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Thanks for the great picture of Bill Paxton p@ck@r@ck! I'll use that as a reference for my Hudson head. I'll repaint his eyes blue and lighten up his eyebrows too. Thanks for the painting tips dekadentdave. Yeah, I thought that Drake's hair would dry to a lighter blonde color, but it's stayed at that "lemon yellow"! :monkey4 The last thing I want is for my Drake to look like frickin' Dennis Rodman! I'll work on Drake's hair some more tonight.

I'll use your tips to lighten up Drake's hair. I started by ligtening up the original red hair, and it ended up looking pink. So then, I got some yellow paint yesterday, and started with that with some white in it to lighten up the yellow color. I'll go even lighter with Drake's hair and do that paint mix you've told me about. Thanks again for your help! It's always appreciated.

Great job painting your Hudson/Bill Paxton head p@ck@r@ck! I like it. I'll refer to yours too when I'm painting mine. I love that facehugger from Chris at EVA Models! Great job on that too. I"m getting lots of little things for my marines from Chris now. The Hudson head was the first thing I got a while back. I'll get one of those facehuggers from him someday soon. Now, if Chris would make one of those remote sentry guns.....! That would seriously rock!
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On Remote Sentry Guns. Chris @ EVA responds to my questions...

Chris' answers in blue font

Hi Paul,

Maybe you can eyeball it from DVD screen grabs? I guess I could ... if I had time/inspiration.

I doubt HT will make these. You don't think so? I was hoping! ; ^)

It would be cool if the barrel rotates on an axis.. anyway a bunch of us on the SSF board were talking about it... ;-) A bunch ... then maybe you could get together and commission Angie Portman to make it. She's an expert at making stuff like that and we have a good working relationship for many years now. There's a thought.

K, bye for now and TKS again.


How many of you guys want to pursue this?
I'd be down for it. We're gonna need all the firepower we can get when those warriors arrive. If he needs some screengrabs, I'd be happy to help. Count me in.
dekadentdave said:
I'd be down for it. We're gonna need all the firepower we can get when those warriors arrive. If he needs some screengrabs, I'd be happy to help. Count me in.

Cool the screen grab KING is IN. Maybe post a few here and i'll direct Chris to this thread page.

Count me in too, how many were there, three? A, B, and C guns? If so I want three...
Hi Paul,

Ok, you're on. Please contact Angie. OK, I will do that.

I'll get a head count and direct you to the SSF thread page...We'll post as many screen grabs as you need.
I'll write to Angie now.

I bet once the HT Warriors come out you'll want to offer these @ EVA as well...Will definitely do so.

I hope this will happen!

TKS. ; ^)


EDIT: Anyone interested, go to Sentry gun headcount thread
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I'm in... Got many skills. Let me know what is needed and I'll be glad to lend a helping hand. Would be well worth all of our time to get this thing off the ground.
P@CK@R@CK said:
I'm in... Got many skills. Let me know what is needed and I'll be glad to lend a helping hand. Would be well worth all of our time to get this thing off the ground.

Cool, we have a thread for this now so Check in there... :D
dekadentdave said:
I'd be down for it. We're gonna need all the firepower we can get when those warriors arrive. If he needs some screengrabs, I'd be happy to help. Count me in.

By all means we need some of your excellent screengrabs, Dave! Maybe some shots of the remote monitor, too. If everyone gets on board with this project I'm sure it will happen. Look how much everyone has accomplished already. I sure hope Chris comes through for us, but if not I'm sure we'll find some way to make our robot sentries a reality!

Btw, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, is there any chance you could get one or two decent grabs of the grafitti on Frost's armour while you're at it? It's pretty hard to make out anything but the "NUKE 'EM" part so far. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated! :D
Frost has no graffitti on the back of his chest armor or helmet (from what I could see). The only graffitti I can see is the heart with "Heath" and a piece of white tape on his shoulder with "Nuke 'Em" written with a red marker.




Hey Mudshark, dont you have the Alien Quadrilogy Boxset?

This continuity photo of the Nuke Em graffiti is on the Aliens Features Disc, the best pic you'l find of it :)

Hey, thanks for those screengrabs Dekadentdave! Do you see any more from the movie that you didn't post of Frost's armor? Can you post them here or make a new thread of armor details for the marines, like Frost, and Hudson's drawings on his helmet? I'd appreicate it! Thanks! I have the Alien Quadrilogy set too. I'll refer to it for help. I am planning on making a custom Frost using the HT original Sgt. Apone head and the armor and BDUs from probably...Hudson. I may make a custom Hicks from the Hudson armor and BDUs too. Hicks is SO HARD to find on eBay or anywhere else now!:mad:

Oh yeah...thanks for that detail picture of Frost's tape with the "when in doubt Nukem!" tape on his shoudler. I'll make that for my custom Frost too!
dekadentdave said:
Frost has no graffitti on the back of his chest armor or helmet (from what I could see). The only graffitti I can see is the heart with "Heath" and a piece of white tape on his shoulder with "Nuke 'Em" written with a red marker.

Nice grabs, Dek! There was some lettering on the white tape above the "NUKE 'EM" that was hard to make out. I figured it must have said "When in doubt...". With the limited space it seemed the most likely phrase that would fit. It'll work just fine in any case. Thanks again for your help! :cool:
Thanks so much for all of those great Hudson screengrabs Dekadentdave! They will help me out so much in detailing my Hudson's helmet as close as I can get it to how it was in the movie. I clearly see the "8 ball" on the back left side of his helmet. I can't make out that grid on the front-left side of his helmet? Could it be a countown calendar until they got retrieval from fellow USCMs? I dunno. I just can't clearly make it out. What do you think Dekadentdave? Let me know your thought on what you think is on Hudson's helmet.

By the way, how do you get those DVD screengrab pictures? Do you use a certain program? Please let me know. I'd like to give it a try. I have the Alien Quadrilogy box set myself. Thanks again for those screengrabs! :D
Dekandentdave can I ask for one more favor from you? Could you please post a few pictures of Drake without his hat or headpiece/camera on? Preferably some scenes from when they were in the messhall on the Sulaco before they headed out to LV-426. I can't get the paintjob right on my HT Drake's hair! It was a bright yellow, and I've since toned down the color, but it still doesn't quite look like the light blonde color he had in the movie. I'd appreciate it, if you would post a few screengrabs of Drake, and maybe one or two of Vasquez so I can get her hair and eye makeup correct when I get my HT Vasquez in the mail possibly tomorrow, or Monday. I'd appreciate those Vasquez pics too. I just wanna get my marines right, you know? Thanks again!