1/6th Scale IG-88 Figure LINK IN 1ST POST!

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I didn't ask for anything. I simply sent them an email stating that they may want to warn people buying Bib Fortuna that his dagger is really sharp. They felt bad and sent me an order for free as an apology.

I wasn't after anything. I just wanted to get the word out so people wouldn't shank themselves with Bib's dagger. Sideshow is really top notch with their service.

Just to be clear I was totally kidding... that is very cool of Sideshow. Although funny that the figure now carries a warning :lol
So I've been able to play around with IG-88 just a bit. Overall it's a great looking figure, but I'm going to have to look at some of the pics taken of him to figure out which direction everything goes. :lol

I was able to get the shoulders to rotate 360 degrees with a little effort, but nothing that made me worry about breaking them. I will say he's a little wobbly with the legs fully extended. I'd be afraid to put him on the shelf without a stand.
Congrats, Batty! Lucky you on the shoulders. Seems to be just luck of the draw, although clearly there's an issue to some degree. Reverse flimsy joint.

It took me some doing to turn everything the correct way but it looks like most people here have figured it out.

IG is so unique on the shelf, wait until you see him in the morning.
Just got mine too. First impressions....yes, it is a really light figure...really amazed just how many moving parts there are...lots of great detail. Between some sharp protrusions and the many various tubes and attachments, a little extra care is needed just handling this figure...

It'll be great experimenting with the many different articulation points and trying different poses.

There more I look at this figure, the more apparent it is that it must have been a fun project for the creative team....looks like a real labor of love.

I'm always very appreciative of everyone who "got theirs first" and post all the great shots and tips about what the figure can do (and can't)...here's hoping I make a few discoveries of my own with this droid...
Congrats, Batty! Lucky you on the shoulders. Seems to be just luck of the draw, although clearly there's an issue to some degree. Reverse flimsy joint.

It took me some doing to turn everything the correct way but it looks like most people here have figured it out.

IG is so unique on the shelf, wait until you see him in the morning.

I definitely need to play around with him so he looks right. I'll probably take pics this weekend.

Btw, it is weird that Sideshow put the switch for the base on the bottom. :dunno
Got my Iggy today and I love 'im! The shoulders were stuck pretty well, but the figure was still cold from being on the UPS truck; once the figure warmed to room temperature, a little steady pressure got the shoulders moving. I love all the articulation on this thing, makes him way more dynamic than I would have imagined. I extended the legs, they weren't as wobbly as I anticipated, but I am still using the base to display him for now - he's way too delicate for shelf diving! I like the extra goodies, I got the ex. version and I think the vibro blade makes him a little more badass, even if it's not 100% screen accurate. The idea in developing this seems to be to realize the full capability of the character, rather than keeping it absolutely true to the static ESB appearance of this droid. He certainly does make an impressive and menacing looking bounty hunter. My biggest nit with the figure is the difficult the forearms have in holding a pose with the rifle. It's hard to get the forearms, which are light and have freely moving articulation, to really lift the weight of the gun into a pose where it looks like IG-88 is about to take aim. I satisfied myself with having Iggy sort of toting his gun. The pincer hands don't grip very well, so keeping them closed around the gun can be a trick as well. SSC came up with a neat, welcome trick to help keep the rifle in place by putting a peg on the butt of the rifle and a hole for the peg on the left forearm - that works pretty well at stabilizing the gun in IG-88's grip. I actually like the light-up base, even if Bespin theme doesn't make much sense for this guy. The base just looks cool. I like the magnets on the mines and the holster for the blaster/blade, they work well with the bandolier. Light-up head feature is great, really adds a lot to this figure! Like the rotating rings on the head. It's hard to imagine how this guy could have been done much better, so good job SS!!! I keep finding myself glancing at this guy across the room and smiling. Looking forward to Boba and then Bossk to go with this guy!
I was able to get the shoulders to rotate 360 degrees with a little effort, but nothing that made me worry about breaking them. I will say he's a little wobbly with the legs fully extended. I'd be afraid to put him on the shelf without a stand.

I FINALLY opened mine and it sounds like we had the same experience Batty. My shoulders rotated fine but the knees are a little wobbly. I may have to use the glue technique to stiffen them up a little?

GREAT FIGURE SIDESHOW! And THANKS to all for mentioning that really sharp spike on his chest. MAN that is going to sting if I'm not paying attention! :slap

And yeah, the base is SWEET but needs the switch on the back, not on the bottom. :monkey2
Well I've been futzing mine for the past hour or so. I'm so much more impressed with this after getting things turned and posed in the right directions. I even have mine posed with one leg bent at the knee for an action shot. :lol
Got mine on Weds , overhall very impressed and happy. SS just keeps getting better. I looked forward to adding the other ESB Bounty hunters! Ready for Boba and Bossk.

I got him today and like others, the shoulders were pretty tight. The right one moved right out of box but the left one was stuck. I was able to get it moving but it is still tighter than the right one by far. Some of the swivel joints on the left arm are also pretty loose so I will be tightening them up a little later on.

The legs look terrible when they're extended - that spindly little pole to make it the right height???
I'm not a fan of the legs extended either, but I like how he looks short. Definitely needs more playtime to be certain.

:yess: Take good care of my...err...YOUR...IG-88


I'll tell you...the figure is wickedly awesome down to every last detail, least of which is that shiny gold sticker on the box. I am conflicted at this point. Now that he's in my possession, I may have serious reservations about giving him up again.
Hahaha well someone had to go and do it - broken mine already!

Be careful of the small little points that stick out just below his leg, theyre in the area I instinctually pick him up from, my thumb snapped one off instantly and in my panic to readjust my grip, I broke the other one off too :monkey4

Glued them back on though, so not to worry.

One other thing though is I've noticed his left leg ball joint doesn't totally fit in the socket, so it pops out easily, I had him fall over in an action pose cus the weight of his upper body popped his leg out and he fell over :lol

His knees are also wobbly - I don't care about these issues as I know how to fix them all myself, so am just pleased to have him, however one thing i'm not sure how to correct is his elbow ratchet joints, he can't hold a gun at 90degrees without flopping his aim down to feet level - I reckon i've got the most insipid IG-88 of the bunch but I shall nurture him and be understanding of his differences before I ever send him back :lol - at least I can move his shoulders and head rings easily
My shoulders are fused solid. That's my project for today.

The one thing that concerns me are the wrist posts. I have no idea how those things are holding his hands on.
Just about to sit back and enjoy some good 'ol ESB.
Maybe this viewing will persuade me to pick this guy up.
I like it (bar the extendable legs) but I'm going to stick with my Kotobukiya. I know he can't be posed but IMO the proportions are much more film accurate.
however one thing i'm not sure how to correct is his elbow ratchet joints, he can't hold a gun at 90degrees without flopping his aim down to feet level - I reckon i've got the most insipid IG-88 of the bunch but I shall nurture him and be understanding of his differences before I ever send him back :lol - at least I can move his shoulders and head rings easily

Ahhhhh....you have the extra-exclusive "special needs" IG-88. :rotfl
Got my exclusive in yesterday. Not much to say, but wow! Love you, Sideshow. More Scum & Villainy. Oh and Oola, please.