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Both of these arrived today:

So, educate me on Hasbro Pulse. I have never ordered from there before, but the Hellfire set looks amazing. Do I need the membership to have a chance to get one, or is it possible there will still be sets on the next day for general orders? Is this a pre-order? Do they charge when you order or when shipped? Thanks!
Not sure, because they will have so much more stock this year with no in person conventions.

I am assuming they are just setting aside a portion for the paying members on day 1, with the rest for general sale the next day.

I've ordered non-exclusives before and I do believe they charge when you order. I think all of these exclusives are on the boat or already here, so it shouldn't be a long turn around from ordering to shipping.
They should be ‘in stock’ so they will change when you order. They don’t with normal preorders until it ships. Being a premium member will be your best chance at securing a set, although with everything limited to one per person, the stock should last longer than normal.
Pulse charges you when an item ships. During the pandemic, there's been a longer delay between the charge hitting and then the item actually shipping.

*EDIT - what Buttmunch said*
I finally found the Deadpool 2 Cable figure at Walmart tonight and he looks amazing! I've waited far to long for Hasbro to finally produce the Fox licensed Deadpool figures! Now to find Domino. Still can't believe Hasbro put Deadpool into a two pack! :mad:

People have had so much luck actually finding Cable at Walmart I might actually have to venture into one. I vowed never again after the cluster**** that was the Corvus Glaive 2-pack.
People have had so much luck actually finding Cable at Walmart I might actually have to venture into one. I vowed never again after the cluster**** that was the Corvus Glaive 2-pack.

Yeah my Walmart actually had three of them on the peg. Now can someone tell me where Domino is hiding out at?
I doubt it since Charles and Erik come with both portraits I’d have expected Mystique too as well if they could. Probably why the lame human arm was thrown in instead - something quick and easy for them to throw in at the last minute.
That was the excuse, anyway. Remember, this was during the period where Marvel was killing any attempts at X-Men movie merchandise (remember the Hot Toys Xavier that was shown off at cons but never released?).

Hell, I remember just a few years ago whenever the subject of X-Men movie figures would come up on this very site, people would insist they were an impossibility because of "likeness rights" issues. Well, look now. We've got Brolin Cable in Hot Toys and Legends has done figures based on a number of the actors.
Not Marvel - Disney.

Personally I don’t think no Jennifer Lawrence head is a big loss - but I am surprised their new Deadpool doesn’t include an unmasked head.
Apparently some people are receiving their Hardy Venom figures from Dorkside! I’m so excited for him. All I want from Hasbro now is some Raimi Spidey figures and I’ll be good for a looong time.