1/4 ENTERBAY HD 1008 Bruce Lee - Way of The Dragon Full Specs & Pics

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So.. if that sorta thing bugs you... put some saran wrap or something to protect it.

Reminds me of some of my Indian mates, whose parents wrap their sofas and car seats in plastic to 'preserve' them. Yep, they'll still smell new when you're about to die. Woo hoo. :lol
i'm gonna try the back alley staff pose.''no open palm you say'':gah: i may have a cunning plan:lol..IF IT WORKS.:dunno
i like the back alley staff pose too post some pics later :hi5:

shadowfla;/05032012.jpg[/IMG said:

ops I forgot the shoes on my bruce.. ahahahaha
nice set figs :clap shadow u need the 1/4 BL fig right in the centre:lol

Not me. $60+ is for a hand is too crazy for me :lol Maybe if it's around $20 (still a bit high), I might consider it.
never know maybe EB will rlease1/4 bodies with the hands. even HT,S releasing the 1/6 T800 body :D

I asked one more time at EB Store. The old uncle that fixes everything told me to not do it. He said the new heads wouldn't fit, and that the head on the HD-1003 is actually glued on.

However... even if glued on, its still removeable. The 1/4 heads, they have that plug inside the head for the ball joint which can also be removed. I think it will fit the HD-1003 if you take it out. But... it seems like a lot of work.. and i don't think i'm gonna try it for the time being.

Welcome to the club Chris !!
oh... on an extra note... the base is a piece of crap. It scratches really easily. So.. if that sorta thing bugs you... put some saran wrap or something to protect it.
thanks for the info Stan :hi5: i think i,ll do the same leave my HD statues alone .just wait for 1/4 bodies . or even try source out a ARt asylum fig like Chris.
sud make a thread about OCD will be fun ,or is there a thread already for this ? lol:
thats it for now !!leave the pics posts for Chris n Larry when u guys get ur figs, :D
I dunno about making a killing... I can see a hand like this costing around $60+ painted. Maybe you're right though, anyone who can throw over 400 bucks at this is likely going to lay down the cash to make the set 'complete'.

Not me. $60+ is for a hand is too crazy for me :lol Maybe if it's around $20 (still a bit high), I might consider it.

Maybe I'm underestimating the difficulty of making a hand :D

Customizers I see on this board do full sculpted painted heads of a very nice quality for around $75-100.

I don't think a hand will be $60+ ....

We could also use a hand from an earlier figure as a basis to dramatically cut down the work.

Biggest issue I see is the customizer needs access to one of these 1/4 figures! Anyone out there already buying this that wants to have a go ? :wave
Hi, I was hoping to get some advice/opinions!

I really want this figure, but Enterbay's past problems like cracking rubber bodies ("Game of Death" Bruce Lee), paint smudging when you touch it (1/4 Joker) and other quality control issues like loose or falling off limbs have me concerned.

But I noticed no one is saying anything is wrong with this figure, so is there is a good chance if I buy it, it won't have any major problems? Does it seem like this figure is generally problem free so far?

I never spent this much on a figure before, and I'm really concerned about quality control given Enterbay's past problems. If anyone can give me any info, I'd really appreciate it!


That's a great shot right there~

Bill answered someone at weibo that they currently have no plans to sell
the body parts separately.

Pure speculation on my part, I won't be surprised if they do release them down the road...but not before they pull a stunt like releasing heads that look the other way exclusively in China/HK....but then again, seeing how tied up they are with other releases, it may not happen after all.

Some pics out there...

Pics from MAX,

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I'm thinking we'll probably see another couple (at least one more) 1/4 Bruce Lee release before they start selling the bodies as stand alone products.
I know... from experience.

:lol some of the quirks a lot of Indians I know have about material things and money crack me up. My half brother's old man (Indian) was buying him a jacket for his birthday. My brother really wanted a suede one, 'cause he already had a couple of leather ones. Even though they were both exactly the same price, the leather one was on sale, 30% off. So his old man said he could have the leather one but refused to buy him the suede one - because it wasn't as good a saving as the leather one. I had a good laugh, my brother wasn't as amused.

