1/6 Detention Block AA23

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Not yet. We've done some significant re-assigning of the rooms in our house this weekend, so we were moving furniture, pictures and then I busted out with Christmas. That's right, I'm one of those psychos with the outside lights that play to music, red and green all over, train set etc...It's my favorite time of the year and I'm starting early so I can enjoy it longer. Plus I was catching some football and some of the race. I'll gonna get back down there tomorrow. I've got to pace myself as I don't have a plan yet for the next dio, so no rush. I have a couple options, but it's not set in stone yet. Maybe I'll start a poll :D
Totally understand. I've throttled back a bit with mine too.

I'm one of those psychos with the outside lights that play to music, red and green all over, train set etc...

I think that sounds great. Someone near to where I use to live, had a two storey inflatable Santa!!! That's psycho :D

The poll sound intriguing, can't what to see what options are in it.
As I mentioned in a few other threads, I've actually been working on getting more than 2 figures:duh instead of working on my dio. It's tied up some time and $$$, so Mr. Corridor has been on the back burner. So now my handle is Darth I'mreallypoor, but in addition to Luke and Leia (and my homemade Treadwell), please welcome the following members into my 1/6 family: X-wing pilot Luke, Old Man Kenobi, 2 Death Star Troopers, 2 Jawas, R5-D4, Uncle Owen, and Hasbro Greedo, Tusken Raider, and Tarkin. Tosche Station Biggs is a day or 2 out as well. With any luck, I will also secure the Stormie Luke and Han that are so desperately needed to "complete" this particular dio. Now I'm getting somewhere:D All that said, I had to throw the troopers in the hallway and take a shot, even though there isn't really a progress update. However, with the 2 key figures possibly arriving next week, I guess I better get to moving and wrap this up now so they have a proper home.


Good thing my modeling skills are better than my photo skills!!
That looks so cool, my friend. And quite a budgetary blow-out but sometimes it just has to be done doesn't it :naughty (I just bought a dewback & speeder bike which broke the bank too). Anyway, looking forward to seeing all your new figures turning up in future projects :banana
Good work mate can't wait to see it finished. I think we are all in the same boat when it comes to $$$$ to many things to buy.
Are those Death Star Troopers Hasbro uniforms and gear? I got one and planned to put it on a decent figure, but I couldn't get those stupid Hasbro gloved hands off those stubby arms to take the shirt off.

Is there an easy way to get those hands off?

It is indeed the Hasbro uni and helmet. I replaced the boots with shorter military boots which I like, and I figure would be appropriate. No solution for the gloved hands yet, although if you use a Sideshow body, you'll be in competition with about 10 of us for the next pair of Praji gloves that pop up on ebay or Toy Anxiety:D. As you can see, 1 is still bare handed and the other has Dragon or DID gloves (can't remember), but the hands are way to small. I also cut the strap off the Hasbro helmet completely, cut a bunch off the end and just attach to the chin. I'm still working on them, but they are adequate stand-ins.

As far as the Hasbro gloves, very hot water for a good minute, then tug like nobody's business! The Hasbro bodies are pretty stout and you shouldn't ruin it. Just roll up the sleeves as much as you can. Once you have it apart and see the ball compared to the hole in the glove, it's almost funny. Good luck and post pics!
Yeah, and I'm just getting Ep IV stuff!!! If you guys keep impressing with ESB Hoth Hans and Lukes and Speeder pilots and stuff, I'll want to expand and my wallet will beat me where I sleep. The old lady might too!! And the kids might too, cause I'll just use their college fund. Hoo needz scholl anywhy:lol
Yeah, and I'm just getting Ep IV stuff!!! If you guys keep impressing with ESB Hoth Hans and Lukes and Speeder pilots and stuff, I'll want to expand and my wallet will beat me where I sleep. The old lady might too!! And the kids might too, cause I'll just use their college fund. Hoo needz scholl anywhy:lol

That's the spirit mate!
It's been a month since I touched this guy, had to beat up the spiders and get the cobwebs off. See some of us don't get to work in lofts. We're sentenced to the basement. However, I didn't let the poor working conditions stop me!! I'm a trooper. That and I found some figures that are appropriate to this dio :D

So here are some pics of my 3rd crack at making something that's completely unpractical in the house and I have no use for. Took 12 pics and not a keeper among them, but that's just my awesome photo skills. You'll have to suffer through these 4 just to get an idea what it looks like. Thanks for all the awesome comments in this thread. It really jacks you up. I wish I had skills and I could make one for everyone, but this thing is relatively large and I can see why the sane among you just work on figures. So here it is-my final updates to the Detention Block dio. It was fun.

I like this one the best. Sucks I can't get the glare off the back photo and the floor doesn't show great. And no Chewie. Fail!

And here you see a lit floor, and it blends with the back pretty good, but the figures aren't lit. Fail!

I know there's 2 troopers in this "scene", but 1 is disguised as an X-wing pilot and is riding the Yavin transport. There's also an interrogation droid in here somewhere, but you don't see it, do you? Fail!

Again..just bad photography, but I built was I was going for. Not as professional as it could be, but learned alot doing it. And yes, this photo is a fail too.:banana

Keep on building:chew
Darth IMPoor