1/6 Sideshow Snowtrooper 2012

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Well I can't wait until the tie pilot goes up for PO. He's one of the few characters I want for my small imperial troop display. I have the snowie coming, the hot toys stormtrooper on pre order, the exclusive scout on pre order, the only other figure I want that's been announced so far is the tie pilot and they're taking their sweet time putting up a pre order. Hell, if they wait much longer it's gonna be an early 2016 release...
TIE Pilot will be a good indicator of what we can expect for non-main characters. It's possible that the first Disney price we saw was the Biker Scout, and thinking that $240 will be the norm is just hysterics.
Yeah, I don't think we'll see Luke-style pricing on soldiers like the TIE Fighter Pilot. There are a lot of specific variables, I think, that are contributing to Luke's price point (aside from the license) that won't be applicable to the Pilot. Assuming the Scout was the first of the post Disney contract releases, I'd expect the Pilot to come in just a bit lower. Will be interesting to see what happens.
I'm as optimistic as the next guy, but I think Luke is the first figure with the new price and the Scoutie is still in the old prices.

That said, I agree the TIE Pilot will be the figure that determines what the future will hold price-wise for the 1:6 line. If the TIE Pilot comes in at a reasonable price, then that would mean that the headsculpts may be what's pushing the prices so far over the edge and that there is still hope of getting some secondary/tertiary characters that don't require likeness rights for under $200.
Judging a future figure on past pricing is silly.

TIE pilot will be priced in anticipation of the cost at the time they actually manufacture him.

If his cost is lower, it is because the stormtrooper helmet makes up most of his face, the flight suit is a black version of Luke's, and there isn't a whole lot left to drive up costs. But I would expect TIE pilot to be between $199.99 and $239.99.
Judging a future figure on past pricing is silly.

TIE pilot will be priced in anticipation of the cost at the time they actually manufacture him.

If his cost is lower, it is because the stormtrooper helmet makes up most of his face, the flight suit is a black version of Luke's, and there isn't a whole lot left to drive up costs. But I would expect TIE pilot to be between $199.99 and $239.99.

That's a pretty safe bet. And unfortunately I fear it's an accurate prediction of how high the price will be for another bare-bones figure.
I'm as optimistic as the next guy, but I think Luke is the first figure with the new price and the Scoutie is still in the old prices.
Yeah, that's what I'm debating, too: Is Scoutie the last of the old or the first of the new? :p On the "last of the old" side, he's using the old Prometheus body, so that's sort no beuno.

On the "new" side, the timing feels right for it to be post-new-Disney-contract, it is a $40.00 price jump over the Snowtrooper (as Luke is to Hoth Luke), and IMO a new level of weathering detail from SSC (just compare it to the god awful Sharpie-weathering on the Clones). In regards to the bike component, hard to say. I think the $300.00 price point is in line with the e.Web, Dewback and Tauntaun, but still expensive enough to make a tidy profit at full MSRP, even with Disney's adjusted cut.

That said, I agree the TIE Pilot will be the figure that determines what the future will hold price-wise for the 1:6 line. If the TIE Pilot comes in at a reasonable price, then that would mean that the headsculpts may be what's pushing the prices so far over the edge and that there is still hope of getting some secondary/tertiary characters that don't require likeness rights for under $200.
My speculation is it is Luke's sculpt and paint that is driving the price so high on him. They'd either have to tighten things up significantly in their existing factories, move facilities or maybe sublet from HT. At least if it comes out looking like the prototype, we will know SSC made big changes that likely were very expensive. If it comes out distorted, like Drake or the Clone portraits, then we'll really be scratching our heads in regards to the price jump.

Judging a future figure on past pricing is silly.

TIE pilot will be priced in anticipation of the cost at the time they actually manufacture him.

If his cost is lower, it is because the stormtrooper helmet makes up most of his face, the flight suit is a black version of Luke's, and there isn't a whole lot left to drive up costs. But I would expect TIE pilot to be between $199.99 and $239.99.
That's my reasoning. The price speculation is probably silly, but it's fun, all the same.
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Since I had to pass on Luke Pilot it is unlikely I will get the TIE Pilot... but if it is affordable, along with the usual monthly discount coupon, then I might pick it up to go with the Imperial soldiers: Stormtrooper, Sandtrooper, Snowtrooper and Scout.
Yeah, that's what I'm debating, too: Is Scoutie the last of the old or the first of the new? :p On the "last of the old" side, he's using the old Prometheus body, so that's sort no beuno.

On the "new" side, the timing feels right for it to be post-new-Disney-contract, it is a $40.00 price jump over the Snowtrooper (as Luke is to Hoth Luke), and IMO a new level of weathering detail from SSC (just compare it to the god awful Sharpie-weathering on the Clones). In regards to the bike component, hard to say. I think the $300.00 price point is in line with the e.Web, Dewback and Tauntaun, but still expensive enough to make a tidy profit at full MSRP, even with Disney's adjusted cut.

