are saying a thread titled 'Anyone else been priced out of this hobby?' isn't about economics?

People who complain about prices, often do change their spending habits.. whether you wish to acknowledge this fact or not.. and those changes do effect what happens in the market.

So although talking about it on a forum doesn't directly effect the market.. if contributors are acting on what they say they are going to do, then that does very much effect the market.. and forums can give astute toy companies, some warning about the possibility of large quantities of brown, smelly stuff building up in front of the fan.

The point has been made here that apparently 'rich' people are stupid and will buy anything with a particular brand on it, no matter what the price (inverted, blue collar snobbery).

In my experience many 'rich' people are rich, precisely because they are not stupid.. lets not confuse 'celebrity' rich with entrepreneur rich.. It is also my experience that people who tell you that you will never make a difference and have no influence.. are either telling you more about themselves than about you.. or they have a vested interest in a market believing it is 'powerless' when it is not.

So lets take a real life example - Fact is, I can currently afford to buy every Hot Toy and Enterbay release.. but I'm not going to because many of the figures do not interest me, in fact I currently have only two (it would be more but HT's 'pink pants' issue means that currently apart from possibly two figures with a colorway unaffected by that issue via the secondary market, that will not happen).
I will also not be spending more than £200 on a 1/6 or £400 on a bigger figure (eg. Iron Monger) because I do not accept they are worth more than that, regardless of quality.. possible exceptions might be true Special Editions by which I mean global editions in the range from 100 to 500 figures (with COA).. but imho this market is not quite the same as Urban Vinyl.

Buyers not buying very much does effect pricing.. and which figures are released.. and how often.. and with the greatest respect to claim otherwise is not only utterly ridiculous but regularly disproved by the Toy companies.