Maybe I'm underestimating the difficulty of making a hand :D

Customizers I see on this board do full sculpted painted heads of a very nice quality for around $75-100.

I don't think a hand will be $60+ ....

We could also use a hand from an earlier figure as a basis to dramatically cut down the work.

Biggest issue I see is the customizer needs access to one of these 1/4 figures! Anyone out there already buying this that wants to have a go ? :wave

Yeh but heads are that price unpainted, with the paint coming in anywhere from $80-150. I'd be interested to see someone more savvy offer a better ballpark figure than $60, but I was speculating based on the relative simplicity of the job plus a bit more material used - say a blank hand for around $20-40. Add to that a paint app, again pretty simple but still a $20-40 job. Add a few bucks for shipping and that hand won't be coming as cheap as it should.

As cheap as it should of course being zero dollars, because an open palm is AN ESSENTIAL BRUCE LEE PART BILL! :slap
I'm thinking we'll probably see another couple (at least one more) 1/4 Bruce Lee release before they start selling the bodies as stand alone products.

You may very well be right....GOD ver. 4 anyone?

Arnie's old custom
That AK 'Game Of Death' figure is pretty nice.
thats it for now !!leave the pics posts for Chris n Larry when u guys get ur figs, :D
Thanks for posting more pics Desisandy :hi5:

I'll see what I can do as far as pics are concerned. Not sure when I'll have my figure though.
Hi, I was hoping to get some advice/opinions!

I really want this figure, but Enterbay's past problems like cracking rubber bodies ("Game of Death" Bruce Lee), paint smudging when you touch it (1/4 Joker) and other quality control issues like loose or falling off limbs have me concerned.

But I noticed no one is saying anything is wrong with this figure, so is there is a good chance if I buy it, it won't have any major problems? Does it seem like this figure is generally problem free so far?

I never spent this much on a figure before, and I'm really concerned about quality control given Enterbay's past problems. If anyone can give me any info, I'd really appreciate it!

Maybe give it some time. More complaints might pop up when peeps start receiving their figs. I think earlier in the thread, someone pointed out some seam cracking or something.
Skin texture & paint app, looks really nice in this pic :D
Hi, I was hoping to get some advice/opinions!

give me any info, I'd really appreciate it!

welcome to freaks:hi5: so far not much problem, just few owners has posted, so yer early days still, but my fig like others feels sturdy and joints are posing well,but with EB joint best be cautious especially ankles ,on arrival best lift the socks down have good check the direction of the joints before attempting to move them, mines came facing all over the place. so guys check under the socks before bending foot ok. that was the only thing i had to double check :wink1:

with my infamous photo skills,dont expect top notch professional ones,blurry,grainy thats me :)
still better than nothing to look at :rotfl

That's a great shot right there~

Some pics out there...

Pics from MAX,

thanks aeumuse current pose is that pic great info , i might have to go with getting a Art 1/4 fig , the face pics looks fantastic by the way.good post

I'm thinking we'll probably see another couple (at least one more) 1/4 Bruce Lee release before they start selling the bodies as stand alone products.
looks that way , hope u,ll get ur fig soon .:hi5:
That AK 'Game Of Death' figure is pretty nice.

Thanks for posting more pics Desisandy :hi5:

I'll see what I can do as far as pics are concerned. Not sure when I'll have my figure though.
think today EB ships out international p/o,s ,12,12,12 they seem to pick certain dates thats interesting , T2 B/D 21 /12 /12 :lol
well got my confirmation email from EB.bruce should arrive late next week..(depending on customs of course)
Haven't seen much mention of the wrist joints yet.
As a dedicated joint hater :) I kind of like the way they've shaped the forearm here. They way it wraps around the ball joint on the sides goes a long way to minimizing the joint and from some angles almost makes it disappear.

Just decided I had to post that....carry on :D