12" SS SW Asajj pic

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decadentdave said:
And which one are you?

Here's those same lighter pix I did in B/W so you can see her even better...



She definitely has the cheek bones if not the snarl. And it looks like they went with white eyes.

The outfit looks very cool -- a cross between the CW outfit and some of the newer artwork (although the neck piece doesn't spill over the shoulder... and the "skirt" is missing something. Didn't she have some patterned thing draping down?)
Well if the eyes are completely white, that's cool, but the lipstick and eyebrows make her look a wee bit too femme from her sinister Clone Wars visage. I may have to "goth" her up a bit more to make her look more evil.
decadentdave said:
Well if the eyes are completely white, that's cool, but the lipstick and eyebrows make her look a wee bit too femme from her sinister Clone Wars visage. I may have to "goth" he up a bit more to make her look more evil.

But they're going for a look as if a real actress played the role, right? Trying to make her more "human" I guess. Anyway, hard to tell in this one photo. I'm sure she'll look cool. I wonder if they'll have the markings on her head or not?

I don't really follow the EU too much so I have no idea what a good exclusive would be other than that cloak she wore.
decadentdave said:
Well if a real actress had played her, they should cast Fairuza Balk.

:lol She's a little short and small...but she's perfect in that wicked insane way (The Craft).

I was thinking Milla Jovovich. Cheesy, I know. But she's got that cruel mouth I love.
LordAzrael said:
Maybe the Blue & Green lightsabers she wielded before she got the red bladed ones from Dooku ?

i was going to guess the same but i also think Ky Narec's saber is also a possibility. :maul
So are they going to release her before Padme, going back on the point of the poll? Seems a bit odd to show a full body pic of her before Padme(yes I realize it's because of likeness approvals). Are they going to have them up for pre-order at the same time or back to back or something?
Looks great! I loved the Clone Wars and I loved this character even though she didn't last very long. I will be getting this one.

By the way, we know by now that people *****in' about the latest figure means that the figure will pretty much sell out.

Also, Poggle totally got owned by Sideshow Andy.