1/6 Detention Block AA23

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I'll post some tomorrow. I haven't done much to it, I've been trying to get more figures or I'll finish it with nothing to put in it. I only had Luke and Leia for the Death Star project. Working on Han and Luke Stormies, but in the short term, I've acquired a couple Hasbro Death Star Troopers which I'm trying to convert into something respectable. If I can get a Vader and an interrogation droid, I'll end up displaying those first apparently. Plus I have some kitbashes going which I hope you guys will find interesting.
I'll post some tomorrow. I haven't done much to it, I've been trying to get more figures or I'll finish it with nothing to put in it. I only had Luke and Leia for the Death Star project. Working on Han and Luke Stormies, but in the short term, I've acquired a couple Hasbro Death Star Troopers which I'm trying to convert into something respectable. If I can get a Vader and an interrogation droid, I'll end up displaying those first apparently. Plus I have some kitbashes going which I hope you guys will find interesting.

Sounds cool man! Cant wait to see the bashes!
Thanks Ryan. I'm kind of on a Tatooine kick for some reason. I don't know that my choices are particularly interesting, but they are figures I want that Sideshow is almost guaranteed not to make, so I'm on my own. Acquiring parts that look appropriate is pretty fun though.
Can't wait for the photos Darth.

If I can get a Vader and an interrogation droid, I'll end up displaying those first apparently. Plus I have some kitbashes going which I hope you guys will find interesting.

I think it will be stunning with Vader and the interrogation droid.
The only thing different in the following updates pics is the 1/2 door that's at the very front of my dio (where Luke/Han are using it for cover) is rough built. That really completes the shell of it though. Outstanding work is: 1) trimming up..aka hiding my mistakes..the prison cell doors, paint, then making the control panels. 2) back photo 3) pipes along the ceiling and 4) cover for the trash compactor chute, probably 1 intact and 1 with the blast hole.

Photographing this is proving difficult (for me). I have the room lights out in all 4 photos, 2 with flash on and 2 with no flash. They all look like crap. With the room lights on, the lit up floor doesn't show, but I can't get a money shot for nothing. Maybe by the time I get figures, I'll bust out with the manual and see how this darn thing works.

I'm thinking I may need a bright light in the back to get what I'm looking for. That would be the last step.





And not to beat a dead horse, but as poor as these pics are, they illustrate to me that fact that the floor can look black with poor/limited lighting, as there was in that extremely long corridor. I feel justified in my opinion that the floor is red, consistent with the control room just outside the corridor that's clearly shown in the movie, and the cell floors (also clearly shown) just off the corridor. I hope it's not a deal breaker for anybody to enjoy it.
Hi guys
Slow going tonight as I'm back to cutting out shapes. Here's the intact Trash compactor cover (mostly cut out). Then I'm just going to trace it and make a blasted out one...why? Couldn't tell ya. Just seems like I should :D.


Anyway, as mentioned the build is pretty much done. Now I'm filling in, painting, gluing, crap like that. So for no good reason, I just took some shots of it in pieces all over the man cave. Enjoy!




I got the back photo done today, so I thought I'd see how it looked. I had to throw everything back together...then take a pic of course!! Here's the result:


Not too shabby. I think I'm a little crooked (I'll be able to fix that), but I'm happy with the results. Thanks again Dude for the editing out of Chewie. Now I gots to take it all apart again and finish up what I was doing.
:drool It's such a thrill to see this coming together. I was going to have a night off from my project but I'm now total fired up again. Just awesome work Darth. :rock
Thanks Daz! I couldn't wait to see how it looked. The place I went wouldn't do the whole shot. The guy knew what it was from instantly and said there were copyright issues. But being a fan also, he worked with me a little (it was dead in there) and broke it up into sheets. I was skeptical, but I had to do at least that tonight to see. The size was perfect. You can see the seams in a flash picture, but for $3, which is what it cost me, I'm content with it.

I know what you mean about feeding off each other. There are some great projects going and I get jacked up each update. It's infectious!!
Don't suppose you've got anything to share tonight eh?:D
Three more shots of my new background. Shoulda been in bed 2 hrs. ago....work blows:D. Wish I could attribute it to mad skills, but it was just dumb luck. The floor almost matches up dead-nuts to the photo. Took the "roof" off for better lighting. I'm glad I put the extra effort into the floor to get the pattern correct. The optical illusion on this is amazing.




Jeffie is a happy boy considering I did essentially no new work on it tonight!! I figured this particular step would go a long way to making or breaking the project. So glad I ditched V1!!
I couldn't wait to see how it looked.
I know what you mean. I have collected some 'stuff' to dress up the docking bay and i'm constantly switching it in and out each time I complete some part of it, just to see how it's coming together. Posting an update now :D

But being a fan also, he worked with me a little (it was dead in there) and broke it up into sheets. I was skeptical, but I had to do at least that tonight to see. The size was perfect. You can see the seams in a flash picture, but for $3, which is what it cost me, I'm content with it.

Ah, the power of Star Wars Fans......we always find a work around :lol To be honest Darth, the seams are barely noticeable in your first post under normal lighting and $3 makes it a bargain.

Your floor is a brilliant match and converges the the image perfectly.......You are the Master.
Ok, so you need to have a fairly strong white light aimed at everything above the floor. In the movie the floor glow does not show up on the rest of the hallway, may have been added later...

Still think the floor should be black/grey... :lol