1st 1/4 SSE Mummy on eBay!

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occulum said:
yes they did.
if youd only waited a teensy bit longer :monkey5
Was someone really willing to trade their grey Hulk for a SSE Mummy? I am just curious. I really personally think that it is a fair trade.
Darth Roranous said:
Was someone really willing to trade their grey Hulk for a SSE Mummy? I am just curious. I really personally think that it is a fair trade.

Well, if they are or were, they didn't e-mail or pm me on it, and I've had the
offer up on SSF and SF for several days. If anybody is still interested, I'd
still absolutely entertain that trade.

Anton Phibes said:
I understand you perfectly. I also understand RoboDad, Bannister and all others perfectly as well. Monster truly wishes from the bottom of his heart that all people who collect and desire a piece should have that desire fulfilled. Then, he could care less if there were scalpers, flippers, or whatever, galore making piles of cash on a daily basis.

I have no problem with capitalism. I am all about making a dollar. I have no problem with certain aspects of marketing. Yet when I feel a product is aggressively marketed...I walk away. By aggressive marketing, I mean to say the tactic of intentionally limiting supply as to create demand that otherwise wouldn't exist. I hope everyone can understand me as well. Once an item has been purchased by an individual, they can do whatever they want with it, though. I think everyone agrees with that principal.

Where the problem lies is when someone who really wants the product for a collection doesn't get one and someone who wants it to make a profit does. Then the aforementioned party feels "screwed" by the latter. Thus, aggressive marketing is born. Sideshow wants to secure selling 50 Mummy SSE's at at a slightly higher rate than a color version. So, they deliberately create only 50. Then, they sit back and let the aggression ensue. I am loathe to say it, but this falls into the new era mentality of "don't hate the player, hate the game."

The only way it will ever stop is if the players walk from the field and leave 15 SSE Ardeth Bey busts on the gamemaster's field. Which will never happen. To sum up:

1. I hope all the collectors out there get that exclusive piece you desire (like Monster, Occulum, and all the rest of the gang).

2. I hope all of you who are subsidizing your income by flipping, keep being able to do so to afford to continue to add to your collections.

3. I hope Sideshow, Bowen Designs and all the rest eventually walk away from these "hype" ploys and just focus on quality. Because at the end of the day that's all that's going to stand the test of time.

I have been on both sides of this argument before, so I have some objectivity here. I will explain. When Krycek and Skinner came up for pre-order...I ordered both immediately. I had to have them in my collection. I had no job. When I saw the prices go up through the roof, I sold them for $200 each. I needed the cash. I had no intention of flipping them. Yet after holding them for a couple months...thats exactly what I did.

I walked into a comic store once, and there sat a chrome Silver Surfer mini bust. It was $90. I bought it. I got it home and compared it to the painted one. I liked the painted one better. When I saw the chrome version on ebay was going for a fortune...I sold it. For $500. The money went into my collection. I didn't set out to "deprive any other collector". I just had an impulse buy that I later regretted that worked in my favor.

Yet I don't think I would exert the energy into "hunting" rare pieces simply to flip them. In short, everyone on here needs to stay civil, wish each other well and keep on trucking. Cause when we croak, all of this junk stays here.

Bravo.:clap :bow Now everyone gather around:grouphug
Once again we get another flipper/anti-flipper debate. :monkey1

Most, not all, members here say that they are OK with flipping. For the record, I'll admit I'm on the fence myself. I've even done it a few times.

I find it funny that somebody comes on this board and tries to defend themselves for flipping an item. The fact that you are trying to defend yourself proves that you think you are doing something that isn't right. If you really thought you were right, you'd forget all about the comments made instead of trying to justify flipping the item. There's really no need to justify yourself if you feel you are doing nothing wrong. :monkey3 :monkey3

If you want to sell something then just sell it. I've done it myself but I didn't come on here and complain about putting it on ebay cause no one would trade with me for a specific item I wanted.
I'm not complaining Bonehead, and nothing wrong is being done either.

The only reason I posted anything at all, was this comment:

The Monster said:
That is what those people get for trying to make extra money off of them
when some true collectors wanted one & did not get one! :cuss

I hope they do not even get the reg price out of them. :rotfl

I honestly hope you go to SDCC this summer MONSTER. I'm going to steal your wheelchair then flip it on eBay from the hotel.