My speculation is it is Luke's sculpt and paint that is driving the price so high on him. They'd either have to tighten things up significantly in their existing factories, move facilities or maybe sublet from HT. At least if it comes out looking like the prototype, we will know SSC made big changes that likely were very expensive. If it comes out distorted, like Drake or the Clone portraits, then we'll really be scratching our heads in regards to the price jump.

That's my reasoning. The price speculation is probably silly, but it's fun, all the same.

Excellent points. Especially about the Scoutie's $40 price jump over the Snowie.

Since I had to pass on Luke Pilot it is unlikely I will get the TIE Pilot... but if it is affordable, along with the usual monthly discount coupon, then I might pick it up to go with the Imperial soldiers: Stormtrooper, Sandtrooper, Snowtrooper and Scout.

Same here.
Judging a future figure on past pricing is silly.

TIE pilot will be priced in anticipation of the cost at the time they actually manufacture him.

But if he goes up before the end of the year, that's only a difference of a couple months from the Scout. If the Scout is the first of the new pricing, there's no way the TIE Pilot is over $190. If the Scout is the last of the old pricing (which he may be, given how much you get for under $200), then $@#%&^*!@$%#^!$%@&.
But if he goes up before the end of the year, that's only a difference of a couple months from the Scout. If the Scout is the first of the new pricing, there's no way the TIE Pilot is over $190. If the Scout is the last of the old pricing (which he may be, given how much you get for under $200), then $@#%&^*!@$%#^!$%@&.

Doesn't matter when the preorder is, it matters when the scheduled arrival date is -- that puts it closer to the manufacturing time and therefore would tell you if it falls under the new pricing. The further out, the more likely the price will be higher.

Third arrived. Without the mask switch two is enough, but I went with a third when I saw what the mod did.

When I have time for drilling and futzing I'll try a SS body swap on one.


I like the DLT-19 but my screen accuracy OCD may take over and replace it with an E-11.

Waiting on HT stormies now and my Nerd Life will be almost complete. ;)
The poses are amazing, ZE! You really bring them to life! It almost makes me regret passing on these guys!

Thanks! I almost passed on these myself. I understand and endorse the need to carefully edit and curate a collection; there are plenty of cool pieces I pass on and will do so in the future...but glad I changed my mind on these.

Besides...they match our decor. :D


I should really move that mattress I promised my girlfriend I'd get to before work. She just wouldn't understand. :p

Awesome grouping. Where the heck did you find the right face shield material? Looks great, and intended.

Thanks man. I actually just sent Chakaman a full tutorial on what I did...maybe when he gets the PM he can post the text here, since I can't seem to see it in my "Sent" items.

Short version: Matte finish adhesive craft vinyl with the paper backing left on for structure/stiffness. Painted in titanium white pigment with yellow ochre pigment powder for weathering, satin varnish.

There are a few more steps but I'll wait to see if Chakaman can post my message before typing it all out again...when I'm supposed to be moving a mattress. Instead of hanging out here. :monkey3
Well it looks great -- really amazing how seamless. The total weathering you did on your troops is also outstanding. But if you ever get a pet, those troopers are doomed.
Whoops...found it when he replied:

SSC Snowtrooper Mask Mod

The mask pattern is based on 501rst costuming photos I found online cross-referenced with ESB stills and promo photos. Had to play with the pattern a bit because the SSC helmet is slightly different; it just flares very slightly more.

The mask itself is two pieces, front and back, made of commonly available craft vinyl (matte finish); you can buy it in rolls or sheets. The vinyl is adhesive and has a paper backing. I kept away from the gloss as it's really shiny and doesn't weather as seamlessly.

I leave the paper backing on to give it some stiffness and added dimension, this way it's easily shaped and holds its form.

The vinyl is painted in titanium white with just a touch of yellow ochre here and there where it needs to look weathered/off-white.

I used powdered pigments and blended them directly on the already fitted mask with a brush soaked in satin-finish varnish.

Final finish is an overspray the satin varnish (mask only, not helmet) that'll give the mask a slight shine and smooth out the pigments so you don't see any grain or brush strokes.

It blends seamlessly with the SSC weathering and helmet finish.

As far as attaching them goes, a couple of dabs of superglue and its done; the back is easy enough but you need to play with the front cowl to keep it looking too flat or angled too far; reason being that the screen used prop had an additional ridge or bill (a snout, I guess) protruding from under the goggles to add shape. Since SSC doesn't have this, I found the best thing to do was push the front cowl forward, under and around the goggle edges, if that makes any sense...the paper-backed vinyl is stiff enough to hold that shape so you can fit it properly before gluing.
Well it looks great -- really amazing how seamless.

Cheers! :hi5: I work in design and I'm a sculptor...weathering and texture has always been my thing, although it's been years since I did model-making or tried applying it to action figures...the snowtroopers turned out well for me but I'm still applying minor tweaks to other projects.

The total weathering you did on your troops is also outstanding. But if you ever get a pet, those troopers are doomed.

You're referring to the Sandtroopers I did, right? As there's no other weathering on the snows.

As for pets...LOL...yeah...the lady and I have no time for pets but if it ever happens, those troops are going under glass. :panic: