1/6 Hot Toys - TMS003 - MARVEL: Daredevil - Daredevil Collectible Figure

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I used to be the collector that always had 5 Hot Toys on preorder (I own about 60). Now that money is tight, I only have one or two (Daredevil, which I placed 9 months ago, and Punisher, which I just placed with the $50 coupon). Even in survival mode I'm constantly trying to rationalize my next HT purchase. Do I have a problem? Or is it just my passion?

In any type of hobby, real life comes first.

I was in the same situation as you. I have about 60 figures myself but currently I have 5 figures on preorder, all coming out next year and have no intentions of getting anymore this year until I am more financially stable. It's a hobby and it should never interfere with your life or control it.

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I used to be the collector that always had 5 Hot Toys on preorder (I own about 60). Now that money is tight, I only have one or two (Daredevil, which I placed 9 months ago, and Punisher, which I just placed with the $50 coupon). Even in survival mode I'm constantly trying to rationalize my next HT purchase. Do I have a problem? Or is it just my passion?

Get some control and stop buying toys when you need money elsewhere. You can get any figure later, much later. Even if it's sold out you can get it, ppl selling figures all the time. Don't be afraid you will miss something.
Personally I think preordering anything is a stupid stupid move as it is. What benefit does that give you especially when you are financially tight?

Unless it's the kind of thing that's super limited or you're the kind of person who wants to pay and not feel the burn when you get your figure preordering gives you absolutely no adantage whatsoever, just wait until the thing gets to your local shop. You are going to spend money months before when you need it now for no reason at all.
Personally I think preordering anything is a stupid stupid move as it is. What benefit does that give you especially when you are financially tight?

Unless it's the kind of thing that's super limited or you're the kind of person who wants to pay and not feel the burn when you get your figure preordering gives you absolutely no adantage whatsoever, just wait until the thing gets to your local shop. You are going to spend money months before when you need it now for no reason at all.

I have no store local to me that sells Hot Toys. I preorder because it is easier to insure I get the figure. Some have sold out before they ship. As far as I have seen there is a need. This way I know I am getting the figures I want. As for finances I have a toy budget and don't go over it.
Personally I think preordering anything is a stupid stupid move as it is. What benefit does that give you especially when you are financially tight?

Unless it's the kind of thing that's super limited or you're the kind of person who wants to pay and not feel the burn when you get your figure preordering gives you absolutely no adantage whatsoever, just wait until the thing gets to your local shop. You are going to spend money months before when you need it now for no reason at all.
At least two reasons with a non-exclusive Hot Toys figure: 1) coupon codes; 2) some figures do sell out before release, even though it's not that common. I think this happened with the Batman V Superman Batman figure. The way you hedge against this is to pre-order with BBTS or the like, then you have peace of mind, no real cost, and can review what others' impressions are before committing.

But your point makes two assumptions: 1) people are paying NRDs (not always the case), and 2) that people have a local shop to go to, which many don't. Pre-ordering doesn't make sense for me in a lot of situations. But I know what I'm likely to get with HT, and if I get a coupon code, might as well use it, since I have a pretty good idea at this point what I will actually want on the shelf when it comes up for pre-order.
I used to be the collector that always had 5 Hot Toys on preorder (I own about 60). Now that money is tight, I only have one or two (Daredevil, which I placed 9 months ago, and Punisher, which I just placed with the $50 coupon). Even in survival mode I'm constantly trying to rationalize my next HT purchase. Do I have a problem? Or is it just my passion?

You just answered your own question. That's a problem.

As someone else said, you can get anything later. I've found stuff MISB -- 5 years after release -- for below retail. And if you don't, who cares? This is diversionary entertainment and not worth sweating over.

On a related note I read a study about the psychology of collecting. Apparently the tipping point is 2 items. :lol

If you have 1 piece you can leave it at that more easily than if you have 2, at which point set-building and collecting kicks in.

At any rate, 'survival mode' and 'disposable income' don't match up. If I were you I'd sell off a bunch of stuff, stop buying, and find cheaper ways to get your kicks (music, sports, dancing, movies) until you're in stable shape.

I screw around buying and selling HT figures all the time. I'm not fabulously wealthy, but I also have my life paid for, stable work, decent savings and no debt. Be careful, doesn't take much to create big problems for yourself. I've seen it more than once.

If my situation changed, I'd sell all of this crap instantly, without looking back.
I stopped pre-ordering long ago, it just makes no sense. Even tying up a NRD for a year+ just financially is dumb,
considering everything ends up being available on eBay for less eventually.

The days of a "super rare" piece being available on Sideshow is over. Unless they do something with a 100 piece edition size.

He doesn't look all the great, imo. :( Hopefully, it's just the crappy lighting.

He doesn't look all the great, imo. :( Hopefully, it's just the crappy lighting.

Wow, the headsculpt seems really off in this photo. I'm pretty sure it's the lighting though, but it just seems to rounded on top, like he has a fat head or something...
Photos are often just bad doing no justice to figures. Wait for a better one. I'm sure he isn't any worse than proto we've already seen.
The face still looks like after too much botox or something. We need a photo which is not from the bottom.
I saw this in person at NYCC in October and it looked MUCH better than what these pictures portray. Either these pictures are horrible, or the figure changed big time, and that's disappointing. Hopefully, it's just the lighting or angle or whatever.