I'd post a link here for the boardmembers to bid and you can watch helplessly as your chair sells. :D

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DannieDarKo said:
I honestly hope you go to SDCC this summer MONSTER. I'm going to steal your wheelchair then flip it on eBay from the hotel.


I'd post a link here for the boardmembers to bid and you can watch helplessly as your chair sells. :D


What does eveyone think of DannieDarKo's post?
Well, I don't know if it is politically correct, but it was so off-the-wall
and out in left field that I laughed out loud at it.

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

JS :lol
What do I think?

I think if he's going to post on the forum, he needs to follow the rules.


Who is the administrator and moderators of Sideshow Freaks?
My name is Dave Stephan and I'm the administrator.
If you have a question or problem I can be reached at dstephan @ sideshowcollectors.com. Right now there are 3 other moderators – Azog, Viking28 and Doomhammer. They have the same authority as I do and I will support their decisions.

In any forum that encourages the free exchange of ideas differing opinions are bound to crop up -- just keep it civil, basic netiquette applies, no flames, no spamming, etc. Personal attacks, name calling and outright rudeness will not be tolerated. But if someone is obviously joking please don't take offense, we're not going to be the "political correctness" police here.

A good guideline is - if you wouldn't say it to a casual acquaintance at work then you shouldn't say it here.

2) This goes for PM (private messages) and e-mail as well. If a member is abusing another member through private means the admin and mods may take steps to ban the abusive member.
Re: What do I think?

Anton Phibes said:
I think if he's going to post on the forum, he needs to follow the rules.


Who is the administrator and moderators of Sideshow Freaks?
My name is Dave Stephan and I'm the administrator.
If you have a question or problem I can be reached at dstephan @ sideshowcollectors.com. Right now there are 3 other moderators – Azog, Viking28 and Doomhammer. They have the same authority as I do and I will support their decisions.

In any forum that encourages the free exchange of ideas differing opinions are bound to crop up -- just keep it civil, basic netiquette applies, no flames, no spamming, etc. Personal attacks, name calling and outright rudeness will not be tolerated. But if someone is obviously joking please don't take offense, we're not going to be the "political correctness" police here.

A good guideline is - if you wouldn't say it to a casual acquaintance at work then you shouldn't say it here.

2) This goes for PM (private messages) and e-mail as well. If a member is abusing another member through private means the admin and mods may take steps to ban the abusive member.


:violin :violin :violin

:moon :moon
DannieDarKo said:
I honestly hope you go to SDCC this summer MONSTER. I'm going to steal your wheelchair then flip it on eBay from the hotel.


I'd post a link here for the boardmembers to bid and you can watch helplessly as your chair sells. :D


Hey man,
Now that was funny! I couldn't stop laughing.:rotfl I would gladly give this chair up for free if I could trade for walking. I wouldn't give up my monsters though.:rotfl You will however have to revise your auction on ebay. :rotfl I have a black colored electric wheelchair with a reclining back. I can kick back and watch tv in a reclined position. Hey Anton, did you see that? My chair is black too. Just like I like it.:rotfl
The Monster said:
Hey man,
Now that was funny! I couldn't stop laughing.:rotfl I would gladly give this chair up for free if I could trade for walking. I wouldn't give up my monsters though.:rotfl You will however have to revise your auction on ebay. :rotfl I have a black colored electric wheelchair with a reclining back. I can kick back and watch tv in a reclined position. Hey Anton, did you see that? My chair is black too. Just like
I like it.:rotfl

THANK YOU MONSTER! See guys, even Monster knows it was a joke. Lighten up muppets. I know Monster has been a long time member and was just messing with him.

:rock MONSTER :rock

DannieDarKo said:

THANK YOU MONSTER! See guys, even Monster knows it was a joke. Lighten up muppets. I know Monster has been a long time member and was just messing with him.

:rock MONSTER :rock

If he can laugh about it with you, I'm okay with it. Putting my Factory X Captain America Shield back on the wall now. I just thought you were being outright mean. My bad.
Anton Phibes said:
If he can laugh about it with you, I'm okay with it. Putting my Factory X Captain America Shield back on the wall now. I just thought you were being outright mean. My bad.


LOL! God no, last thing we need is a fight wearing MR or Factory X replicas.