Star Wars: The Acolyte

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That stuff was bad enough in the prequels. The last bit of Star Wars I truly enjoyed was Rogue One.

It doesn't interest me either thematically or chronologically.

Star Wars only becomes engaging from the age of Empire, and into the Remnant era (particularly the 1990s expanded universe).
I don't have a BluRay player, so that's paywall TV and format elitism, nice one Disney!

I'm sorry, but if you don't want streaming or have a BR player in this day and age that's on you. What format would you be happy with? VHS?
Every single time a new Disney trailer drops, my only reaction is this scene from "Billy Madison."

The difficulty with stories of the Jedi is that they’re often so similar. No amount of “I’m a Jedi” can substitute for the character development of which we’ve already seen dozens of times by now.

Even the ol' “bad egg” Jedi tale struggles to raise an eyebrow nowadays. Making the formula fresh again might be a tough nut to crack.
Yeah have to agree this looks underwhelming, and the mix of lightsabers and martial arts seems a bit awkward at the moment. And I'm all for a more diverse collection of Jedi, but so far that's the only noteworthy thing about this trailer.
Good. We've seen plenty of them over the years. I'd rather see a diverse galaxy than one that looks like my hometown.

It's hard for people to accept that they have represented 90% of the huge roles over the past several decades .....they only notice it when it's not happening anymore.

Funny how people complaining now never seemed bothered by the continued white savior trope for some reason repeated over and over in the past 50 years....
I give you guys credit for even watching the trailer... :rotfl I'll be ignoring this just like I did Kenobi. :yess:

I'll only be here lurking as a spectator to watch the fallout.... And see how all you "ists" and "phobes" handle being attacked about your criticisms of this undoubtedly garbage show.

And for those that like it, make sure you go buy all those High Republic novels and comics that just flew off the shelves.. :monkey3


So compelling....
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It doesn't interest me either thematically or chronologically.

Star Wars only becomes engaging from the age of Empire, and into the Remnant era (particularly the 1990s expanded universe).
Some of that Expanded Universe did sound interesting.
I'm sorry, but if you don't want streaming or have a BR player in this day and age that's on you. What format would you be happy with? VHS?

DVD is very much alive and well and a lot of releases that didn't come out only on streaming do come out on it. It shows signs of not going anywhere any time soon. Just because you favour one over the other doesn't mean that others will share that view.
I don't think anyone would argue that packaged media sales are any where near what they used to be, but they still have a big fan base worldwide. Best Buy is on the verge of disappearing, so articles using them as dropping media as a reference to a failing market is laughable. There are just as many articles telling you why you should return to buying hard copies as those saying it's dying.

Even if it becomes a smaller more niche market, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Way too many fans that care about getting the best possible picture and sound on the gear they paid for. Streaming does not give that.
And, anybody who buys digital copies is just throwing their money away. You don't actually own it. Your just paying for the right to perpetually watch it WHILE it is available. A lifetime rental so to speak. But lifetime as in how long the product is available on that service. And even then the product you paid for could change when they decide to censor movies from the past as to not hurt/anger/trigger/offend certain viewers.